I just acquired a Ruger #3 in 223, it's my first 223 ever. I shoot a Swift mostly, but wanted something a bit tamer for out to about 250 yards. Would appreciate any load data on 45, 50 and 55 gr. bullets, cases, primers and powder for something accurate with some speed. THANKS!
Posts: 690 | Location: Arizona | Registered: 21 May 2009
H335 has worked well for me. 28g H335,40g v-max, cci br primer, Lapua brass 26.4g H335, 55g sierra, cci br primer " averages .6 out of a slightly tuned Rem 700 w/ 20 in barrel. If your #3 is like my (5) #1s, seating depth is VERY important to accuracy.
27 grains of H335, 40 Grain V-Max 26.5 grains of H335, 52 grain Berger Winchester or Lapua brass with either load. Winchester primers.
I take 1/2 grain off each for my "El-cheapo" WC844 surplus loads. I stubbornly refuse to weigh gopher loads, and this powder seems to like that treatment.
seafire2; I guess thats what you get for giving someone what they ask for -a big juicey KMA. PS: Do you know how much Blue Dot it takes to fill a 1.76" 223Rem case? My reloading program will also give case vol. in cubic inches. Has anyone ever worked out how many grs.of Blue Dot there are in 1,1/2, or 1/4 cubic inches? I don't have any now and have friend that says he will get me 1/4 lb in a couple weeks to try in a 22Hor-6TCU-303 Brit-9.3x62. At that time I will work out how much Blue Dot there is in cubic inch.
Posts: 538 | Location: North of LA, Peoples Rep. of Calif | Registered: 27 November 2004
For my Remington SPS varmint 223rem with a 1 an 12" twist 26" barrel I use PMC brass, CCI 400 small rifle primer 25.5grs. of Benchmark powder behind a Hornady 50gr. V-max.
Posts: 191 | Location: Kennewick,Wa. | Registered: 20 November 2010
I used to use 28.0 gr of H335 with 40 gr V-Max or Ballistic Tip bullets (or 27 gr of H335 with 50 gr bullets), but after using that load on hot days in AZ, I've switched to 24.5 gr of H322 with a 40 gr bullet. Perhaps not as fast, but very accurate. (The H335 loads were very accurate, too - just too temp sensitive.)
Posts: 284 | Location: Orange, CA | Registered: 05 January 2005
28.5 grs 748 in WW cases and rem small rifle primer. Either 50 gr VMax or 50gr Rem SP. Best group to date .080, average is about .35 to .4. This is out of a 22" bull barreled Smith & Wesson (howa 1500). Great load for coyotes with little to no hide damage.
65g Sierra Game King is my all round go-to bullet. You can shoot coyote, pig, deer (where legal).
25g H335 gave me a .200" 4 shot group the other day. Remington Brass 25 g TAC gave me a .825" 5 shot group Remington brass 23.5 TAC gave me a .4" group out of Lake City brass and shot an inch higher than both the 25 g loads above. Must be a lot higher pressure because of the increased brass in the 5.56. COAL:2.255" Rock River Predator Pursuit
Interesting, everything from 23.5 up to 25.5 in the TAC was very accurate. Hard to pick a load when they all look good. H335 seems to be everyone's go-to powder for the 223 TAC running a very close second in all the research I have done.
27.5 grains of Varget with a 50 grain Z-Max or V-Max. I use military brass and Federal primers. This load shots great out of my AR, Savage M12, and lightweight 700.
Posts: 812 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: 26 July 2004
Originally posted by Dogleg: 27 grains of H335, 40 Grain V-Max 26.5 grains of H335, 52 grain Berger Winchester or Lapua brass with either load. Winchester primers.
I take 1/2 grain off each for my "El-cheapo" WC844 surplus loads. I stubbornly refuse to weigh gopher loads, and this powder seems to like that treatment.
i can't get passed 19.2 with BLC-2 with LC brass.im going to knock it down to 12.0 than work up. That's more than 20%