Bad decision!
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I sold my old rope horse, he was 20, but the vet check showed him in 3 year old condition..I got a lot of money for him, so I let him go and to a good home..Decided at 81 it was time to hang it up...

Been 3 months now and I'm at a loss..I need to be roping, and watching a team roping isn't cutting it, just opening a wound..So I'm looking for and old worn out rope horse that I can baby along for another 2 or 3 years..Getting up and feeding and caring for animals has been a life long thing, thought I would love not having to mess with it, but the opposite proved otherwise..

If your thinking about quitting anything you love, get over it, it ain't what its cut out to be! Ive decided Id rather be kilt in a roping accident than sitting in a wheel chair having some bitch nurse stuffing baby food down my gullet old

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42454 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Ain't got no horses. And ma mule sceer'd aw ropes.

But good luck ol' man.

Will / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun.
and, God Bless John Wayne. NRA Benefactor, GOA, NAGR

"Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped.
“Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped.

If anything be of note, let it be he was once an elephant hunter, hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go.

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Whup that mule!!

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Ray, Same age and feel the same thing.
BLM brought a load of mustangs down here in November and in a weak moment I ended up with a yearling and a 3 year old. It gives me something to feed and halter break. They told me they would give $550 at the end of the year per animal, but I could not get them to give it up front.
Just miss my mules.

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That's not what I want to hear. I've got a coming 2 year old colt here that I've raised, kinda thinking it would be my last horse. If I got 20 years out of him, that would put me mid 80's and I figured I'd be ready to give up horses.

Now you are telling me, I'm going to be wanting to start another one when I'm older, so I have something to ride in my 90's.
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I want the name of that Vet! I need a checkup!!
Just joshing of course. My Vet does my checkup's now...
My sympathies are with you though. Facing "Not" when it comes to horses is a hard thing for old cowboys.
Hoping I have another couple of decades but guessing not.

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
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Im going to try and get another 5 or more years of roping, before I give it up..I have found out that laying around the house is scary, and you physically go to hell in a hand basket in a very short time..Im looking for a decent horse to get back at it..I love team roping as much as I love shooting and hunting, Trying not to give up these things that have kept me going..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Your Thread title says it all on this one. Should have kept old faithful and finished the run together.
However; I wish you good fortune finding something sound, broke, lets you sit quiet in the box and can get to the corner fast, smooth and pretty.

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
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A friend of mine has and old worn out retired family rodeo team roping horse that's 20 years old and navicular but the horse is good looking and she knows her job. He brought her over and my grandson is legging her up and roping a few steers off her over the next couple of weeks...He says she can be managed with bute and by keeping her shod properly and I won't have any problems with her at all, gave her and A plus rating on the heel end...The owner say just use her like she belongs to you, it will be good for both of you, and I know you take good care of your horses, so enjoy...Nice to have friends like that..Beats spending big bucks on a horse and not know just how long you can I'm hopped up over this, if I can just get by this fricking heart medicine that give me these ocassional dizzy spells, oh well! dancing

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
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Wishing you the best on round 14 Sir. I am sure you have a couple more good rounds left. Yes it is good to have friends like that. I just got back from walking out to the horse pen where stands a 23 year old horse, given to me by an ex-client and forever friend when the horse was about 5-6. My middle daughter won about everything around here in Western Pleasure and always could just drop the reins and ride that honest lope. Real loper and not the 3 beat kind. Her speed horse and reining horse is still going, about the same age, packing a family friend around the pen who just loves to ride him after her daughter went to college. That horse was a gift from my Uncle. His stable mate, that my daughter started on and I finished on, won the Senior Reining year end award two years after he was chronic with Genetic "Tie up" disease. Vet said, "nope. He likely won't survive this." My Youngest daughter would trot him 3 days a week and I would lope one circle each way, stop and stand, then walk until they called my number for Senior Reining. I also roped heels on him for another 3-4 years. He never got excited roping heels, excitement triggered the tie-ing up, so I could rope 15 or 25 because I never had to touch him. He would stand on loose rein in the box, only leaving when I picked up and asked him too. He too was a gift from my Uncle. I can see his grave from my window.
Keep us posted on how the new pony works out!
best regards,

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
Posts: 2136 | Location: Where God breathes life into the Amber Waves of Grain and owns the cattle on a thousand hills. | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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This old horse turns out to be the horse that Amberly Skinner competed on in high school, rode him in barrels, poles, break away and team roping and she did very well indeed...Amberly is the poster girl for the American that starts this week in Dallas...She was in a bad car wreck and is paralyzed from the waist down, she ties herself in the saddle and hits the rodeo trail every year, and also is a speech person and very sought after, she is the real thing, and you can see her compete at the all American this week on TV...Great gal and an inspiration to all..She is also a friend of my granddaughter who is quite a roper as is my grandson..Its a family thing with us as it is with you I can see.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Yes Ray. Almost every important thing in my life I can tie to a horse. The generations before me, and the generation after me. Hard to say in words what Horses have brought to me. I have been able to go and do many places and many things a poor, in economic sense, country boy from SW Colorado would never do because of horses.
I could not find Amberly Skinner but I found Amberly Snyder. Looks like the person you mentioned?
Keep the faith Ray. The Lord Himself speaks of a return on a White Horse. I am praying for a stable cleaning job. Smiler
Best regards,

"The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights."
~George Washington - 1789
Posts: 2136 | Location: Where God breathes life into the Amber Waves of Grain and owns the cattle on a thousand hills. | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I've met Amberly. She is indeed an inspiration to other. When others would be done, she figured out new ways to get on and stay on her horses.
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a man needs inspiration Ray.
Wish I was in the shape you're in.
Just had my belly cut half in two under the ribs Jan 7th.
Fourth time in the belly in three yrs. This time: Gall bladder full of sand, spleen and half pancreas taken out. Had a non cancer tumor on it they felt needed removed. Week ago sprung a leak in the cut, still is. Today washing it off I saw a hole about half inch long in the cut. Damned health problems never end once they start. Be happy you're in such great condition. You've got ten years on me too.

Best to you all and the new pony.

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George L. Dwight
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Your sure right, I have been truly blessed, but Ive had to work at it....Genes seem to be the secret, all the rest is twiddle! Eeker Mom lived to 100 and dad 90 and he drank a fifth of Jack Daniels daily, smoked 2 packs of camels or bull Duram a day...Life sometimes is not fair! pissers

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Well between the vet and the horseshoer I dropped a bundle today on my borrowed horse that's navicular, so time will tell, her feet were in horrible shape and that alone could hurt her and was...I can't believe how much foot we cut off, over 2 inches of toe past an old set of shoes..So got X-rays and I think in a couple of weeks I'll be roping off her and be keeping her medicated and careful shoeing is going to work..however its imparitive that she be sound and sure footed as at 81 with two stints and on blood thinners I don't need to be under a fallen horse, that's for sure..we'll see how it goes.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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You BOUGHT a navicular horse??????????????????


Just funning ya Ray

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Trip to ER today. CT belly. Have a Big abcess pocket of pus under L ribs. Wanted to keep me in for 36 hours of IV's. Had a dog locked in the house and no one to get in and take care of her. Got some super pills so hope that'll work at least for this week til my cousin gets back Sat.

Dad was 92+8 months, always said: "anyone that's lived as long as I have and never had an accident or bad health problems is Just Damned Lucky that's all". Out of 11 kids, one uncle is left now, he's the exact same age as Dad was. Still walks a mile a day, drives etc. One aunt was 95, oldest living Dwight blood known. She gave it up after 3 yrs in the N/H. Her hubby of 76 yrs died two yrs before so she had all the reason in the world to give up. She'd fallen and broken a hip and shoulder about ten yrs before. They sold out and moved to assisted living til he died, had heart problems for ten yrs or more, leaky hole in it he told me, so that was to be expected.

Best to you old pard, you and Will both.

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George L. Dwight
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I'll out last old Will, Im just a lot prietter than he is!! dancing sofa

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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You should know I wouldn't buy a navicular horse..This old mare was a gift from a friend, who retired her when the kids grew up..She is an old family rope horse and he thought she might work for me...

I roped 10 steers off her last night, she is a head slinging little bitch, and it sure didn't help my roping, but Im hopeing to get that fixed, maybe, maybe not, if not she will go back home, but those were the first steers she had roped in 4 years and the first time she had a saddle on in two years..

I got nothing else to do, so what the hell..I got a guy in Texas wants to give me a 5 year old that's plumb broke, then split the money when we sell him...Why don't you go pick him up and bring him to Idaho, well hunt some coyotes, drink some Whiskey, eat some good meat and I'll fill your trailer with free alfalfa to take home..You ain't got nothing else to do!! dancing

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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The mare didn't work out, but I sold a high dollar Jack Haugh rifle and another custom rifle, a roping dummy and I have a new bomb proof killer of a roping horse scheduled for delivery in June, Unless I get a wild hair and go to Arizona and bring him home..I also got a nice heel horse leased until Oct., so Im good to go...I tried to quit, it just didn't work. Laid around like a town dog, got soft, felt like crap, so Im back to day working on ranches a litte to get in shape and back to roping..IM happy as pig in s---t! jumping

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42454 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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