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Good Horses Cheap!!!!
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you havent seen an expensive hobby until you date someone that flies their jumping horses to competitions every weekend (yes flies)
Posts: 589 | Location: Austin TX, Mexico City | Registered: 17 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by daniel77:
We seem to be destined to argue.

This post was to say "hey guys bargains abound right now." And "What is the market like in other pastures?" Not to start another mule vs horse debate. For the record, very few horses/mules are really good ones, just as very few horses/mules are really crap. 95% are somewhere in between. I start between 35 and 50 head a year(used to do twice that). We hope to find a few pretty nice ones each year, and every few years a superstar. Conversely, a few will be absolute dinks, and these are better bred colts than average. For what is required to hunt and trail ride, you'd be a fool (more money than sense) to look for the same caliber animal needed to make a high end performance star.
For your info, I am a high end cutting horse two year old man. Most of my colts are worth more than what Obama wants us to pay per year in taxes. I have ridden many horses worth six figures, a few worth seven. I am not a jackleg moron who lives and looks for wrecks and the rough stuff. I pay close attention to the economics of the horse business, which is what I am trying to share advice on.
If a fellow had the resources, he could buy a few for very little now, ride them for a few years, till things right themselves, and sell the lower half of his string for twice what he'll pay for the whole lot right now.

You are correct IMHO and experience. We have some excellent horses with top blood lines and they are not going for what they are worth.


A 9mm may expand to a larger diameter, but a 45 ain't going to shrink

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Posts: 5077 | Location: USA | Registered: 11 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by namibiahunter:
Well, I should have researched the market a bit more because, a couple of days ago, I let my wife buy herself an 8-year old gelding for $3,600. And, of course, a new horse needs new tack and saddle, easily another 2 grand. I should have had my wife read the posts on here about the horse market being depressed. Now I'm depressed.


You may have made a good buy, in a better market that horse may have been worth twice waht you paid. As to tack I just ordered a saddle that is costing me over 3000 dollars.

It just depends on the quality of what you buy and will be satisfied with.

In a good market my mare would be worth 15 or 20 thousand dollar but today I would be lucky to get 8 to 10 thousand


A 9mm may expand to a larger diameter, but a 45 ain't going to shrink

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
- Winston Churchill
Posts: 5077 | Location: USA | Registered: 11 March 2005Reply With Quote
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The horse market in the areas I work in is definitly down. A lot of people are cutting corners wherever they can. Its a shame, and its making it harder to make a living if you work in the horse industry.
Posts: 141 | Location: FL to WV | Registered: 06 October 2010Reply With Quote
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Yep, I'm seeing the same thing in Kentucky. I think we all believed we would have turned a corner by now, but not so. Good gaited mules bring decent money. Top-notch geldings fit for 4-H drill team kids will still bring $1000-1500. I go to our local sale every month, and see several $50 horses each sale. The stables out back have had horses left behind by folks that couldn't get a bid.

Grain prices make it tough to feed good product, too. A 50-lb bag of decent feed is $10.00 here. Hope it all gets better soon.

NRA Life Member
Posts: 66 | Location: Western KY Coalfields | Registered: 11 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Just found this section.
All seams pretty cheap compared to the lifestyle the fools here in Vegas live.
Fools list of addictions;
Couple we met and bought antiques from spend $10,000 an month on gambling at Red Rock Casino.
Most we meet here have a huge alcohol or drug addiction combined with the price of cigarettes usually exceed $2500.00 a month.
Tattoo's etc.
So the wife and I rationalize and say, "well at least we will have some adventure and something to show for our money". We also have no children
Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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So were going back to horses and horse packing....again......
Posts: 1073 | Registered: 10 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Good horses are never cheap! end of story.. Common horses that know nothing are not worth much and never have been..

The hors market fluctuates like the cow market, supply and demand.

The Democrats and Liberals openned the biggest can of worms yet when they shut down the killer plants..Now folks just don't have any place to go with older horses and are not allowed to kill them and bury them so guess what? in Calif. or Nv. and some other PNW states where all this crap was initiated, folks are dumping old or unwanted horses on the side of the road and on Govt. lands for us to pay for, and its costing us billions in taxes..

So now the supply is huge and the demand is down on common horses..

My good rope horses will bring $10,000 to $25,000, or even more, a good calf horse will fetch up to $125,000 as will a top notch barrel horse.

It's always been that way, but who knows what the future holds the way our government is working and the fools we have put in office have taken the U out of the USA.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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