I'm sure many of ya'll have seen pics of my son on his Paint Pony, Ladybug. Well, Wyatt has been moving up to horses and we didn't want to let Ladybug stagnate while waiting for Colt, my 1 year old, to get big enough to ride her, so we bred her. The world truly needs more ponies like this one in it. Unfortunately, this morning I found Ladybug with a stillborn bay filly. We had some REALLY bad thunderstorms last night, but she had it in her snug little paddock stall, warm and dry. Sack was cut, umbilical chord nipped off, baby licked clean. The baby did have its head twisted underneath itself, so I'm guessing that it didn't struggle at all, or it would have been prone.
I definitely want my son to grow up and learn about life as it really is, but I am certainly not looking forward to telling him the news after school today.