BigBrass, I love my CZ 550 in .375 H&H. It is the American Safari model. WHen I send it off to the smith for some work I have been thinking about having the stock trimmed down. The wood on mine is extremely "proud" on the underside. I think that trimming the fore end, sliming the under side, trigger gaurd and sides around the action would improve the feel and save a bit of weight. I've never done this before so not sure I would do it myself. How hard is it?
I have no idea as to the size of the market for "Big Bore" rifles. However, it appears to me, that CZ is positioned well in that market. I do not know much about Ruger's "Big Bores" I have never seen one. Who really knows what Winchester may be thinking, however, they are losing sales of rifle based upon what I have observed in the posting here and my own experience.
I purchased my first "Big Bore" back in August this year. A CZ 550 Safari in 458 Lott. I got a great deal on that rifle, as the person who ordered it back out of the deal. Several people who post here (JudgeG and others) provided me some good advice as far as having work performed on that rifle to make it a reliable DGR. Roger Ferrell did the work for me and I am more than happy with it!
Since I purchased the 458 Lott, I have gone on to purchase two more CZ 550 Safari's with upgraded American stocks. I just sent my 416 Rigby to Roger this afternoon. I have a 375 H&H CZ that is very accurate. That gun will shoot my handloaded 270 grain Barnes TSX, at a nomial 2720 fps, sub MOA. I sent a target to Barnes a month ago..3 shots at 100 yards..outside to outside .4" to center well that is very very small .025"...
I really like the CZ's and with some work done to them... they are very nice rifles. May be Winchester will respond to the market.. who knows.. but CZ sure seems to be filling a need. I should also say that CZ USA has a great customer service team.
Shortround: (1) How do you like the CZ 550 in that caliber? (2) Do you think that the original stock can simply be sanded down to more slender dimensions with a vibrating sander, and then refinished? (I have done that before with unfinished stocks that were too massive, but not with a finished factory stock.)
Posts: 189 | Location: San Jose, CA | Registered: 02 January 2003
fireman: It wouldn't for me, because I don't particularly like checkering. I would just remove it. If you want to keep the checkering, you would have to strip the old finish off with a chemical stripper before refinishing.
Posts: 189 | Location: San Jose, CA | Registered: 02 January 2003
Fireman: In answer to your question, I found it to be fairly easy to "slenderize" unfinished wood stocks using a vibrating sander; and I have no great skill in working with wood. I finished the stocks with a lot of coats of tru oil finish. With a finished stock, of course, one would probably have to remove all of the old finish everywhere, before refinishing it. From the pictures on the internet, it does not look as though a CZ 550 American in the magnum big-bore calibers has checkering on the stock; so that makes removing the old finish easier. You just sand it off, and then refinish with coats of something like tru oil or spar varnish.
Posts: 189 | Location: San Jose, CA | Registered: 02 January 2003
jjs: Thanks for your post. I think I will be buying a CZ. What work did you find it necessary to have Roger Ferrell do on your CZ's? And do you have a phone number for him?
Posts: 189 | Location: San Jose, CA | Registered: 02 January 2003