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Show off your rifle scopes on your big bores!

I'm looking into finding a variable scope for my Laminate/Stainless Ruger in .458 Lott.

"Let me start off with two words: Made in America"
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My 404 has a Leupold X3 1,5-5
Sorry, no pictures..

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I have used lots of different scopes on my big bores.

I have really setteled back on Leupold for all my needs...

I really like the VX-7 1.5x6 on my 375 Ultra. I also really like the standard VX-III illum I have on my 9.3x62--I also have one on my 458 win mag. Great scopes all around.


pic of my Wiseman gun with the VX-7 on it.

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Trijicon 30MM 1x4 with green post on my 416 Rigby. I also have a Leupold VX7 1.5x6 on my 375 Dakota.
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Trijicon 30mm 1x4 with amber triangle on my winchester m70 458 win mag. on 1 power it is truly a two eyes open operation
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Picture of cal30 1906
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I just bought a Leupold 1x4x20 with the hog plex.

I like it so far but the circular cross hairs seem to obscure the view.That one is on my .404 Jeffery.

My 9.3x62 has a old Weaver post with a fine cross hair in it, This one I really like but it has fogged on me before so I dont trust it...


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For ruggedness, minimum eye-relief, compactness, and glass it's hard to beat the Nikons.

Our flat-shooting 416 Rigbys wear 2-8 Nikon Monarchs. Minimum eye-relief 3.8". I have a 1.6-5 Nikon Inline, minimum eye-relief 5", waiting in the wings as a shortrange back up for a 416 Rigby above.

My 500 Accurate Reloading had a 1.6-5 Nikon Slughunter with 5" minimum eye relief. The scope was great, though the rifle is currently being re-barreled.

Their only downside is that some may overlook them because of their pricetag often under $300. Can anything great come under $300? You'll have to try one to see. I hope the pricing doesn't change.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
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In the last year in particular I had to move strictly to the Nikons because of ruggedness. Many thousands of rounds of big bore down range now, and not one zero breakage. I was formally a Leupold devote. But, I always had 3-5 at Leupold for repairs, always. By the time 3-5 would return, 3 more were on the way for repairs. Enough. In the same time I have been shooting the Nikons I would have busted 10 + Leupolds. Now I may bust every Nikon I have by tomorrow, but so far, not one single issue. To me, I can see better with the Nikons as well. Favorite big bore scope, 1X4 African, $279.00 delivered to my doorstep.

My Son Matthew and Paul Truccolo 50 B&M Super Short 1X4 African Nikon

Myself and Sam Rose, 475 B&M 1X4 Nikon African

My Daughter Mercedes 9.3 B&M 2X8 Nikon Monarch

500 MDM 1X4 Nikon African

Lots of Field of View at close range, excellent optics, excellent mechanics, lots of eye relief and above all--No Breaks So far, No Down Time. Price is very reasonable, I hope the word does not get out that they are so good, price will go up!

Works for me, but most folks rather spend a $1000 to $1500 to get the same, or less.


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Michael That's a great recommendation on the Nikon. My 425 Express needs a fresh scope and a Nikon African will sounds like the way to go. Thanks Jim

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Woah! I like that 1-4 Nikon African!

May be the route I'll go for the Lott.

"Let me start off with two words: Made in America"
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Michael, Mercedes is about 2 feet taller now! :-)
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Nikon Omega 3x9 scope on my SAKO .458 Lott, 5+" of eye relief even when set at 9x -

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Swarovski Z6 1-6x24 EE on a .505 Gibbs
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Originally posted by Biebs:
Michael, Mercedes is about 2 feet taller now! :-)

Biebs, Ain't it the truth! Whew...........

Michael That's a great recommendation on the Nikon. My 425 Express needs a fresh scope and a Nikon African will sounds like the way to go. Thanks Jim


I can only tell you guys what works for me here. I have tried many solutions over the years to replace the 1X5X5 Leupolds, my used to be favorite in the old days! Hard to beat, eye relief, size, field of view, but ruggedness--NOT. I noticed a big change with the newer VX3 versions. In fact, I took a brand new 1X5X5 VX3 out of the box, mounted it on a 50, watched it explode on the 3rd round. That was enough. At first I did not like the Nikon that much, slightly larger than the Leupold, taller knobs, little larger eyepiece.........eye relief and field of view as good or better than Leupold, really liked the easy focus, mechanics were better than VX3s, optics to my eyes better too.......Then when I could not bust it regardless of what I put on, they really started to grow on me. I could not believe that I had found something I could not break! At least not YET???????? Like I said, they all my fall apart this week, but so far they have outlasted 10+ leupolds.

Currently I have 10 of these 1X4 African Nikons, all doing great on various rifles from 458-.500. I am running the 2X8s on 9.3 and 416s.


The New Word is "Non-Conventional", add "Conventional" to the Endangered Species List!
Live Outside The Box of "Conventional Wisdom"

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Posts: 8426 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: 23 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of 416Tanzan
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Originally posted by michael458:
I am running the 2X8s on 9.3 and 416s.




"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Blacktailer
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That's quite a recommendation on the Nikons! I don't have any experience with them yet but I can vouch for Nikon's optics. Several years ago on an elk hunt I had my Zeiss 10X40 Classic binoculars and a friend had his Nikon 10X40 Monarchs. We sat one day looking at elk across a canyon probably 600 yards away. The Nikons were at least as good if not better than my Zeiss which was hard for me to admit since I paid over twice as much for the Zeiss CRYBABY

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