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i can get a deal on a blaser classic in 416 Login/Join
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i have never even seen a Blaser but sunday at our deer camp i of the guys said he would sell me his unfired 416 at a really good price, he is going to bring it sat?? all my rifles are regular bolt actions and this will be my 1st rifle bigger than 338 winchester /35 whlen.. anything i should look out for.. this 1 has iron sites and a set of rings but no much are extra barrels and where can i find them??
Posts: 1125 | Location: near atlanta,ga,usa | Registered: 26 September 2001Reply With Quote
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I would consider that an oxymoran.."A real deal on a Blaser" that is.....
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Very funny, Mr. Atkinson.

I love my Blasers. They shoot straight, have incredibly good triggers and are trouble free right out of the box.

Find out what model this one is. If it's a "Safari" model, it takes a heavier contoured barrel in which there are only two calibers made (other than the UIT versions), one in .375 H&H and the other in .416 Rem. Since this one has iron sights, I'm betting it's a Safari.

Also, find out if it's a Synthetic or an LX, Prestige, Classic, Grand Luxe, etc. If it's a Synthetic Safari model, the only way to use the lighter contoured barrels is to buy another entire Synthetic receiver (or put up with an extremely wide gap around the barrel for the length of the barrel channel in the fore end).

If it's one of the wood stocked models, you can get a replacement fore end for the lighter barrels that interchanges with the Safari fore end.

Scope mounts are about $230-250.00. Barrels are between $670-750.00 or so, depending on whether they're standard or Safari barrels.

Here are some links:

Blaser Jagdwaffen--Germany

SIGARMS--Blaser R93

As for prices, check Gunbroker. They always have dozens of them listed.

Blaser's doing something right. They sold the 100,000th R93 earlier this year.

[ 12-04-2003, 02:04: Message edited by: mrlexma ]
Posts: 14034 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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The Blaser is an unconventional, non-traditional bolt rifle. People either LOVE them or HATE them.I own Blaser R-93 rifles and I am in the LOVE them category, because they shoot good, handle good, always work, and are very accurate. The biggest bbl I have is a 375 H&H, but I have shot a 416. If I did not use double rifles for my "big bores" I would definately get a 416 Blaser bbl. [Big Grin] Still might have to have one. [Wink]
Every one of my fellow hunters that has handled and or shot my Blaser has really liked it. Several have bought one. None of then have been disapointed. None of them have had any problems.

[ 12-04-2003, 06:06: Message edited by: N E 450 No2 ]
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Tom I had a chance to play with a left handed version last year,it was a very nice rifle and shot great, It had the syn stock with the kick stop installed, tryed it both with and with out, would go with it if it was mine
Posts: 1529 | Location: Tidewater,Virginia | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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OK, How much and what grade is it? A blaser in .416 would be great! Let me know if you don't buy it.

Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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I don't get it. They are ugly and overpriced. That is why there are so many used ones for sale.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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Originally posted by Mikelravy:
I don't get it. They are ugly and overpriced. That is why there are so many used ones for sale.

You're wrong Mikelravy, they are UGLY, OVERPRICED, AND PUSHFEED! [Big Grin]
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Big Bore Fan
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Hey Tom,
on shooting place I see customers they�ve many problems with the blaser R93.
Problems like, can�t open the bolt after the shoot, no accuracy when the scope was put down.
Or the accuracy was terrible from the first day.
There�re not many people who are satisfied with the Blaser.
If you want to buy it, test the rifle plentiful.
Good luck!

[ 12-05-2003, 22:52: Message edited by: Big Bore Fan ]
Posts: 824 | Location: Munich, Bavaria, thats near Germany | Registered: 23 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by tom ga hunter:
i have never even seen a Blaser but sunday at our deer camp i of the guys said he would sell me his unfired 416 at a really good price, he is going to bring it sat?? all my rifles are regular bolt actions and this will be my 1st rifle bigger than 338 winchester /35 whlen.. anything i should look out for.. this 1 has iron sites and a set of rings but no much are extra barrels and where can i find them??

I would give 500 bucks for one. But that's about it.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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All of you who knock the Blaser I guarantee do not own one. Such is the ease of criticizing that of which one knows little or nothing.

There must be some sort of visceral thing going on here. Don't you like Germans--I mean, apart from their desire to rule the world from time to time? [Big Grin]

And don't give me any sh*t about der Koenig Mauser. Liking the Mauser does not preclude liking the Blaser. I own both. The former was the best design of the 19th century, the latter the best of the 20th.

As for push feeding, the Blaser will feed sideways, upside down and standing on your head if you're damn foolish and acrobatic enough to try it. It's because of geometry. The bolt, magazine and chamber are just that well designed.

I think that Blasers are like BMWs, some people just don't like them--usually they're the ones who can't afford them or who've just bought the bullsh*t and never tried one. [Razz]

I have trusted and will in future trust my life to one without hesitation.

[ 12-06-2003, 07:50: Message edited by: mrlexma ]
Posts: 14034 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Pettson
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Don't own a Blaser and admittedly do not have any desire to.
I do have an opinion though;
No matter whether it is a good rifle or not, as I see it, it has two major flaws.

1. It is JAPF
2. You pay to much for what you get (i.e. a CNC massproduced rifle).

And personally I think they are incredibly ugly looking rifles to. Just look at their combination gun. It has rubber ribs...
But since all beauty is in the eye of the beholder I won't mention that as an argument.


[ 12-06-2003, 08:16: Message edited by: Pettson ]
Posts: 62 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 10 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by mrlexma:

I have trusted and will in future trust my life to one without hesitation.

Get a little African road dust, and grit, in those multi-fingered cam extractors, and then tell us how you feel about not being able to chamber a round, when you really need to! That is if you can tell us anything at all! [Eek!]

As far as likeing German rifles, I have 75 rifles, that are german, or Austrian made, but none of them are PF bolt rifles! Most are double rifles, or cape guns, and the rest Mauser, or Mannlicher-Shoenauer! It has been my experience that German doubles regulate better,on the average, than most Britt doubles in the field grades. The German people are perfectionests,by nature, but that sometimes causes them to fix things that are not broken, and the result is a poorer design, for some purposes! The Blazer is one of those attempts to fix something that was not broken, IMO!

Mrlexma,There is nothing wrong with folks not likeing something you do like,and that is no reason to become angry! That is why they make so many kinds of rifles, not everyone likes the same thing. I'm quite certain that you have no idea whether anyone here has owned, or used Blazer rifles, or not. Even if they hadn't,and I'm sure most here have, I would think about 60 years of owning, and useing every type of rifle design ever built, would give a person a little insight into design flaws, no matter how slickly finished the appear to be to the untrained eye! [Cool]
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Mac, don't get me wrong. You and the rest of the world can shoot any make of rifle you want. That doesn't upset me at all.

However, here on this thread, we have a person asking for advice about a Blaser R93--and to my mind any advice that isn't based based on actual experience is close to useless.

I'll admit I was a little testy in my prior post, but that's because most of the anti-Blaser criticism I have seen here and elsewhere--apart from some that I would have to characterize as stemming from quality control issues that the warranty would cover--has not been based on facts backed up with actual experience.

I own two Blaser R93s with barrels in five calibers (from .25-06 to .375 H&H). I have put many, many, many rounds through them, both at the range and in the field. I have used them in the ice and cold and in hot and dusty conditions. I have used them on all sorts of game both here and abroad. And yes, I have trusted my life to one of them in Africa on lion and leopard.

I assume you know of their design features, but for those who don't:

1. They have excellent, single stage triggers and true, de-cocking safety mechanisms.
2. They can be taken down and reassembled (with the same or different barrels in different calibers) in just a few minutes, with no loss of zero.
3. Scopes can be mounted and removed with the same speed, a few minutes, also without loss of zero.
4. Because of their straight pull bolt actions, they are incredibly fast to operate.

In all five calibers, my rifles will shoot MOA if I do my part. In thousands of rounds fired, I have experienced exactly NO failures to feed, NO failures to lock up, NO failures to extract or eject and NO changes in zero after disassembly and reassembly.

Am I just lucky? Maybe, but I don't think so. As I noted above, Blaser sold the 100,000th R93 earlier this year, so I think it's pretty safe to presume that many others have had experiences with them similar to my own.

You and others may think that Blasers are ugly, unnecessary or both, and that's your right and privilege. I have no problem with that.

But please don't tell me they're poorly designed and don't work. I have too much personal experience with them to believe that for one minute. My comments are based on my personal experience--nothing else--and were given to someone looking for an honest answer to his question, that's all.
Posts: 14034 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Mrlexma, I yeald to your experience! [Cool]
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Hmm. let's see what the advantages of the Blaser are. Extremely safe to carry with a round in the chamber as the firing pin is not under spring pressure until cocked. Being able to change calibers while still having the same feel and trigger pull. Ease of having a spare scope sighted in with the saddlemount. Best trigger pull there is on a factory rifle.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Heritage Arms
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Blasers shoot out of the box, no gunsmith no screwing around. They work. While not the answer to all hunting situations, they are one of the best rifles on the market.

Posts: 1573 | Location: USA, most of the time  | Registered: 11 March 2002Reply With Quote
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