I got a 243 in trade. The previous owner has a pet load in 75gr. with H380 that grouped pretty well....Any suggestions for other loads in larger and in smaller bullets? I am a new reloader and at the moment I don't have 100 different powders on my shelves. I'd hate to have to spend too much $$ just trying out ones that didn't work.
I shoot the 65gr V-MAX and the 70gr BT both with the same load. 47.5 H414. I can mix them, and group is under and inch. What they will do in your rifle, I don't know.
Posts: 398 | Location: Texas | Registered: 27 September 2000
For game, try the 100 grain Sierra Pro Hunter (or any similar 100 grain bullet) with H4831. Start with about 45 grains. You may be able to use a bit more than this, but that will depend on your individual chamber/barrel.
Posts: 13334 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001
I have a 22 in barrel mod 70 win. I have had good luck on anelope and deer both broadshide within 200 yrds with sierra 85 grain hpbt. 37 grains of IMR 4895 federal large rifle primer. Accuarcy is 5/8 at 100 yds and speed is around 3000. Good luck
I'll second the vote for 65gr VMAX with 47.5gr H414. It's the most accurate load I've found and goes across the screens at 3530 fps.
I'm also seeing some good things out of 100gr Hornady SPBT & H4831. I'm still working my way up the powder charge ladder so I haven't gotten the velocities I'm after yet but should be able to get close to 2950-3000fps out of it. So far groups are real good.
A near max listed dose of IMR 4064, Nosler 85gr bullet (seated close to the lands), CCI200 primer shoots very well in my Rem 700. I have had good results on whitetail with the Noslers.
Shoot safe! cjw3
Posts: 189 | Location: Was Kansas, USA - Now South Australia | Registered: 03 March 2002