Sounds like Axel is rubbing off on you.... profanity, childish name calling, threats to "unmask" and "engage" use your "resources". Listen to yourself man. If you really believe you're right fight with FACT. If we could all do that, our guns wouldn't be in jeopardy.
Posts: 410 | Location: Granite City, WI | Registered: 10 March 2003
quote:Originally posted by Robgunbuilder: Mike375-Calling me an anti-gunner REALLY PISSED ME OFF!ASSHOLE! I can do a little more "unmasking" if you like? Don't Fuck with me or YOU will be sorry!People whisper things to me on E-mail. Know what I mean? Axel- Perhaps your memory is a bit clouded, but you didn't exactly emerge from our last Tete-e- tee. unscarred.Disembowled pretty much covers it! I'm always willing to " engage" are you? Sit down, take a deep breath and think about it! I have more info on you than you think I do! I have "resources" way beyond what you think I have and I'm very willing to use them. just ask your old friend Scott. As I told you, this is a final message to the"Wise". END of COMMUNICATION " with you two dipshits. Your both Dismissed! If this feels harsh, you've not seen anything yet! Oh Yes.Axel the "why are you attacking me" line is pretty old. Do you think we dont recognize the old AXEL cadence, Come on, get real!-Rob
Rob, Unmasking Mike375? He has been the same debating personality we all love or love to hate, with a knowledge of 375's second to none on this planet,coming to this site since the old version, friends of Saeed for years, not to mention being known by quite a few of us in real life, not the least of which by our most famous gunwriter Nick Harvey.
As to the rest, what the hell????
Posts: 3534 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000
When I purchased Nick Harvey's loading manual, I noticed that quite a number of the loads he lists were previously published in other loading manuals, making me suspicious of whether the loads were his own work that were coincidentally exactly those of other manuals, or whether he might have borrowed the data. Have you used his manual?
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002
Robgunbuilder, I do not understand what you are talking about! I am perfectly willing to drop this debate. However, unmask all you want. I have nothing to hide. The truth is the truth. If you cannot handle this FACT I am sorry for you. With regard to your comments in the past about Scott Sweet. I know him and you sir are WRONG in you comments about him. Whatever, "resources" you have at your disposal, they are NOT accurate!
BTW, I am most certainly NOT Mike375. If you can unmask that as a lie, go for it.
Again I suggest you drop me from this argument you have with Mike375! I do not debate politics if at all possible, and that is what this thread has become!!
quote:Originally posted by Axel: Robgunbuilder, I do not understand what you are talking about! I am perfectly willing to drop this debate. However, unmask all you want. I have nothing to hide. The truth is the truth. If you cannot handle this FACT I am sorry for you. With regard to your comments in the past about Scott Sweet. I know him and you sir are WRONG in you comments about him. Whatever, "resources" you have at your disposal, they are NOT accurate!
BTW, I am most certainly NOT Mike375. If you can unmask that as a lie, go for it.
Again I suggest you drop me from this argument you have with Mike375! I do not debate politics if at all possible, and that is what this thread has become!!
Good day, Axel
Axel does more replays that a white rapper from manhattan.
Axel, you are a fantastic lair, with a short memory, and you don't play the victem well.
In fact, you've stated numerous times "i am not so and so" when in fact, later, you admit it.
quote:Originally posted by Robgunbuilder: Every Damn time some gang banger blazes away at the local seven-eleven with a AK, the anti- gun crowd gets up on its high horse and loudly extols the need for more gun control. You know I never read about one of them carrying a 505 Gibbs into battle!
. . .
The proliferation of Military semi-autos is the rosetta stone of Gun confisgation in this country. I support the NRA's position on Assualt Rifles, semi-auto's etc. with plenty of contributions, but I'm also not blind to political reality. I want nothing to do with para-military stuff myself. That's just my opinion and I respect yours, please respect mine. -Rob
Where are gang-bangers blazing away at the 7-11 with AK's? I don't think that's actually happening. I know the National Socialists wish they would, so they could attempt to make their arguments real, rather than hypothetical, but it's just not happening.
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns have.
Posts: 2272 | Location: PDR of Massachusetts | Registered: 23 January 2001
You would be better off not making threats on the internet and doubly so since such threats are being triggered by something so mild as a forum discussion. I might also add that the topic in question is common worldwide amoung gun owners. The fact that such a topic causes you to make threats in my opinion puts you in the position of being a worry with the auto, not Axel.
Have a nice weekend.
[ 06-21-2003, 03:29: Message edited by: Mike375 ]
Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002