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Name all Gaited Horse BREEDS
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I am interested in buying a gaited horse,I have a few friends that have Tenn Walkers and
Paso Fino ,Also a Perovian Paso What else is there.
Posts: 1462 | Location: maryland / Clayton Delaware | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Missouri Fox trouter.

I had a nice Tenn walker mare. Black and white , she liked getting up on gate. I used her for field trials. The gal I got her from was scared to let her gate. Kinda funny. I wish I still had that horse . Had a offer I could not refuse.

Icelandics? little guys Gaited?
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Originally posted by blaser93:
I am interested in buying a gaited horse,I have a few friends that have Tenn Walkers and
Paso Fino ,Also a Perovian Paso What else is there.

There are a lot of lesser known gaited breeds like Fl Cracker horses, Mtn horses and some of the Spanish & south american breeds. 5 gaited saddlebreds (AKA "shaky tails"). Of course gaited mules, which I've raised a bunch of can be from about any breed but we used mostly TWH's, Peruvian Pasos, Saddlebreds & crossbreeds of those. Most of the mules from my jack have a very fast gaited walk, even from stock types, if you develop it. I recall a few years back, at the Great Celebration Mule show in Shelbyville TN, the tennesee walking mule class was won by a mule out of a quarter horse.
I prefer non-gaited horses & mules for reasons I won't go into so as not to start an argument Smiler and have had a lot of friends going from gaited breeds back to non-gaited in the past 5 yrs. The mule I'm training now will drop into a good foxtrot from her jog but I try to discourage it.

"You can lead a horticulture, ... but you can't make 'er think" Florida Gardener
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I personally favor the Paso Fino, but like the Tennessee Walkers and Foxtrotters too. I have heard too that the Icelandic horses are gaited, but have no experience with one.

Posts: 62 | Registered: 15 February 2005Reply With Quote
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The icelandic horses are four or five gaited! The have great population in Iceland and in other european countries, in Germany there are more than 70.000 animals. This viking-pony is a quite little horse (average 140cm) , but very, very strong horse. Wonderful horses, last week we got a foal and I hope, this night the next. There are a lot of different colours, one colour is only found at the icelandic horse, it is called windcolour( in icelandic: winddottur): body dark brown, main and tail nearly white!

With the normal three gaites the icelandic pony has as the fourth gait the so called "Tölt" and as the fifth gait the race-pace !
Posts: 561 | Location: northern Germany | Registered: 26 February 2005Reply With Quote
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What is meant by 4 or 5 gaited. I know a guy in Florida that raises Paso Fino horses and he says they are the best breed of the gaited. I was raised around horses but none of the fancy varieties. Mostly quarter horses, a few draft horses and a few thoroughbreds. I am thinking about getting a few horses again though. I do like the Paso Fino breed but doubt I can afford 1 much less 2 of them.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006Reply With Quote
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I have had the pleasure of riding a Paso Fino
and a Peruvian Paso owned buy the same Girl .
I loved to ride them but my thing is they are on the small side. They are only 14 and 14.2
hands High. I was looking for a horse aleast 15 to 15.2 Hands. Alot of the of the Walkers and Tenn Trotters up here are in the 15 H range.
I asked alot of Horse people , they say that if a paso is more that 14 + hands as in 15 hands it is more in likely a cross . Thats Ok by me but there are none to be found yet in my area. I did't want to travel all over the Country to buy a Horse.
Posts: 1462 | Location: maryland / Clayton Delaware | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Woodrow S:
What is meant by 4 or 5 gaited. I know a guy in Florida that raises Paso Fino horses and he says they are the best breed of the gaited. I was raised around horses but none of the fancy varieties. Mostly quarter horses, a few draft horses and a few thoroughbreds. I am thinking about getting a few horses again though. I do like the Paso Fino breed but doubt I can afford 1 much less 2 of them.

The pasos are the smoothest gaited horses at all gaits, IMO, but the dumbest I've worked with. Red Face). Though the fino gait is a totally needless gait that uses a bunch of energy & doesn't get you very far. Smiler On trail rides down here in FL, when a horse bolts & runs through the fence or whatever is nearest, it's often a paso fino. There were a bunch of very nice ones that went for little to nothing after hurricane Andrew in S. FL. The owners just collected the inflated insurance on them and never claimed them. Folks just adopted them from the shelters. No papers of course, but the price was right Smiler.

"You can lead a horticulture, ... but you can't make 'er think" Florida Gardener
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Very good infos about the gaites, breeders and....
Posts: 561 | Location: northern Germany | Registered: 26 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Why not the Norwegian Fjord horse?
Posts: 4729 | Location: Australia | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by D99:
Why not the Norwegian Fjord horse?

I've only been around 3 of them. 2 mares, I raised mules out of for a guy. While they were pretty nice little horses, they were all small: <14h and none were gaited. More like little draft ponies. They were also pretty rough to ride at the walk having straight shoulders & low withers. Haven't been around enough of them to really know much about them though. They are pretty. Mostly buckskins with strong dun factor stripes.

"You can lead a horticulture, ... but you can't make 'er think" Florida Gardener
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From what I have seen there are two types of fjords......kinda like morgans, they have smaller types and the larger US park service variety that can be useful, kinda like the quarter horses with their cutting horse type and their hunter under saddle type and the halter.....oh never mind, we won't get into that.

Seriously though I knew some fjord breeders in northern Alberta and they had a smaller pony sized version and a larger 15 hands, very stout version. We used a few for packing moose out and they worked well. Very quiet and didn't get haired up about anything.

I had a quarter horse/paso cross mare years ago. She was smooth to ride I'll give you that.

There is a family that lives a few miles from my ranch that breeds icelandic horses (ponies). They are stout little guys but too small for what most of us are looking for in a horse.

Had a few tenn. walkers and walker crosses for dude horses. Big, raw boned, kinda half ugly beasts, but they can cover ground and they were all pretty mild mannered.

Me, well I'll stick with quarter horses and paints (quarter horses with too much white......oh ya not any more....oh we won't get into that either).


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