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Moderators: Canuck
Favorite 223 load in Remington 700VS
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I recently picked up a Remington 700VS in 223 caliber. I've just started experimenting with reloads and was wondering what others have found as good accuracy loads with 52/53 gr HP bullets.

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 286 | Location: Capitol City TX | Registered: 06 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MDH1053:
I recently picked up a Remington 700VS in 223 caliber. I've just started experimenting with reloads and was wondering what others have found as good accuracy loads with 52/53 gr HP bullets.

Thanks in advance.

It's almost hard to find one that doesn't shoot decent in my vssf.....the best and easy to throw seem to use H335 at 26.0plus and 52gr Berger BR bullets....the Hornady 55VMax is close as is the Serria 52.....they like the jump to be .015 or a little less according to the bullet......VV133 and W748 do well but not quite up to the H335....this is with commerical cases BR prepped and Rem 7 1/2 or Fed BR primers.....with the Berger bullet and H335 it shoots high .2 low .3 five shot groups at 100yds w/bags-prone and 20x Leupold....low/no wind days....good luck and good shooting!!
Posts: 687 | Location: Jackson/Tenn/Madison | Registered: 07 March 2001Reply With Quote
I have found 27.5 gr of W-748-----CCI BR primers-----Win. brass weighed out----seated to barely fit in magazine at 2.30" pushing 50 plain or 55 molys gr V-max it actually likes the 55 gr better. I have tried probably 30 diff. bullets----nothing will shoot like the V-max------I started out with Lake City brass--what a joke---weighing cases they ran up to 11 gr diff. in weight-----all my Win. were only 1.5 gr diff.-----funny my accurized quarter bore won't keep V-max's on the paper-----but shoots Sierra 75's in bug holes-----
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I shoot 27.6gr WW 748, a 50gr V Max(molied), stuffed into a Fed Gold case (weight segregated in lots of 50 ,primer pockets reamed, flash holes cleaned out)lit up with a Fed 205 primer. This load chrono's at 3,330 fps out of my rifle and shoots groups (5 shot) in the .2's and .3's. This rifle is a varmint synthetic 26 inch barrel,6X20 Leupold, Neco fire lapped, bedded, trigger worked 1 3/4lbs,and cryo treated at 300 Below (I'm not nessescarily a cryo fan I just won the treatment and this rifle got picked). I have heard H335 shoots very well also but I have 2 8lbs keg's of 748 and it shoots so well I quit after developing this load, it's the first one I worked up for this rifle ( as easy as this load came around I have a hunch this rifle will shoot about anything,these rifle's SHOOT!!!)---Shoot Safe---montdoug

[ 04-07-2003, 21:42: Message edited by: montdoug ]
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
I haven't tried alot of loads in mine. I started with Sierra 52 HPBT and IMR 4064. Played with oal alittle and have had several 1 hole 5 shot groups. Have had some really nice 10 shot groups 1/2 to 3/4" @100, I stopped there, and just had fun shooting it with those loads.
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by MDH1053:
[QB]I recently picked up a Remington 700VS in 223 caliber. I've just started experimenting with reloads and was wondering what others have found as good accuracy loads with 52/53 gr HP bullets.

I use 28.0 gr. of BLC-2 with either Sierra in my custom AR (1/14 twist, 26"). Group size is .35 or better for 5 shots. Velocity averages 3550 fps.

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