What are ya'll ridin'?
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Just wondering what kind of animals ya'll are ridin', what type of riding most of you do, and what your backgrounds might be?

I start two year old cutting prospects for a living (almost all are Quarter Horses with the occasional paint and rarely an Appaloosa or Appendix horse), but I like to do more all around stuff in my off time. Currently going to Ranch Horse Competitions to play and having a ball. Way more relaxed and less political than an NCHA show. Don't swim in the pond you fish in so to speak.
We also picked up a 5 yr old pinto pony for my two year old son last spring and I've been working with her to get her as broke as possible for him. (Green and Green Make Black and Blue)
I only fool with green horses because once they get really broke and dependable I get bored.
I also have to doctor the yearlings that I use for the cutting horses and that gets me out of the arena, and helps keep my colts well rounded, thank God.
I worked my way through college starting colts for a trainer who would run between 75-100 head/year (of anything he'd get paid to put me on)under me. I'd also take really rank ones from other trainers on the side, fix em up, and send them back, but I'm too worn out for this anymore. So I do have a lot of experience in starting colts (over 600 head to date) and problem horses.
I'd be happy to try and help anyone with a horse problem (or a horse with a people problem) so ask away if you're so inclined. I like the horse whisperer idea, but I know you have to yell at them too from time to time.
Let's talk Horses!
Posts: 3628 | Location: cajun country | Registered: 04 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Hi D77,

I'm a "professional novice" with horses. Mostly trail ride and pack.Some hunting. Currently down from 3 to 1.( less packing )One of these days will pick up another sorrel QH. Current horse is a paint. I like the tough, cover lots of country type, that have the heart. I'm not a trainer, I'll leave that to those that are, but do like a challenging horse, just not one I'll get killed on. ( been over the cliff before! ) Have been dabbling in the mounted shooting.
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Been wanting to do the SASS and Cowboy mounted shooting stuff pretty bad. I don't own any of those type guns yet, and with the current economic picture, not sure I'm ready to dive off into new waters. Seems like mounted shooting would be a helluva lot of fun though.
Being a pro nov is just fine. My dad would tell you that I should have done horses as a hobby and not a job. I think the overall quality of riding horses has been improved by the horse training explosion surrounding the clinicians. Some are bogus, but you can learn something from anyone.
Good luck.
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Iride a Belgian in an Aussie setup. My son rides the same horse in western. When we're both out I ride a Haflinger. My daughter rides English on a Paint, and does shows. We ride and drive both, but not enough of either. I drive a couple horses single and a team of middle sized ponies. We have 10 animals, here are some pics.
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For the last 20 or so years years, I've had mainly Tennesse Walkers, both geldings and mares. We use them for pleasure, hunting, packing and each has been certified for mounted police work. The old hide was Jackson's first police horse.

A year ago last fall, I had one of my horses roll off a switchback and that got my attention. Last summer I bought two mules and really enjoyed them on summer rides and took them to hunting camp and guided off of them for an entire season. I'm still adjusting to the way a mule thinks, but I really enjoy their personalities!

My herd is getting old and I need to reduce the numbers. I sold a 6 year old TW mare last summer, have a 29 year old TW mare (retired), her 24 year year old son, an 18 year old TW mare, a 7 year old Molly and a 6 year old John.

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Most of mine are Foxtrotters. Mostly young ones, I've raised in the back yard. Hopefully they will last me for the next 20 years and maybe I'll be ready to give up riding then.

I don't compete. My horses are for trail rides, pack trips, hunting and fishing. We ride some pretty rough stuff and my horses have proven to be pretty reliable.

I started with Paints, but had too many problems with feet. Switched to fox trotters and run barefoot all over the mountains and desert.

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i used to train islandic horses up to the shows, but now i breed and ride/drive hunt/trail my gypsy cob's, toughest horse you will find anywhere.
i used to joust a lot, but because of my age and state of my body, i dont do it anymore.


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Nice pics. Always like to see the pics.
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Thanks for all the great photos. Haven't ridden since my wreck in '99, but maybe someday with one like those pictured. wave

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Ya, been over the cliff. The above pic is just a little NE of Camp Verde. After tip toeing up a slick rock (trail?) I took a breather on this narrow shelf. Pretty scary wear'n the iron. I got turned around and out of there. No room for the slightest slip.
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Nobody2, That looks like you get some mountain and high desert riding also,

I'm ready to get back into the high country.

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Yo Painted,
That's what I'm talk'n about. I'm ready.
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Who are you working for? I am a nonpro/amateur cutter and know a lot of them. Of course I ride quarter horses.


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I work for myself now, starting a limited number of outside colts. In the past I have worked for Mark Coie (where I started most of my colts), Steve McCain (where I started Nurse Kitty who is the only horse from Louisiana to make the finals at the NCHA futurity, unless you count Bob Acre Doc) I then went to work for Lee Garner, and later for Randy Cherry. After that, I vowed to never work for anyone else ever again. I pretty much only ride two year olds, so I get to stay at the house instead of being on the road all the time.
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BMW R1200GS.

I like to think I'm just prepping for that 14 day elk adventure...



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I also have Tennessee Walkers her is my 7 yr old SPECK or EB'S Midnight Special
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I sit atop a reg quarter horse gelding. He is a Dogface/Poco Bueno, coming 15 years old. He is the best horse I have ever had and I think I have had more than my share. Never had a smarter horse that had more heart and go than him. I am spoiled and find myslef hoping for another 5 years out of him, but wondering what I'll do when he gives out....... Life is too short to ride junk horses!

Dan and J- I have owned a few cutting rejects. They all made decent rides. We have a strong cutting horse following in my area.
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Some really nice pictures here, Painted Horse when I saw your pictures I was wonderin how you got my blue roan horse in there. I even have a saddle that looks a lot like that. I have 4 paints and one Appaloosa. The Paints are all from a friend of mine who used to breed and raise paints. The Appy is my fault, my Dad was raised on the Colville Indian res and the Appaloosa was his favorite horse so they were always around when I was growin up, a long, LONG, time ago. Actually this one happens to be my favorite also. He's gettin on in age, 19, so I suppose will replace him with my 6 year old Paint gelding. He's a little big for my preference,the paint, a hair over 16 hands, and me being 6ft thats a pretty long reach especially in the mountains. I prefer them 14.2 to 15 hands with a good hip on them. I've had a couple Morgans and Morgan crosses that were really good animals and if I was looking for another horse I think I'd look in that direction. However the Paints are good but its hard to beat a good Quarter horse. Someone on here tell me how to load pictures and I'll give it a try.
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I've been riding mules hunting for 33 years.

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some pictures...[IMG]http://s244 photobucket[/IMG]
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We are down to 3 now, my youngest son rides a sweet little POA pony named Flower, I told him we should rename her somethin like "Buck" or "Thunder" but Flower it is. My son trail rides her and does a little Ranch Sorting too. My better half rides a paint mare just turning 4 years old that is the calmest horse she's ever had and a real pleasure to be around, she trail rides, shows Western and English and does Ranch Sorting on her. I am riding a 20 year old Gelding that is a thoroughbred but is unlike any thoroughbred I've ever seen pretty calm and steady I trail ride on him. I didn't set out to get a TB but we found him in a bad situation and way down on weight and bought him for almost nothing and he has been a great horse for me for 12 years.
Here is a picture of Flower
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somethin like "Buck" or "Thunder" but Flower it is.

HA! Good one.
Nice pic for the album to look back on.
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One more thing. I'll bet that's a "Daisy" BB gun, on Flower. rotflmo
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Yep it is a Daisy Red Rider BB gun, he won't trail ride without it!
His uncle bought the scabbard and tooled his name on it for him, he thinks its the greatest thing.
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His uncle bought the scabbard and tooled his name on it for him, he thinks its the greatest thing.

Makes it all that much nicer! thumb
Happy Trails!
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Originally posted by blaser93:
I also have Tennessee Walkers her is my 7 yr old SPECK or EB'S Midnight Special

Blaser93 - Are you saying the horse in the picture is a Tennesee Walker?

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I enjoy riding these two...

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Yep a Tennesee Walker Regestered
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These are two of ours.
The pony is a six year old mare who was a jumper before we got her last spring. I don't think that she is all Shetland, and if anyone has an opinion to her breed or combo of breeds, I'd be interested as I know squat about pony breeds.
The bay geld. is also six years old. I started him as a two year old, and he wasn't quite good enough to go on, and quite spooky, so I bought him for my using horse. He's the type that would make an unknowing rider scared when they approach him. I like this cause nobody asks to borrow my horse, but I can do anything I want off of him, and trust him with my wife and son. He's a grandson of Freckles Playboy out of a Dry Doc mare. A bit lighter framed than I'd prefer for a using horse, but he's plenty for working yearlings, and I pony lots of colts with him also.
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I don't know about the pony breed, but I love the bluejean saddlebags... very cool !

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thanks a bunch, little idea I had about what to do with blue jeans that have now risen halfway to his knee. My grandmother (83 and going strong) whipped them up in short order. He also has a saddle scabbard of the same material.

BTW, like Snelstrom's "Flower" this man killer of a pony is named Ladybug. That was her name when we bought her and my son saw no need to change it.
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nice pics Justin,

I like the looks of Bug and Parker. Kinda Ranchy, and barefoot. thumb
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Hey Justin,
What's up with the rubber wrapped horns? No mulehide?
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My wife on her Mischief, a Morgan single footer.....

My Daughter, her latest "pony" Abigail.... never really a pony for her Always small horses...

Me on Shonkin, on the day I broke him, born on the Shonkin River east of the Divide, an honest 17h 2"

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Here is what the horses I am around all day look like.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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Here I am on QH gelding (me on the right)with 2 mules out of my pack string packin out a buddy's(fellow on left) elk this year in the South San Juan Wilderness just below the divide trail in CO.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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