I love my speer hotcores and wanted to find the best load for the above bullets. I have H4350, but also heard RL19 is great. I am running them through a Browning A-bolt. Any help?
Be careful with that RL19. RL19 is very prone to temperature spikes. What will work great in 40 to 65 degree weather will not when the temperature jumps up into the high 70s and on up. I have had a keg of RL19 that the burning rate was realy off and way too fast! I contacted the folks in charge and told them what was happening and they replaced it. I just don't trust RL19 anymore. It cost me a bunch of brass, time, money and a good barrel. Stick with the H4350.
I have been having excellent luck with H380.I just got back from the range,shot 5 5shot groups using H380,Sierra 168BTHPM,155Sierra BTHPM PALMA's and IMR4350 with the 155's,Federal Gold Medal Match Lg. rifle mag primers throughout and Winchester nickel cases.I was playing with bullet seating depth.4 shots in one ragged hole on 75% of my loads was the norm.I cleaned my rifle after every shot fired.The IMR4350 was one of the best groups fired.My rifle is a factory Win.Mod.70 Coyote.
Thanks for the info guys. I just tried some 180 Speer sptz, h4350, 60-64gr, with fed primers out of my A-bolt. I didnt have very good luck(62 worked the best), but the brass was new and thus, not fitted to my chamber. Anyone have any good 180 or 200 gr loads for r22 or h4350?