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I have been looking for a big bore Dakota 76 for a couple months now. Recently I found two that were very cheap, but both were mag-na-ported.

One was a 416 Rigby African (with quarter rib) that looked brand new,for $3,995. Apparently the recoil was too much for the original buyer. Then he mag-na-ported the rifle, and the recoil was still too much for him.

Currently from the factory, these rifles are around $8k to $10k.

I have bought rifles with muzzlebrakes but all have thread protectors. So I do not hunt with the brakes. In the past I have avoided mag-na-ported rifles because you obviously don't have the option to close the ports. Also I thought they didn't really reduce recoil all that much, like 15% or 20%.

Are mag-na-ported rifles as loud as rifles with normal muzzlebrakes??

Thanks in advance for advice.

Go Duke!!
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I would not shy away from a good deal because of the mag-na-port. Your right on it is not as effective as a break, but from what I've seen it does reduce muzzle climb as well as any.

The only two issues I've heard of is, guns that are fired alot, meening thousands of rounds have had the barrels split. This is said to be caused by the gas exiting the barrel through those tiny slits and over time the super heated gases are reported to cut away the metal causing the barrel to split. The other was people claimed the accuracy was not as good with boat tailed bullets as they were with flat base.

Personally for me it would be a non issue, and have actually concidered having my Ruger #1 416 rem mag-na-ported.
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The only noticable effect is to reduce the value of a rifle by 30-50%.

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Francis Bacon
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Originally posted by ForrestB:
The only noticable effect is to reduce the value of a rifle by 30-50%.

Exactly what I was thinking.

Go Duke!!
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Originally posted by ForrestB:
The only noticable effect is to reduce the value of a rifle by 30-50%.

That is pretty true, but it seems that everyone agrees that the Mag-na-port reduces muzzle rise.

As far as noise and recoil reduction, both are going to less than a real muzzle brake.

One thing to keep in mind is the fact that the barrel could be cut back to eliminate the ports. And if you don't want to do that you could have a new barrel installed.

I would think this could be done for about $600.

I have always wondered if you could cover the ports with a barrel band front sight.


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Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
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Is the barrel long enough that you can cut it off and have it recrowned? There are a lot of people hunting with 21" barrels and love them. I agree that is an awfully good price on a Dakota. At that saving you would still be way ahead with the gunsmith work. The great thing about the Rigby is you have the case capacity to bring speeds up to what you want and utilize a short barrel. It's a "have your cake and eat it to" cartridge.
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Not a rifle but I own a S&W 681PC Quadport. Noticable reduction in muzzle rise, little difference in recoil and no noticable difference in noise. While I wrinkle my nose when I see ported rifles I would not skip an awsome deal.


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Texas B-D,

I visited Larry Kelly in Detroit in 1987. He gave me the DEVA (German Proof House) report that he had paid for which I translated from German to English for him.

At that time he was negotiating selling a Mag-Na-Porting license to Blaser; which he did and they still sell Mag-Na-Ported Blaser barrels or will Mag-Na-Port yours.

DEVA had taken an FN Mauser (forget the chambering), shot it and recorded all the appropriate data and then had the rifle Mag-Na-Ported for subsequent testing.

IIRC, the largest benefit was a reduction in Muzzle Rise (Climb) and that was @ 13-15%.

Recoil Reduction was the least gained benefit by Mag-Na-Porting and that was @ 3% reduction.

Muzzle Velocity loss was <1% or basically negligable.

Sadly, the most increase in the Mag-Na-Porting process was with Muzzle Blast which (again IIRC) was a whopping 3 Decibels which is substantial.

Having said all that, I shoot a Blaser R93 rifle with 2 Mag-Na-Ported barrels; a 9.3x62 & a .375H&H Magnum. As I purchased both barrels used they were already Mag-Na-Ported.

I agree that the biggest benefit gained is reduced Muzzle Climb, too.

As a comparison, I shoot another Blaser R93 300 Weatherby Magnum barrel that I've had a Vias Muzzle Brake fitted. While the Blaser R93 platform is overall a pretty light rifle I do notice some reduction with the Mag-Na-Ported 9.3x62 & 375H&H but the Vias Muzzle Brake reduces the felt recoil (to my perception anway) of the 300 Weatherby to @ that of .30/06 Sprg. level; with, of course; the additional (lots of) Muzzle Blast (hearing protection required).


Number 10
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Had a Contender 375 JDJ with the ports, but would never consider it in a rifle. If I look at used guns and see it, I just consider it like the barrel chopped that much shorter with a hacksaw. Can be remedied by rebarreling or shortening, but the value goes way down.
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If you like the rifle BUY IT! The MP will help reduce muzle rise, the barrels will not split and you will have bought a great rifle at a smokin' price. The previous owner took the hit on resale value and you get the bargain. Buy it use it, love it and don't look back!

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Thirty-some years ago I magnaported my first .375 because I thought it was a real kicker. I sold that lovely Sako a few months later as I no longer enjoyed it at all. Yes, muzzle rise was reduced. My cheek felt the improvement, my shoulder...not so much. Blast was definitely much worse, and I hated the look of the holes in the barrel. The ports (four, if I remember correctly) were situated along a couple inches of barrel, and would not be covered by a traditional barrel band sight, and in any case my gunsmith advised that gas cutting would quickly destroy such a band. I wish now that I had simply shortened the barrel...coulda, woulda, shoulda...

The only way I would consider a ported barrel now would be if the price were so good that I could cut and recrown and still have a long enough barrel to be happy. I would never consider keeping a ported barrel. When firing heavy kickers from the bench, I take precautions...pads, standing rests, etc. When hunting, who cares about recoil? If I find a gun that kicks too much for my taste, and good recoil pads or extra weight don't tame it sufficiently, I'll just sell it.
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Texas Blue Devil,

If you decide not to buy the Magna Ported rifles, pleast post where they are, someone here may want to to take a look.
Posts: 2173 | Location: NORTHWEST NEW MEXICO, USA | Registered: 05 March 2008Reply With Quote
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When my shoulder quits being stronger than my ears, I will be very old, and not even then would I look into porting or brakes to tame recoil.
I'll simply drop down in power to the 450-400/375 Flanged class of cartridges and rock on

Oh and never forgetting to scotch the wheels on my 4X4 power chair Cool

Posts: 789 | Registered: 18 February 2009Reply With Quote
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The magnaports and any muzzle brake is the most effective way to reduce recoil. Certain edicate is suggested when hunting with friends, Tell them in advance to stick their fingers in their ears! If it helps ones shooting ability I advise it, beats the hell out of wounding a buffalo or Lion. I have heard some PHs say they won't hunt a client with a muzzle brake but I have yet to see them turn down any client with money in hand..if they do then find another outfitter..Lots of them around.

Another easy option is cut them off, crown the barrel and remount the sight.

Ray Atkinson
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I mentioned on another thread using a CZ550 416 Rigby that had been Magna-ported. I bought it on Gunbrocker from a seller who failed to mention the magna-porting. I decided to test the rifle before any further action.
This CZ was the euro version featuring the "hog back" stock and other than the magna-porting was as from the factory.
Test firing with both Federal factory loads and my loads, mostly using Barnes 350 gr X type (pre TX, one band) indicated excellent accuracy, potentially the best of any Ribgy I have tried. Magna-porting could not have hurt this rifles accuracy.
As far as recoil and noise levels go I could not detect any notable felt reduction of recoil nor any increase of muzzle blast. Even with muffs over my ears I have always noted the much increased blast from muzzle braked rifles combined with usually a great reduction of felt recoil. Not so with the CZ. As others have noted, I do believe the magna-porting reduced muzzle climb. Had I done a before and after I would know for sure.
At the time this rifle went to a third party it was shot along with a Mauser based 416 Rigby of similar weight with no recoil reduction devices but with a very straight classic style wood stock. Using the same loads in both rifles indicated any differences in recoil, blast and muzzle climb between the two was slight. After about 40 rounds from the bench, mostly from the CZ but including some from the Mauser, the new owners shoulder was colored a rapidly spreading purple (and he is not a small guy). Since he blogs here and will recognize himself if he reads this, I will point out that his disciplined bench shooting produced one tight group after another, even though it had too have been really hurting!
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I had a Ruger RSM in 416 Rigby that was MagNaPorted. I slimmed the stock and replaced the bolt handle with a straight longer onebut still just could not like the rifle. It shot wondefully and the muzzle rise was nil making a recovery pretty quick. Actually sold it on here to a member from SLC I believe. He took it to Africa and got a nice elephant with it I believe. I actually liked the MagNaPort. The recoil was less by a noticeable amount between my CZ 550 416 Rigby with a laminated stock and the Ruger with the same loads.

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I went through the Magna Port fad way back when. Gerry's data mirrors my anecdotal recollections about the rifles I had or tried. The only weapon I have ported now is a Ruger Redhawk in 500 Linebaugh (four ports) and I think it helps a handgun very much. With a cylinder gap, the point about noise increases is moot.

For $4000, buy the rifle and try it. You may not mind the noise at all. You can do either of the remedies above and still have a good deal.

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