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Is your village missing an idiot?

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06 April 2011, 08:54
Is your village missing an idiot?
Had an idiot come over and post this at 24hour campfire.
This was his first post, wish you had kept him here!
Could you PLEASE take him back.

"Well the powers that be just banned me from ARF . They can call me hillbilly, racist,white trash but don't say nigg...What the fuc. If anybody called me a hillbilly to my face there in for an asswhippin'. I have live with nigge,, and survived and know how they opperate. Have spent many hours drivin' the "Gamblin' Dog" around Ammerllio Texas to collect his whore money. AND SOME ARAB OR KRAUT GETS PISSED BECAUSED I SAY NIGGRX. WTF"

"The problem with the gene pool is there is no lifeguard"
06 April 2011, 11:23
As your sig line suggests........

Partsman, you'll have to take that up with either Walter or Don.

I bet you anything, that it would be a fellow that calls himself catosilvaje. I'll go over to the campfire and see if I can find his posts to confirm.

06 April 2011, 17:35
Nationally, the US seems to elect the village idiots to congress.


"Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." --Thomas Jefferson

06 April 2011, 17:55
We are not missing that idiot.

Nudity --- the best form of birth control after 50!
06 April 2011, 19:38
Originally posted by Walterhog:
We are not missing that idiot.

guess you got your answer.

06 April 2011, 20:18
The campfire will ban him.
They draw a tighter line.

"Policies making areas "gun free" provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking..." Glenn Harlan Reynolds
06 April 2011, 21:52
Well I could not believe someone would say what they said on their first post, and to use the lanquage he used too.
Not someone you want around.

"The problem with the gene pool is there is no lifeguard"
06 April 2011, 23:44
Originally posted by Geedubya:
As your sig line suggests........

Partsman, you'll have to take that up with either Walter or Don.

I bet you anything, that it would be a fellow that calls himself catosilvaje. I'll go over to the campfire and see if I can find his posts to confirm.


I think you're right Geedubya, the language, and sentence structure (or lack of) indicates that it's the same guy.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
07 April 2011, 01:41
Savage Cato ---> 24hrcmpfr

And he's stinking up the sandbox -- doesn't play well with others. Well done, Walter!!


07 April 2011, 05:54
Good show, Walter. That sort of idiocy is never welcomed and seldom missed when its gone. Good luck Partsman, looks like the idiot's all yours.