FREE Horses
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The 1 horsepower 4 legged kind.

A buddy of mine sent me an email about a number of horses that are available for free. The owner has passed away.

52 thoroughbred horses need homes. Most broodmares are broke and some are in foal weaning, yearlings, 2 yrs. and 3 yrs. old most are gelded. FREE and papered. Friend of the deceased is trying to find homes.

As I understand it the horses are in Ohio.

These are not my horses and I don't know anything about them other than the above information. But you can't beat the entry price . . .

If you are interested please PM me and I will get you the contact information.
Posts: 1440 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Mod - Please delete this thread.

I just found out that even though the email came from the Houston LiveStock Show and Rodeo that this is horse offer is a complete HOAX deal.

Posts: 1440 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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That what I thought.
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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Free horses are like free teenagers. They'll eat out your substance in no time flat.


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Yes - I received it form a very reliable guy that is part of a big Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Committee too.

When a different buddy of mine then told me it was a hoax I got to looking and sure enough it had been around since 2011. Apparently the time he was hoaxed on the same deal was that the horses were in Scotland.

Yes - suffice it to say my original bud that sent it to me was pizzed. But I had already put it here and had to circle back and apologize too.

But yeah I have a few of the 4 legged continuous eating oat munchers. My girls love them. Me I like cars.
Posts: 1440 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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my original thought:

no such thing as a free horse

i love my horses but those suckers can eat, they can find unusual ways to rack up a vet bill, and they can be a real headache to deal with especially when the weather sucks
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"Free" horse turned out to be the most expensive nag I ever paid for by the time all the is were dotted and the ts crossed. Smiler


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Yes I am in the same boat with my wife and daughter and horses. But they could have worse attachments - and they put up with me.
Posts: 1440 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fjold
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I've owned 7 horses over the years and never paid a cent when I got them. All the costs came later.


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This is no Hoax

Free Cat[URL= ][img]

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A friend in TX has a small, 640 AC., ranch.
Wife had a friend who died and she brought home 3 free burros. A few years later same deal, 2 llamas.
He hated them at first but the burros keep the coyotes away from the calves and the llamas stomped to death a coyote that got in the goat barn.
Sometimes free works out OK.

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Originally posted by Mark Clark:
A friend in TX has a small, 640 AC., ranch.
Wife had a friend who died and she brought home 3 free burros. A few years later same deal, 2 llamas.
He hated them at first but the burros keep the coyotes away from the calves and the llamas stomped to death a coyote that got in the goat barn.
Sometimes free works out OK.


The donkeys I can see, they are hard on coyotes, but where do you get these savage llamas? I keep hearing about them, but several friends have bought them to put out with sheep and supposedly act as watch dogs and they are absolutely useless.

Maybe its the wrong bloodlines. Wink


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Instead of getting a horse, a friend told me to dig a hole in the backyard. Every time I walk past the hole, just throw a $100 bill in the hole....same as owning a horse he says...

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You have to get the Llama's that came to the country legally. They want to assimilate and do the job. The rest are just waiting by the other types of sheep for feed time or working for the Coyotes...

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I need some llamas and burros around. Smiler
Posts: 1440 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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You can get free mustangs from the Government, Locally my neighbor bought 4 Mustangs at a Govt. sale in Filer, Id. at the fairgounds for $25.00 apiece...They have several programs to dispose of the thosands of penned mustangs they feed every day with our tax money..You can think the Liberal Democrats for that. That feed bill is right up there with the billions we gave to Iran...Thus the National debt..

My neighbor pleads with me all the time to break her 3 mustangs that are now 5 years old, That ain't gonna happen..!! shocker Big Grin

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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I haven't seen free horses lately. Hopefully can find some by spring, I need the bait.
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Don't know what you are all complaining about. I grew up on a 350 acre farm in rural Pa and we had 33 horses. I had a childhood like no kid today could even EVER imagine. Yes, it was work taking care of them but it was worth every bead of sweat. I am 55 now and every once in awhile I will bump into a person in their 70's or 80's that remember us bunch of kids riding thru a local town (25,000) or seen us on a trail and perhaps remember driving past our place and seeing all of the horses out in the pastures. Have not ridden since I was about 35, even though all of the horses from the farm were sold off when I was 16. I often think about purchasing a horse or two and I most likely will when I retire in 4 years. Are they still cheap to keep?
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Matt, kinda like owning a boat, or buying a lottery ticket. GW

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Picture of Pa.Frank
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Free horse = bush meat

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Originally posted by Woodrow S:
Are they still cheap to keep?

properly, NO

i love my horses but cheap they are not. my wife works for the local vet so we even get a discount, but the feed, bills, supplements if needed, farrier, emergency vet bills, they add up. worth it to me since last weekend was the first weekend I didn't ride since two weeks before memorial day but no such thing as a free horse once you get it home
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Originally posted by Woodrow S:
Don't know what you are all complaining about. I grew up on a 350 acre farm in rural Pa and we had 33 horses. I had a childhood like no kid today could even EVER imagine. Yes, it was work taking care of them but it was worth every bead of sweat. I am 55 now and every once in awhile I will bump into a person in their 70's or 80's that remember us bunch of kids riding thru a local town (25,000) or seen us on a trail and perhaps remember driving past our place and seeing all of the horses out in the pastures. Have not ridden since I was about 35, even though all of the horses from the farm were sold off when I was 16. I often think about purchasing a horse or two and I most likely will when I retire in 4 years. Are they still cheap to keep?

You made me laugh! I was raised on a Horse farm with over 1oo horses on it. It was too much damn work and I wouldn't have a horse today if it was given to me! Hell, I won't even do a horseback hunt, if I can't walk or take an ATV, I'm not going.
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I am with you. I was raised around horses and I have been bitten, kicked and stepped on all I care to be. I hate them and the feeling is mutual.....
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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My Grandad told me a horse will eat as much as 3 cows or 7 sheep, weren't too far off
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Had a mustang sale in Boulder, CO the other day. $50.00 is about the going price for started yearlings.


Hunting buff is better than sex!
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That is $50 too much.....
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by dogcat:
I am with you. I was raised around horses and I have been bitten, kicked and stepped on all I care to be. I hate them and the feeling is mutual.....

I was working with a horse yesterday and the trainer (who is rather well known) got bit! He immediately whacked the horse on the nose.

I've been headbutted, kicked, and stepped on many times, but never bitten.

Still, once you think what the horse is capable of, and how much BS they put up with, I am surprised that they all aren't mankillers!


Hunting buff is better than sex!
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I grew up a cowboy on 100,000 ac. next to 300,000 acres of park and Texas State Land..I was breaking horse at 14 or 15. Im still roping steers with my kids and grand kids, rodeo is a way of life in our family, never had a kid get in trouble or on dope or any of those traps that city kids get caught up in...The horse IMO is Gods gift to man, and the most beautiful animal on earth. Im almost 83 and I still ride and rope, work cattle, and break a colt from time to time if I must...Even broke my share of mules, but Im sure God put the mule on this earth to get even with cowboys and there sinning ways..

Anyone on this thread or anywhere in the USA can buy a mustang from the BLM, and the prison in Colorado for about $25.00 from BLM, not sure what the prison system sells them for these days.

As to expense, fed properly a bale of hay should last 3 to 4 days per horse in most cases and a sack of good grain costs $19.00 a bag and hay for me is $120 a ton for Alfafa..

Good ranch horses are bringing $3500 to $5000 dollars. Average using or pleasure horse should cost $2000 and up...and a good old horse that any kid can ride will fetch a lot of money. All the stuff in between runs $500 to $1000, some are pretty good, most aren't worth nothing..My rope horses run about $6500 to $10,000. Some bring $100,000 or more, I sell the ones that Ive rode enough to rope well for about $10,000 and the big boys who ride them get $25,000 or more, because of who they are, and they can put a bit more finish on them than I can, but not much and depending on the discipline they are to be used for....

That's my somewhat of a overall picture of the local horses for cowboys...Race tracks and other discipline vary about the same except the real top end race horses bring phenominal prices

Best I can do in several paragraphs, took me 80 years to get that far.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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If you get head butted, stepped on, kicked and all that stuff, If your horse hates you and you hate your horse, you both need a life change and you need a four wheeler and you have not got the experience you claim..Horses are the result of the owner or trainer, end of story...I will put my 7 month great grand daughter with me on my rope horses and we ride all over..She by 3 or 4 will be riding horses by herself and by 7 or 8 maybe younger competing.

A horse isn't an aggressive animal, they are not preditors, they are escape animals, and if you do things the wrong way they try to escape and if your in the way and being stupid or uninformed they will hurt you because of their size..

Example is I rode a horse 45 days for a Border Patrolman as a favor and no charge, she was fine little filly, smart and quick..I told them to keep riding her at least 3 or 4 times a week. They didn't get on her for 3 months then the wife got on her and got bucked off, the husband being three time dumber than a box of rocks, got on her and hammered her head with a 2x4 and she cratered him into the fence and busted him up a little. then sent her to the sale barn..I bought her for almost nothing and she was mentally scared and trashed..In about 3 weeks I had her confidence and she was back to her old self more or less. I rode her for a year and sold her for big money..Today she is a top roping, barrel, pole, and goat tieing horse for a high school girl who loves her...

Buy a gentle well broke proven horse and enjoy if you are not very experienced..Don't buy a dink that someone sold because she was broke by a dumb sob, hating horses is silly, like hating dogs, its the human failure that ruined them.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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