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I see a lot of interest in the 9.3X62, but not much in the 64. Ray, you seem to have an interest in the metric loadings in general so what is your opinion of the 64? Any one else with 9.3X64 experience, please jump in. Is it worth rechambering from the 62 for increased performance? If so, what pitfalls might I expect in rechambering a CZ550 in 9.3X62 to the larger case? Thanks, Bob
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Picture of Fritz Kraut
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9,3x64 = 2590 fps 300 gr.
9,3x62 = 2410 fps "
9,3x57 = 2210 fps "

As you see, you gain some fps with rechambering to 9,3x64, but personally I�m not quite sure that is�s worth the costs and the work. It seems that the 9,3x64 is going to be less popular here in Europe. If people want a magnum, they usually choose the right thing: the .375 H&H. The 9,3x62 does a job good enough. The game doesn�t seem to make any difference in this case. They only die once.

For my sake I got an old Husqvarna M98 9,3x57. That old "potatocaster" is good enough for moose, bear and boar. You just have to do as the old spartans with their short swords: go another step closer.

Fritz K.

Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Balisticly the 9.3x64 is probably the best all around cartridge ever invented and a tad better than the old 375 H&H as a matter of fact....the 9.3x62 is less of the same and can be made in a more compact rifle of lighter weight..Both are fine calibers.

I think people are just now waking up to the fact that the 9.3x64 is all that it claims to be with the advent of premium bullets. 250 gr. Bal. tips at near 2900 FPS or 320 gr. Woodleighs at 2450 FPS and everything in between is available like the 286 gr. Nosler at 2600 to 2700 FPS, now thats balistics any way you cut it!! It wins the all around title hands down and will work in a std. Mauser action and has no belt, Isn't that what everybody is searching for today??? and its been around a long time just waiting in the shadows...

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42444 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Now if someone will just make the brass more available!

Isn't it funny that any time some company or wildcatter thinks that they have come up with the ultimate hotrocks new idea, we can go dig back into the records and find the same essential idea? And it came out 75 years ago?


Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
Thanks Ray and Sarge,
You guys have really got me pumped up over the 9.3x64. Ray, I know you think it's goofy rechambering from 62, but I want to get the CZ reblued to a matte finish anyway and while the bbl action is at the shop, I will refinish the stock. The only big diff is the price of dies and brass. Old Scrounger has both. Dies are $87 and brass is about a buck 50 a pop. Know of a better deal? Thanks for the loading data.
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<Red Rhino>
I read somewhere that a 9.3 mag was made off the 338 WM case. That would be better and easier to get componet brass. Was going to do this but, stuck with the 358 Norma
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Picture of LongDistanceOperator
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RWS brass is tough to get in the US. If 9.3x64 is in current production then I have no doubt that I can get it for you for less than Old Western Scrounger. I have had a hell of a time trying to buy some Russian military rounds that guy. Be sure you check on price and availability before you send him any money. I import RWS from time to time. I can probably get the dies for you as well. Don't think for a minute that ole "Dangerous Dave" is the only source for dies.

If you are serious about wanting some brass, let me know how much. I will order it and will not ask for any money until it's here. Also, if you don't have a case to examine, I have a few pieces of once-fired. I can send you one.

I've been considering ordering some for myself. I'm not a big-bore shooter, but looking at that case, I'm wondering about wildcatting it. I'm thinking about a blown-out, cut-down version necked down to 6.5mm for 1,000yard benchrest. Either the 9.3x64 or 6.5x68.

Lee Owens.

Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
When I bought brass for my rifle I was stationed in Germany - got it from a rep at Frankonia. Their store did not have any so he "made some calls" for me. I brought 100 RWS cases back with me, then got 100 more from OWS later.

While in Germany, I gathered that RWS only makes one production run of 9.3x64 brass each year to the tune of about 5-10k pieces for loaded ammo and component brass combined. If that is true and I suspect it is, then it's not hard to understand the price and availability of the stuff.

One thing for sure though, the RWS brass is very good quality.


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RWS Brass is available from Old Western Scrounger and apparently Lee Owens above..It is $28 or 29.00 per box from O.W.S.

Lee what can you sell it for?

In order to make brass from 338 you would have to turn the belts of in a lathe and that's just too much trouble when brass is readily available...

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42444 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I don't have a price list for all of their brass. I had some 7mmRM sent over and I can sell it for $27.00 per box of 20. OWS wants $42.20 for the same thing. Last time I checked anyway.

I know the price is similar for 7x57 and 6.5x68/8x68.

Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
When you find out about the dies and brass, please let me know. Sounds like several of us will be interested. Does Norma do 9.3x64? Thanks, Cobalt
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Picture of LongDistanceOperator
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I just checked the full-page Huntington ad in Shotgun News. they have RCBS 9.3x64 dies. Part #56445.

These dieas are special order through Huntington. I do not know the price.

I'll get back to you in a day or so on the price for the RWS brass. I just checked a German distributor's catalog. RWS is the only one listed for this caliber. There are a few manufacturers not listed, but I think their prices would be higher. (for instance, Norma and Bell are not the only companies that make .378Weatherby brass. Horneber also does, but it's 5 bucks apiece before shipping it over here!

[This message has been edited by LongDistanceOperator (edited 08-23-2001).]

Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
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Just check the neck thickness of the RWS brass. On the 9.3x62 it is so thin you could shave with it and it will not hold onto heavy bullets well - I suspect it is made from 30-06 stock. Maybe the 64 is different.

The European shops are very good at sending stuff, I got my RWS brass sent by Kettners in the post.

Posts: 2258 | Location: Bristol, England | Registered: 24 April 2001Reply With Quote
"A tad better than the old .375H&H? That's one heck of a praise and I like the sound of it, but on this forum, it would seem to border on blasphemy. Cobalt
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Picture of Oldsarge
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"Better" in that it can be built on a standard Mauser action. That reduces gunsmithing costs and keeps all the metal where you want it. This is a good thing.
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
Long Distance Operator,
Just called Huntingtons and they quoted $108.95 for the 9.3x64 dies and they are in stock. Pretty steep! OWS lists them for $87 so that may be the best deal. Any other sources? Thanks, Cobalt
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Picture of LongDistanceOperator
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I don't think I can beat that price on Dies.

I'm not a dealer. I just have friends where prices are better. I don't like seeing people pay outrageous prices if they don't have to. Not only never hurts to have more friends in the gun world. (anyone wanna trade a Mauser action for some brass????)

Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
OK, we got ya rifle, ya dies, a line on brass. Now it's time for bullets. Does North Fork offer bullets in 9.3? If so, how do they compare with Swift A-Frames or Barnes X on plains type game? Thanks, Cobalt
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Mike Brady called me the other day and ask what I thought about a 9.3 bullet...I told him it was OK by me that I'd buy them..Give him a call and jack him up all you 9.3 fans and GS already makes them...

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42444 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
Did you guys discuss weight selections? If Mike does a 300grainer,will a 1:12 twist stabilize it? Thanks, Cobalt
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Picture of LongDistanceOperator
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I just talked to my friend in Germany. He said 9.3x64 is in current production. I can sell it for US$25.00 per box of 20. I checked OWS and their website lists $31.06 for the same amount.

If there is enough interest I will order some. It is best to get RWS in a case of 200. This will avoid the problem of "loose" boxes of 20 spilling their contents. That happened to me while stationed over there. (I bought a bunch of .270 WIN for my 6.5 Gibbs benchrest rifle). Individual shooters can buy as much or as little as they want, but I would like to have 200 pieces sent over.

Let me know if you are seriously interested and I will get things moving. There could be a wait of about a month due to having it sent by sea. Air would raise the price significantly. Remember, I'm not asking anyone for money in advance.

Lee Owens.

[This message has been edited by LongDistanceOperator (edited 08-25-2001).]

Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
I'm in for 3 boxes. I guess you just need a few for R&D? Gotta be some other 64 shooters out there. No problem on the time frame. I need to pick the rifle up in Atlanta next weekend and send it off to the smith for rechamber/reblue. Thanks for your effort. The scope came in today. 3-9 Leupold vari II in matte. Good deals to be had on these with Leupold d/c'ing them. Cobalt
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As soon as I get my cases, dies and bullets I will have Lee make up a "factory crimp" die. That should solve the problem of the cases not holding the heavy slugs. Cobalt
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Picture of LongDistanceOperator
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I really don't need any for myself. I'd like a big-bore someday but not now. I'm really into long-range. If anyone wants a once-fired case to examine, let me know. I have about 10-15 of them.......y'all ready for this? A German gunsmith gave me about A THOUSAND pieces of once-fired RWS because his customers don't reload. It was all from him test-firing their guns. All sorts of different calibers.

I talked about my wildcat ideas with the guy who's helping me get the brass. The one based on the 8x68 is a Go. I'm importing that for me.

Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
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I have been shooting 320 gr. Woodleighs and using RWS brass and I have had no such problems with thin necked brass or holding bullets....none at all..

I normally turn three thousands off the resizer button on big bores as opposed to using a crimp. I also use powders that fill the case.

Presently I have plenty of brass, but I will always need it in the future.

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42444 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
Sounds like not enough interest to import 10 boxes. I'll just get a couple of boxes from Dangerous Dave when I get the dies. Thanks again for your effort. Cobalt
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Congratulations on Your idea to use the x68 case. It�s larger than the x64 and H&H belted case in capacity, in a lenght to fit a standard action. Keep us posted about Your plans and the results.

Did You ever think of necking it to 8 mm S? ;-)

There are heavy 8 mm S bullets out there, 220 and 250 grs, Woodleigh and Barnes.

Have fun! H


Posts: 828 | Location: Europe | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
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What is an "S" bullet? The wildcat I want is for 1,000yard benchrest. It only needs the power to break through a piece of paper. Of course it has to remain supersonic too.

I've been told that Sierra has an 8mm Match King availbale in Germany only, but with postage prices out of Germany, I'm not about to have 1,000-2,000 bullets sent over.

[This message has been edited by LongDistanceOperator (edited 08-29-2001).]

Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fritz Kraut
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Originally posted by LongDistanceOperator:
What is an "S" bullet?]

There are two diametres for 8 mm bullets: .318 and .323. The later are called "S". It�s mostly said that the "S" stands for "Spitzengeschoss" (Spire point) as the German army began to load lighter spire points instead of the older round nose. To balance the lighter bullets, they had to cut deeper rifling in the bores, and so they had to increase the diameter of the bullet.

Fritz K.

Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001Reply With Quote
You can get 9,3x64 RWS brass from Johannsen in Germany, last year I paid 167 German Mark
for 100 + shipping. Fax is 43 21 293 25 Cannot find his e-mail now but let me know if you need it.
For rel.dies you may look at CH tool Phone 740 397 7214. cannot find his e-mail either. I'm happy with this dies and the price is good also.
I hope this helps.
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I just got an e-mail from someone who wants 5 boxes.

Cobalt- do you still want 3?


Posts: 7726 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000Reply With Quote
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LDO, as Fritz said "S" means .323 bullets. Don�t worry, the 8x68S was only made in .323 version. It�s a big case and just the ticket for hunting. If You want it for target shooting, You could improve it, even create a 8x68 S "Gibbs", shoulder blown forward. "short and fat"

Have fun! H


Posts: 828 | Location: Europe | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
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