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Picked up my Marlin 1895GS, went and shot it today! Login/Join
I got out and shot the rifle today. I absolutely love it. It is by far my favorite rifle and cartridge combo. I went out with 405gr Remington factory ammo and had a blast. The recoil isnt bad at all. Felt like less recoil than a 12ga with birdshot. It was even comfortable shooting prone.

Its a riot hearing that huge bullet slap the target then the side of the hill. Makes lots of noise down range. My buddy was shooting hot 180gr 30-06 loads and didnt have nearly the cool factor at the receiving end that the Marlin had.

The only complaint I have is about the sights. We were shooting at 8" plates at 100 yards and the front sight completely covered it. My shots were all over the plate. I'd like to see what is out there as far as replacement iron sights.

I absolutely love this gun. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a powerful brush gun. You wont have to worry about branches in your way when trying to take out a angry hog etc.

Now more than ever I want a rifle in .458 Lott!
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Glad you like your Marlin mate.

I have a 1895 blued 22" barrelled version with a 2.5x compact leupold in warne fixed mounts mounted on it. I am of the opinion that the 2.5x compact is the ultimate scope for a 45/70. No more scope is required IMHO especially considering the cartridges range.

I am also having a .458 lott built on a cz 550 .458 win mage, maybe there is some correlation there ??

I suggest get that .458 Lott mate !!
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
I think what I will do is keep the sights that are on it but sight it in so that the bullet impacts at the top of the front sight giving me a better picture.
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That sounds like a good idea actually. Let us know how you like it on game, my mates and I love our 45/70's they hit hard and are a pleasure to reload for.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I love my 1895G too but don't be fooled into thinking that it will shoot through brush without deflection. The factory sight are crappy. Get Williams,XS or something if you don't plan on using a scope.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
I suggest you don't lard the rifle with a scope. The 1895GS is the ultimate packing rifle and if you put a scope on it you've ruined it's "packability".

As I mentioned on another forum, and as the previous poster noted, Williams makes a good receiver sight for this rifle - the WRGS series. Sits on top - not the ugly hang-on-the-side-because-of-winchester of yesteryear.

Williams used to offer a 4MOA florescent fibre front bead - not sure if they do anymore. The 4MOA bead was the best for accuracy work.

If you want, you can add wings to both the front and rear pretty easily.
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Put a Leupold 1x4x20 with Weaver See Thru on it. Still compact enough to pack. You'll have iron and glass.

When you start handloading for it, you'll really love it. Will never sell my stainless.

Roger QSL
Posts: 4428 | Location: Queen Creek , Az. | Registered: 04 July 2000Reply With Quote
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The recoil on the rem 405 factory isn't bad at all they are only going at 1300 fps. Like shooting a oversize pistol. [Big Grin] Now push them up to aroun 1800 with some good handloads and tell us what you think than.
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Remington's 45-70 factory ammo are a pussycat to shoot, as they are designed for the older rifles. You will need to try some magnum loads from BBA to see the full power of the 45-70 cartridge in your Marlin and make sure you replace the factory rubber pad with a good one before you do that.

AO makes a good aperture sight for the Marlin that can be mounted directly on top of the receiver so you may want to take a look at it.

Have fun with your new toy!
Posts: 1002 | Location: Midwest USA | Registered: 01 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by schapman43:
I got out and shot the rifle today. I absolutely love it. It is by far my favorite rifle and cartridge combo.

I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a powerful brush gun. You wont have to worry about branches in your way when trying to take out a angry hog etc.

Now more than ever I want a rifle in .458 Lott!

Schapman43, Glad you like your new rifle. the old 45-70 -s a real old soldier and fun to shoot, and hunt with. It is a mild kicker when useing the Rem 405 factory ammo, but when you load some hunting loads, you better replace the recoil pad with one of some quality! Even with a good recoil pad, it will get your attention, when you put REAL ammo in that little straight stocked rifle! [Big Grin]

Your comment about the 45-70 being a so-called brush cartridge is true, but not for the reason you state. It is a brush cartridge because of it's rainbow trejectory, makeing it a fairly short range cartridge for brush country ranges. There is no bullet under the size of a 155 howitzer round that will not be either destroyed, or deflected by hiting brush before it gets to the target! In short, there is no such thing as a brush bucking bullet, not even in the 458 LOTT you want! I have had 570 gr, 500NE 3" bullets deflected, enough to miss a Cape Buffalo, standing 5 ft behind a twig no larger than 1/2" in diameter.

Pick your path through the brush without twigs, and your 45-70 will flatten a 400 lb hog in style!
If, however, it hits somthing, it will likely wound, and then you will have to go into the weeds to sort him out! That, my friend, can get sticky! [Wink]

Have fun, new rifles are nice things, and yours is one of the best rifles chambered for 45-70! Use good handloads, with quality bullets, and hit the woods! [Cool]
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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