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I guess I'm nuts! Login/Join
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Picture of Bill G. in Oregon
Nearly 60 years ago as a pudgy 13 year old, I'd stop in Muloch's little gun shop on El Cajon Blvd in San Diego after school to oogle Wes' firearms.

I've liked guns ever since.

But I've not been much of a shooter or hunter, and do not expect to safari. So probably I should be barred as a heretic from this fine forum.

Yet I love having bigger bores especially and now own (or will in two weeks) each of these:

1. FN Deluxe Sporter in 9.3x62
2. Chapuis double rifle in 9.3x74R
3. Pre 64 engraved M70 in 375 H&H (with silver grizzley's inlays)
4. Remingtom 700 in 375 Ultra
5. gorgeous MK X custom in 378 WBY
6. Wby Lazermark in 378 WBY
7. CZ 550 Safari with exceptional wood in 416 Rigby
8. great looking CZ custom in 416 Rem
9 M70 in 416 Rem
10. BRNO O-U rifle in 458 Win
11. 1917 Rem custom in 458 Lott
12. And just sold my #1 in 416 Rigby.

These are in my safe along with a dozen or so other "lesser" rifles and shotguns.

But I cannot give any good reason for having these except that I want them. I'm not into stocks or savings. I'm a middle class old man who just likes guns, and spends much of his retirement income on them.

So, I guess I'm nuts!
Posts: 1783 | Registered: 21 November 2009Reply With Quote
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Welcome to the club

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Count me in with 458 and yourself on that..

I have a truck load of big bores, but I have I could have accomplished the same thing with my ugly sticks, the 30-06 or 300 H&H.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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We should all invest in the powder companies. Wink


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This sounds like perfectly rational behavior to me. tu2
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Picture of Alberta Canuck
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Y'mean there are folks who don't live hand-to-mouth like that, for the very same reason? beer

My country gal's just a moonshiner's daughter, but I love her still.

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Picture of zimbabwe
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I'm 77 but have managed to make it to Africa 8 times. My children and grandchildren and great grand children are starting to reap the rewards as of last Christmas. I figure to give them all to them so I can see the smiles. Not nearly so fine a collection but presentable.

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AS a Michigan deer hunter why did I build and shoot a 458AccRel!! Someday I hope to get moose hunting again but do I need a big bore no but I wanted it and I got it!! C;int
Posts: 390 | Location: out side lansing mi | Registered: 28 December 2007Reply With Quote
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You can count me in with you also.
I used to hunt a lot, but now the body is shot so I'm just a gimp that trys to hunt and a shooter with tremors thanks to a head injury.

But Damn, I still love the look and feel of a quality rifle.

Cheers, John

Give me COFFEE and nobody gets hurt
Posts: 1608 | Location: San Antonio, Texas | Registered: 04 January 2010Reply With Quote
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I have not been to Africa yet but in the meantime I have found another useful trait for owning a big bore. My daughter just turned 15. I like to leave trays of loaded ammo lying around when boys come around to see her. A stack of forty 416 Remington cartridges on the kitchen table will intimidate the hell out of a teenager.

I was at the range once and one of these boys was with his father there. After he saw me shooting he has been exceptionally respectful and well mannered in my presence. I actually like this kid and let him shoot my Sig 556.
Posts: 264 | Registered: 20 July 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Anjin
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Not nuts, that is just a good start. For that matter, I'll bet I am not alone in saying I have had plenty of guns I have never yet shot.

But then, I have boots I've never hunted in, too. I keep ending up using the old ones. coffee

Originally posted by Bill G. in Oregon:
Nearly 60 years ago as a pudgy 13 year old, I'd stop in Muloch's little gun shop on El Cajon Blvd in San Diego after school to oogle Wes' firearms.

I've liked guns ever since.

But I've not been much of a shooter or hunter, and do not expect to safari. So probably I should be barred as a heretic from this fine forum.

Yet I love having bigger bores especially and now own (or will in two weeks) each of these:

1. FN Deluxe Sporter in 9.3x62
2. Chapuis double rifle in 9.3x74R
3. Pre 64 engraved M70 in 375 H&H (with silver grizzley's inlays)
4. Remingtom 700 in 375 Ultra
5. gorgeous MK X custom in 378 WBY
6. Wby Lazermark in 378 WBY
7. CZ 550 Safari with exceptional wood in 416 Rigby
8. great looking CZ custom in 416 Rem
9 M70 in 416 Rem
10. BRNO O-U rifle in 458 Win
11. 1917 Rem custom in 458 Lott
12. And just sold my #1 in 416 Rigby.

These are in my safe along with a dozen or so other "lesser" rifles and shotguns.

But I cannot give any good reason for having these except that I want them. I'm not into stocks or savings. I'm a middle class old man who just likes guns, and spends much of his retirement income on them.

So, I guess I'm nuts!

Norman Solberg
International lawyer back in the US after 25 years and, having met a few of the bad guys and governments here and around the world, now focusing on private trusts that protect wealth from them. NRA Life Member for 50 years, NRA Endowment Member from 2014, NRA Patron from 2016.
Posts: 554 | Location: Sandia Mountains, NM | Registered: 05 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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Hoo-boy, I can relate.
You have way more big toys than I do Bill, but I agree there is just something about a big bore.
How do you like your BRNO O/U?

Another Bill in Oregon ...

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Picture of prof242
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I started as one of the Weatherby small-bore-high-velocity believers (but never owned a Weatherby caliber). Later in life (much later), I've seen the wisdom of bigger bores and less an extent. Now I have my .395 Max, .375 H&H Mag, and a hot-rodded/chamber-changed .450 Marlin. Oh, and there is a .470 in my near-future.
So many calibers, so little time.

.395 Family Member
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Be happy, you could have been raised next to a golf course... rotflmo


My wife looks around the place some days and says "The Jag convertible, guns, Harleys, Africa Safaris and mounts; why didn't I marry a stamp collector?
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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I see the situation, I just don't see the problem. If you can afford to buy them and it makes you happy, Go for It! I am a heretic when it comes to rifles. I like the big bores and have enjoyed shooting the ones I have had. Yes, I said had, because as I have gotten older and my hunting opportunities have changed, I have gotten rid of some of my rifles. Also, I am the last of my line and have no real blood relatives or children. I am at a stage in my life where if I do not hunt with a particular rifle on a fairly regular basis, I get rid of it. I plan on leaving some of my gun to the sons of friends that are just really getting started in hunting, but I don't like seeing a rifle set around gathering dust, it needs to be in the field being used. JMO.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill G. in Oregon
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Bill: I've not shot the BRNO o-u yet, but it is a beauty. Nice wood & engraving.
Posts: 1783 | Registered: 21 November 2009Reply With Quote
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Sounds like I am good company.

short and fat and hard to get at, hit like a hammer and never been hit back.
Posts: 251 | Location: Just north of Salingrad. | Registered: 07 January 2006Reply With Quote
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I'm selling a bunch of guns to get back into the double rifles, found a nice one at a right price...but I have seen the elephant, climbed the mountain and at 77 I hate to fly those long hours required of an African hunter.

I'm thinking now since I sold some guns, I might just pass on the double rifle, skip Arica and SCI, and go spend a month or two in warm Wickenburg Ariz and just team rope steers until I drop.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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I own many rifles, I have what is needed to hunt anything on earth under any conditions.

That being said I also have a FBW action I intend to build into a .600NE. This is for no other reason then I have always wanted a .600NE. It is an addiction, enjoy it!
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Picture of bigdoggy2bore
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You all ready gave a reason, because you like it. Thats all that is needed. You will fit right in on this forum. I don't hunt much either, but I have a fair amount of big bores and other cool guns. I have enjoyed shooting them for 30 years and still grab up a new one whenever I can afford it. It is as you know down right addictive!!!

Used to be bigdoggy700 with 929 posts . Originally registered as bigdoggy 700 in July 2006.
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Bill, IMO, you have excellent taste and judgment.

I too have some nice ones as well as some also-rans. When I needed funds to move to Japan, I was able to discard some of the lesser stuff (along with I few I still wish I had like a Winchester 1886 in .33 WCF, a Steyr SSG and an FN para in 7.62, a Detonics .45, an ASP in 9MM and an S&W model 29 in 44 Mag. During a financial upswing, I replaced the Ruger 77s I'd sold with some really nice pre-64 Model 70s and Model 12s.

One thing I've learned from a good friend who sold me many of these is to stick with classic collectibles and not to build more customs unless they are awfully special. Collectibles like single actions and Model 70s retain value. The other generally do not. I had to learn that the hard way. Right now I am focusing on Plain Jane LH New Haven Model 70s since they are getting rare, suit my needs and seem to hold value.

Norman Solberg
International lawyer back in the US after 25 years and, having met a few of the bad guys and governments here and around the world, now focusing on private trusts that protect wealth from them. NRA Life Member for 50 years, NRA Endowment Member from 2014, NRA Patron from 2016.
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Sanity is overrated. Cool


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
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Just last night, my wife and I were "discussing" why I am buying another gun cabinet since I already have 3 safes and 1 other cabinet. I told her I had 9 rifles at the gunsmith and didn't have room for them anywhere. The "discussion" got lively.

63 and nuts, that's me TOO.


C'est Tout Bon
(It is all good)
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I keep trying to sell off most of my guns and end up buying more. It is an addiction and hard to kick the habit.

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Where would I be without guys like you?

You keep shoes on my kids feet.

Remember, "need" has nothing to do with it.
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Picture of bigdoggy2bore
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After 30 years of shooting and collecting, I have assured my self of working till I am dead. Spent way too much on guns over the years to even think about early retirement. Not please let me finish my updated want list. It gets updated on a weekly basis , usually shorter.

Used to be bigdoggy700 with 929 posts . Originally registered as bigdoggy 700 in July 2006.
Posts: 318 | Location: ILLINOIS , FINALLY GETTING. A CCW! | Registered: 14 October 2011Reply With Quote
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Yep.. J.N.O.M. Gun Club.. Even if ya think you know how many are on "the list", something will pop up and surprise you.
Posts: 806 | Location: Ketchikan, Alaska | Registered: 24 April 2011Reply With Quote
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Obviously you're afflicted with an incurable disorder. Since you're inclined to never retire, maybe you could free up some of that green to help me see my way to deliver you a portion of my 3 505's, 1 510 Wells, 4 416 Rigbys, 3 404's, 3 375's and a trio of Model 70 classics, one ea in 458, 416 Ren and 375 H & H in order to rid myself of the same disease. I won't bother you with the smaller stuff.
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As I've had to explain to my wife of 30 years on numerous occasions: "Nuts" is a very relative term.
Posts: 10762 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Its an easy addiction to break..I quite smoking to chew tobacco, I quits chewing tobacco to dip snuff..It gets harder from here, but I quite all use of tocacco..

I almost gave up my guns for golf, but that didn't last so I took up team roping and it worked well enough and my guns are down to just those I really or almost really need..The thing about team roping is it costs so damn much that you cannot afford both hobbies!

So, you see, all you have to do is trade hobbies, its easy as that, sometimes however you end up with two very expensive hobbies, not good. cuckoo

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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