I have used a 22lr to dispatch coyotes up close. I would either shoot the brain or if that is risky go for a heart / lung. I used stingers. I now have a .22 mag and use it for calling when the cover is close and it works fine. They won't drop in their tracks if shot in the chest, ( they may do a few circles)but then again it's easy on the fur! I also took a bobcat with the .22 mag this year. Not knowing all the specifics of your situation I'm just trying to answer specifically what you ask. If calling at night I'd be comfortable with a couple of choices depending on what conditions. I like #3 buckshot in a 12ga., .223 with 52gr Speer HP flat base. Two of my most used.
Mr Dobrenski said it. Go to wally wolrd and buy a 20 dollar spot light. Put a troglu bead or maybe even some snap on to the vent rib turkey sights. I have used a remington 870 so set up at night and have not had one leave the beam of light when hit with win or fed 00 buck. Try this set up with some type of glowing sights, you wont be disapointed
I wound not use a 22lr on coyotes at any distance. Use a shotgun for those in close buggers, it will work very well,esp. if the dog flares at the last second.
I shot a coyote with 12 ga. #4 at 25 yards, and he went down.
I shot at a coyote with 12 ga 00 buck at 60 yards, and that skinny coyote walked right through the pattern unharmed.
The way to shoot a shotgun quietly in urban areas, is to use a Hastings Metro Gun system and hand load sub sonic loads. The 36" screw in choke tube is full of 1/8" holes, but requires no suprressor tax stamp [great rulling from the the ATF]
Well I just got back from the shot show and I have found out what I am going to use. I will be trying out the new 17HM2. It has 166# of of energy and travels around 2k fps. I am only waiting on the barrel and ammo now. They should be making them this summer. This will be a great addition to my 10/22/17MH2. I like the shotgun idea but I prefer to have both hands on my gun rather than holding a flashlight. I also don't want to put out more light. The yotes around here know whats up with them.
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