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Close encounters of the feathered kind.
new member
Was out the other night calling for coyotes. Had one coyote approach 4 feet behind me
before I knew he was there, gone before I could turn and shoot. At the next location
had a owl hit me in the back of the head while blowing on a call. This is the second time
I have been hit by a owl at night. First one cut me above the left eye, second didn't
draw blood. Anyway told me partner he was not doing a good job watching my back
side. Anyone else been hit by owls or other things?

[ 01-08-2003, 09:10: Message edited by: Skinner2 ]
Posts: 5 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: 08 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Never been actually hit, but twice I've had owls come in while calling-once a barred owl and another time had a snowy owl swoop in and land 15 yards out on a tree branch 20 feet up. Other bonuses of calling have been the several times I've had red tails come looking for an easy meal.
Posts: 1 | Location: NewEngland | Registered: 02 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Yeah! Many years ago when I was home from college, I took my room-mate varmint hunting. I was sitting on top of a corner-post of some abandoned cattle pins to do the calling. After a couple of minutes of calling, something hit me in the head and knocked me to the ground. We could hear something in the air above us; hit it with the red Q-beam. There was a barn-owl hovering with my red leather cap in his talons [Eek!]

Thanks to the leather cap, I didn't get my scalp parted. [Big Grin]
Posts: 398 | Location: Texas | Registered: 27 September 2000Reply With Quote
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When I was about 10-12 yrs old I use to babysit a neighbors kids when they would go out for the evening they lived about a 1/2 mile away and I always took a short cut trail through the woods on my return home after dark I was routinely buzzed by a large barred owl who lived in those woods he never made contact but would sometimes get so close you could feel the air he moved with his wings as he passed over me.w/regards
Posts: 610 | Location: MT | Registered: 01 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of BBTURTLE
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This is going back a few years but it still makes me laugh.
My buddy was out turkey hunting in Pa and was calling to a big group he thought was out in front.
He had his back to a big Oak and using a box call and mouth call. It sounded great [Smile] ! This next think I heard was a crash and some noises that sounded like "uhg Biff! Wap! puch Wap! AHHHHH!!!" [Eek!] .
As I turned to look I saw him Taking a few shots to the Jaw and back of the head by a Bobcat [Big Grin] . Well when the Bobbycat saw what he was working over he jumped about five feet in the air straight up and then off he went. [Big Grin]
The "hunter" [Confused] was not badly hurt and got a free drink later that day.
Turtle [Cool]
Posts: 1115 | Location: SE PA | Registered: 29 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Buddy of mine was in a tree stand before light last deer season. He was wearing what is known as a Mad Bomber hat covered with fur. He said all of a sudden he thought somebody had hit him with a 2x4. He was wearing a safety strap so stayed in the tree. Shortly thereafter when it was light enough he could see a Great Horned Owl in the next tree with his hat! Lucky it didn't have his hair and scalp also. Funny now. Russ
Posts: 185 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 23 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Pa.Frank
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When coming out of the woods at night during Archery season, I was harrassed by a pair of small owls for about 40 yards. I waved my bow over my head as I walked to keep them off me. [Mad]

Another time I was sitting in my treestand, all camoed up, nad some kind of hawk (not a redtail) landed in a tree about 30 yards from me, and level with me. He started looking at my eyes like they were a meal! [Eek!] Whe it started to look like he was getting ready to launch, I stood up and waved my arms and he jumped back on the branch he was on and then took off. A little scary, but cool. [Cool]
Posts: 1989 | Location: The Three Lower Counties (Delaware USA) | Registered: 13 September 2001Reply With Quote
had a coyote knock my rifle out of my hand about 2years ago.needless to say had to leave a change pants.
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