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At least today !!!! During the morning my younger boy (2 1/2 old)was walking among them and I was not sure about the good intentions of one of them, so I grab my kid and turned back to take him to a safer distance when the bloody horse bite my back VERY hard !! I have a BIG hematoma on my back and is very painful. Then during the evening I went for a ride without a saddle so I jumped on the horse and the the bloody thing started jumping and stood up on his back legs, I fell back and the horse also but thanks God he fell two metres away also with his back.. Believe me, when I was laying on the ground and I look up and saw the horse falling down in my direction was quite a view... ![]() I cannot sleep from the pain in my back, I hope tomorrow I will feel better. Anyway, finally I jumped again on that bastard and ride around with my older boy on him. It was just an accident, he is a tame horse. L | ||
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I had that same thing happen, except did not have a child in my arms, about 45 years ago or so, and have never forgot it. It hurt like hell. The last horse I actually rode was during second elk season in 1997. Me and that pinto had us quite a little run, down one ridge, he jumped a creek at the bottom and tore up the the next ridge, all at a dead run. We did not wreck but it was a damn miracle. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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an old horseman told me something when I was young.....horses spend ALL day thinking about ways to kill themselves or kill you. Fifty years has proven him correct..... troy Birmingham, Al | |||
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If anything good from this, hope the bite serves as a reminder to "keep the young'ns(2 1/2!) away from the horses", IMHO. | |||
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Lorenzo, I'm glad you and your boy didn't get hurt too badly. This incident reminded me something that happened about a year ago... Friends came to visit with their 6 year old boy and the boy asked me if I would lead him around on one of our horses. As one of our older horses (Joco) was already saddled, I lifted the boy onto him and started leading him around the riding arena. The next moment Joco bucked without warning and the little boy flew off him - (fortunately) landing in the soft sand of the arena without getting hurt... Just gets to show you that all animals (wild or tame) can be unpredictable at times... | |||
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Jumping on him probably didn't help. ![]() Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln Only one war at a time. Abe Again. | |||
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My spanglish stinks... ![]() L | |||
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Shoot the damn thing. ------------------------------- Will / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun. --------------------------------------- and, God Bless John Wayne. NRA Benefactor, GOA, NAGR _________________________ "Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped. “Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped. red.dirt.elephant@gmail.com _________________________ If anything be of note, let it be he was once an elephant hunter, hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go. | |||
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Will, believe me, I was really tempted, but the bloody thing belongs to my cousin... L | |||
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In the late 80's, I rode a horse up the a creek to get some water in British Columbia. It was probably 10-15 yards away from another horse. This second horse charged over and bit my on the leg. I had a massive hematoma on my leg. When I got home, it had to be operated on. I had a drain in my leg for about a month. I hate the damn things. I feel your pain. It isn't pleasant. | |||
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I'm not entirely unfamiliar with horses. One of my earliest jobs as a teenager involved shoveling out stalls, plus whatever else the guys running the stable needed done. I can honestly say that it's due to my early experience with horses that I fell in love with machines. I don't hate horses. I just place them in the same category as women and aircraft. It's better to rent than to buy. | |||
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Currently have 4 horses, 2 mules, and a mule on the way. The older I get, the more attentive I've become in my riding. I think eventually I'll get away from horses and ride gaited mules exclusively. But for now, I love my Spotted Saddle Horses. NRA Life Member | |||
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Lots of mixed feelings on this one. I have stood in the Winners Circle at Hollywood Park, Raised a Black Type filly, roped a few calves, rounded up a few cows, and been on the back of a good cutting horse. Great memories for sure. On the other hand..... I have had back surgery because of a bad step roping steers, I have a knot on my hip from getting kicked, my two front teeth are implants from a head butt, and my right knee hurts when it should not. Worth it? For sure. Jim "Bwana Umfundi" NRA | |||
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This is why I come to AR. The wisdom and insight is incredible! Peter. Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; | |||
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No, hosre very good. I have recipe. | |||
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Wonder if they taste as good a zebra.Two knee opperationes and I still ride the stupid bastards . It does feel good to almost ride one to death occasionaly.Read by line. Shoot first. Never trust horses or women and very few mules. | |||
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Taste like chicken. Mule taste better. My frien have mule cause many problem. At night we drink american whisky an shoot bad mule with friend Wildy automag. Nex day bad hedache, take mule to shop an make sausage. | |||
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I had a little black QH stud rear over backwards on me when I was 15. It was like he knew my winter boots would stick if he pitched a few times first. One of life's truly great lessons is learning how to walk again. It took 8 months to throw the crutches away and I get to walk like a dork for the rest of my life though I get around better than most. I rode him once after that, 1 1/2 years later then sold the miserable little prick the same day. Should have just let dad shoot it, like he was going to. | |||
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Years ago I spent half a day on one of those hayburners... she tried to knock me off repeatedly. Wouldn't buck, but she walked under every limb she could find. At the end of the escapade my friend, who grew up riding and broke horses in college for spending money, told me if I had slapped the side of her head as hard as I could the first time she did that, she would have stopped it. He claimed horses are smart enough to know exactly what they are doing,and they can tell immediately if you don't know how to ride... I didn't then and still don't, so I stay off them. | |||
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While I was in the ER getting a broken arm plastered, my Grandfather, a cowboy, came in to see what was taking so long. The horse I was riding didn't see the prairy dog hole, while running. He watched the Doc a while, moved his plug to the other cheek and said, "Boy, there's only one thing dumber then a horse and that's the man on top of him." Granddad was a pretty smart fellow. Jim "Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." --Thomas Jefferson | |||
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Here what I say about Horses , there is no bomb proof horse. Respect them , but don;t trust them , Alway be the driver in control not the passanger, expect the unexpected and last you can't out mussle a horse ,you have to try to out smart them. Mine bit me on the chest when I first got him so I Know you are Hurting. Last we had a Boarder on the farm her Arabian was a nasty bas!!! to gain his respect I had to punch him between the eyes hard as I could , after that he never tried Biting me again | |||
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I hate horses more than cats. They bite, they stomp, they run off. I hate them. | |||
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I ride horses at least once a week and show cutting horses. The biggest problem is that most people are casual riders and don't really understand them. They do have a history of picking up bad habits easily, while learning the good ones only through thousands of repetitions. I mostly raise my own show horses and it is best to make them think you are the dominant one at a young age. I don't guess I have ever been bitten by a horse, but I don't hand feed them and like to keep them just a little bit afraid of me. So many people start fooling with them when they are 45-50 years old (much like motorcyclist) and didn't grow up around them like I did. The other mistake is keeping the unreliable/nasty ones around. As the saying goes a good horse doesn't eat any more hay. I can tell pretty quick one that has the potential to hurt someone and send them elsewhere. A shot not taken is always a miss | |||
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Hey, Lorenzo! ![]() | |||
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Was doing a mountain ride, last weekend. Storm came up and I decided to put on my jacket. Horse should know better by now, but he freaked. Had my jacket half on and he's dancing all over hell's half acre, till he hit the steep bank, up hill side, on one side of the trail and went down. Just as he went over, I stepped out of the stirrup and made a perfect exit, purely by instinct. Wife thought I was seriously hurt, cause I was lying on the ground rolling with laughter. Just thought it was hilarious how well I executed that maneuver and a movie stunt man couldn't have done better. ![]() Grizz Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln Only one war at a time. Abe Again. | |||
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Well I guess that is kind of like me except that I am 67. I started riding English (again) after a lay off of about 50 years. I like horses! I treat them with a lot of respect when I am around them, but when I am in the saddle they do what I want (in general!). They are living creatures not tools. They are beautiful animals. Sorry if I have missed all of your life experiences with horses. Peter. Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; | |||
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I believe that the popularity of the Colt model P was carrying it to shoot your horse. It is much handier than carrying a 2X4.... | |||
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And always they are worth it somehow..... ![]() ![]() | |||
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The facts are some folks just should not own or be around horses..The horse is one of Gods most beautiful creatures and properly trained and handled is as trustworthy as your mother.. I rope 3 or 4 times a week, train a few horses, and never have these kinds of problems, but I grew up on a big West Texas ranch using them and breaking and training them and never knew any other way of life, and that has never changed. I hunt for a living, I team rope for the love of the sport. I suspect the same applies to dogs, cats and wimmen! ![]() Ray Atkinson Atkinson Hunting Adventures 10 Ward Lane, Filer, Idaho, 83328 208-731-4120 rayatkinsonhunting@gmail.com | |||
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