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Truevelloshooter and Gerard,

You guys are getting REALLY boring. Why don't you move this pissing contest over to another dedicated thread instead of f¤cking up RIPs post about his rifle? The same goes for all the other threads where you guys jump in with your fight, and water out the content of the original posts... shame
Posts: 2662 | Location: Oslo, in the naive land of socialist nepotism and corruption... | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I have made my replies on a dedicated thread in the past but Bekker refuses to follow suit. He does not care about thread topics, only his personal agenda.

As a next best option I did this: Bekker made the comment to which I am reacting on the 16th of October and I waited almost a month and a half (29 November) for the thread to remain dormant, before making a reply. Presumably there was no more interest in the original topic and my reply would not interfere with it. I knew what Bekker would do as it has been his pattern of behaviour many times in the past.

Note that I only react, never instigate. The pattern for the last five years has been that Bekker would get his facts wrong (deliberately?) regarding GSC products and, when I ask for a correction or point out his lies errors, he would defend his statements with more lies errors and continue sniping. Usually he would hold up numerous samples of his favourite bullets.

The only counter I have to this agenda, is to show him up for what he is. If someone can find me a better way, tell me about it. Ignoring him does not work, I have tried. He simply escalates his miscondeceptions (sic) and hornswoggling without abatement.

I sincerely apologise to all who are irritated by this but if you have ever experienced a dripping tap in the dead quiet of the night, or an incessantly yapping little mutt when you are trying to work, you will know what I am on about.

I would be very happy if Bekker would simply not mention GSC at all. No snide remarks and no badly hidden innuendo. I would have no problem if he would advertise his favourite bullets to which he has no commercial ties Roll Eyes without any mention (veiled or otherwise) to GSC. That is, however, not likely.
Posts: 2848 | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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WOW! you two did not waste any time getting into that thread jack. Normally it takes 3 or 4 posts to progress, but you jumped right in.

So anyways, how difficult is it to neck up 338 Lapuas to 423?
Posts: 986 | Location: Columbia, SC | Registered: 22 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Gerard:
The aftermath of 9/11 caused havoc with postal systems the world over. We had challenges that caused companies with less determination to fold. Despite all of this, we resolved outstanding issues to the satisfaction of everyone and this was also stated.

Knock me over with a feather ... the fall of the towers. Suppose all the ineternet lines went down for months on end. Gosh. Just woundering if Dan is convinced that the actual problem was the havoc that followed 9/11.

Dan's letter was just one of many - the same story from them. Not an isolated incidence. When I buy bullets from you the bulets and the money must switch hands as I will not embroil myself with excuses such as planes that went trough towers, or the Tsunami, or the postal service, etc.

Let us not get bogged down with your datum line of middle 2002, but if you want to state it as the important turn-around date of the way you did business, as you claimed in your previous post, then why the hell must Dan write you such a desperate letter on the 5 th June 2003 - it is 12 months later.

Why must RIP write you a letter on the 18 th July 2003 - another 6 weeks later ... or was the internet lines still down from 9/11 way back in 2001, hey? You honestly want me to belief such shit !!!

I will refrain from answering all the other skewed remarks that you made, but retain the right to do so later. Needless to say that I reject these statements that you made.

Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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If you are asking permission from someone to import a scope from the USA, you have been seriously misled somewhere. The guy was probably pulling your leg and you believed him. You are so gullible and we have seen how shoddy your "research" can be.

Gerard you seem such an expert and know-all. Nobody is gullible. Nobody is pulling nobody's leg. Nobody is misleading anybody. Just normal honest business to buy something just like you sell your bullets in the States. Somehow you have to build in something bad ... like shoddy research.

Now let me tell you something, most of what you uttered is complete bullshit. Jon from Optizone applied for an export permit and if they turn it down, so be it. But it also spell bad news for you ... as the US authorities may also wake up to fact that bullets are coming into their country which they may see even in a more serious light than a telescope leaving their own country. Silly as it is, I can only hope that sanity will prevail.

Just don't be too clever, as it may also catch you.

Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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You are an accountant you say. Knocking almost four years off today's date puts us at about the middle of 2002. I have seen in the past that when you start fudging, you get confused with numbers under 5. Pay attention Chris.

Gerard as I said, I do not want to get bogged down as to the exact timeline, but I accepted your revised date of middle 2002, but let us just check the arithmatic again:

Middle 2002 to Middle 2003 .... 1 year
Middle 2003 to Middle 2004 .... 1 year
Middle 2004 to Middle 2005 .... 1 year

How do you arrive at middle 2002 when we knock off 4 years from 2005? Perhaps you should make the bullets and I should do the numbers, but only up to 5 as you said.


Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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The FN is under the FACTORY load speed for a 286gr bullet. Follow our recommendations and add another 200+fps to that and then come back and tell me what you found.


If you want to hang your hat on a mere 200 fps you are surely going to lose.

Then true to form, just like you accussed me that I massaged the results of the Barnes-X bullet that I cut shorter you now perpetuate the same sinister rumour maliciously that I would do it again when I shoot your bullet 200 fps faster - the only reason is because you want to project your own doubt on to me, by making out that I am a conman. Just look at your pathetic remark again ... "You will manipulate it and massage it to suit your preconceived ideas and then present it."

I have eye witnesses every time when I do my experiments, as I know you would always try to cast doubt or accuse people that something was wrong. That does not work with me, sorry.

You are a sorry case.
Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by gixxer:

So anyways, how difficult is it to neck up 338 Lapuas to 423?


I neck up the .338 Lapua to .458 Nyati and shoot and reload it with no problems.

Ditto the .375 Lapua (Chui), though that one requires some inside neck reaming after fireforming to get rid of the "dreaded doughnut."

I will need custom dies from Redding after I fireform the .423 Simba. This could be done simply with .338 Lapua fired in the rifle (wax/soap/real bullet, etc.).
Redding will use the fireformed cases to make dies.

However, functional ammo can be made from new .338 Lapua brass by necking up to .416 with an expander in three steps: .30 to .375 RCBS expander, then .375 to almost .416 using the .375 to .458 RCBS tapered expander part way, then finishing to .416 in a .416 Rigby die.

The final step is to use a beveled-base or boat-tailed .423 bullet to seat into the .416 neck of a primed and powder charged case, and ... Voila! An uncrimped .423 Simba is born.

The runout on these loads is +/- .0025" and they will function fine until I get my custom dies. I will fireform with them.

In the process, I will also see if I can get Gerard's .423/320gr HV African Sheep Bullet (HV-ASB) Wink up to some ungodly velocity to ensure expansion at the long ranges of African Sheep. thumb

As to the hijack Chris, you have made an ass of yourself again, buy a donkey.

I'm afraid the .423 Simba won't be ready in time for the 1600 pound bison on 23 Dec., so I'll use a North Fork .474/500gr Cup Point on that with a .470 NE Merkel. Then I'll go back and shoot some long range "sheep" with the .423 Simba when it is ready.

Yes, we have a shooting preserve of sorts in Western Kentucky. High fences for bullet testing. thumb
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Time marches on to Sept 20, 2003. Another 2 months after RIP's post on AR of Sept 18, 2003. 100 e-mails later and Dan is now getting fed-up. (Can't blame you Dan, as I would have been breaking down the doors by then). Anyway this snipet from 500 Grains:

"After more than 100 emails and a dozen or so phone calls (only one of which actually made it through), I was at wit's end. Recently Gina emailed to say that she shipped the bullets. I hope that they arrive this time. I do not understand Gerard's business practices (although he makes a great bullet), but it seems some persistent public pressure may be helpful. I hope that the others who ordered from GS will receive their product too."

It looks like communication with the customer is not too great, despite e-mails going through and once the phone was answered. In terms of the falling towers, we are now 2 years past 9/11 of 2001 and only only 26 months ago from where we stand today. bewildered

Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Who is lying to whom? Is Gerard lying to me or also to customers? Is Gerard truthful and straight? These are merely questions that I am compelled to ask, since Gerard is making me out as the liar. You be the judge.

Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Oh wow! Six replies, there will be lots of mistakes here. Fun, fun, fun. animal

See how Bekker juts runs on and on until someone pulls him up short.

Knock me over with a feather ... the fall of the towers. Suppose all the ineternet lines went down for months on end.
I said, and you quoted me: "The aftermath of 9/11 caused havoc with postal systems the world over."

I am amazed that you do not know this but parcels are not sent via the internet. Sending a parcel involves a system called "The Pos-tal Sys-tem" If you want to know more about this, let me know and I will supply some links for you to learn more. Talking about ignorance, here is another mistake you made, cleared up.

the US authorities may also wake up to fact that bullets are coming into their country which they may see even in a more serious light than a telescope leaving their own country. Silly as it is, I can only hope that sanity will prevail.
Chris, the drama queen at his best. They already know bullets are coming into the USA. They are gravely concerned about this but only if the bullets are coming in one at a time after being launched from a shooting platform of some description. When bullets are coming into the USA and meet the quantity stipulations for private use, are wrapped in parcels and fully covered by an export declaration from the country of origin, they are not concerned. These regulations, together with many new arrangements regarding airmail, surface mail and couriers, caused much trouble in 2002 and 2003 until everybody got used to it, and complied with, and applied them correctly.

How do you arrive at middle 2002 when we knock off 4 years from 2005?
Your lack of attention to detail and fact is swinging from the rafters and hollering for attention again. My statement, made twice: "on our website for almost four years now." would be descriptive of a period of time that is less than four years.

May 2002 to April 2003 ...= 1 year
May 2003 to April 2004 ...= 1 year
May 2004 to April 2005 ...= 1 year
May 2005 to December 2005 = Less than four years but more than 3 and a half years.

Only you could make an issue of such old cow trivia but it does highlight that you should not be doing numbers. This previous difficulty you had with keeping track of numbers, less than five, comes to mind: "Penetration was shallow ( because of over expansion) and the 2 gemsbok had to take multiple shots each, except for the warthog." (This is from my file titled "Sentences that Make No Sense")

If you want to hang your hat on a mere 200 fps you are surely going to lose.
I keep forgetting, one must explain everything to you with great care. 200+ means more than 200fps. So you can load up to 300fps (three hundred feet per second) faster. Just follow the load proced......... I forget, you do not follow manufacturers recommendations.

the only reason is because you want to project your own doubt on to me
I suggest you master languages first before getting into psychology. It is a difficult subject. Wannabe journalists would need writing skills before they would need psychology.

I have eye witnesses every time when I do my experiments
I see, so you were present when Pieter shot the brindled kudugnu? I am sure he said he shot the wildebeest on his own and you claimed to have seen the kudu heart?! he removed from that animal.

That does not work with me, sorry.
Lots of things do not work with you. Logic circuits, comprehension of the written word, concepts of twist and stability, one could build quite a list here.

Time matches (sic) on
Indeed it does and the rest of your posts are simply a rehash of your agenda to slander GSC. Both the men you quoted have expressed their satsfaction with the outcome of their business with GSC and have re-ordered. You really are desperate to find something negative to say and way too transparent for your own good.

A question: When Redding make dies from a fireformed case, is it done with a reamer or do they cut the internal profile with cnc equipment?

Forgive the highjack, I know it is useless to reply on the dedicated thread as Bekker will just continue to posture here.

Good luck with the bison hunt.
Posts: 2848 | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Gerard, truvelloshooter, are you guys not aware of the PM function? Because you are the absoulutely only ones who are interested in your blablabla.
To do this on RIP's thread showes a lack of respect and is just plain sad.

Bent Fossdal
5685 Uggdal

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I am amazed that you do not know this but parcels are not sent via the internet.


Gerard this was brilliant.

Must I rub the word communication again under your nose? 100 e-mails without a response. Why Gerard why? That is the question, becuase you say/claim that you will let customers know. If you don't get it, I can publish the other leters of Alf and RIP as well. Confused

How long did Dan, Alf and RIP battle with you. Were they so deperate for nothing, I doubt it. You said the datum line was middle 2002 (not me)and these people still struggeled with you middle 2003 - so you are at fault - you lied Gerard. Big Grin

Don't feel offended, but you are not going to feed me shit and get away with it. thumbdown

Cropduster wrote on June 3, 2003

"What shipping ??????????????????????????? It's been 6mo (paid in Jan ) for this order & not a word from them."

Alstro wrote on June 3, 2003

"I ordered mine in Dec 01 and received half my order in August 02. The last I heard from Gina was March 17 03, and she said they were in shipping. I sent an e-mail on May 17 asking for a tracking number, but i haven't heard back from that one."

500 Grain wrote on May 2, 2004

"My complaint is about untruthful statements. I would have bought at least a couple of thousand dollars more bullets from GS by now had there not been false statements made."

Alf wrote on May 10, 2004

"Two years and 3 months, umpteen calls, threats etc etc and I'm still waiting. So until my order of "brass parts arrive" they are crooks and thieves cause they took my money (credit card) and failed to deliver on the product ! Add to that downright liers as well; cause not once did I get a straight forward answer or explanation from these people! I cannot tell you how many times I have been given the "it's in the mail" from Gerhard directly? Now this whole thing is apparently not new, no! their reputation in gun circles in the RSA speaks of the same !"

Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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What would be the point of Bekker publishing his slander publicly and me replying with a PM? Bekker starts this flaming war every time and I have no choice but to react. You are a gunsmith. What would you do if I published a report on work you have done, and ran you down with incorrect facts and a bad grasp of the concepts around the work you have done? Read my reply to ErikD above. If you have an issue with this nonsense from Bekker tell him so. Regrettably I must defend myself and GSC as I am sure you would do in my position.

I can publish the other leters of Alf and RIP as well.
Why not post a link to those threads so that newcomers can see how the situation was resolved and the lengths we went to to ensure a good outcome for all?

Again your post is simply a rehash of your agenda to slander GSC and showing that these matters were resolved does not suit your current tactic to damage GSC's business. You follow your tactic of dishonesty and maliciousness as you have for the last five years.

See my post of 4 December here.
Posts: 2848 | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Chris Bekker is getting very annoying to us and I think maliciously slanderous to you. He should put a cork in it.

All the folks I was aware of having problems getting the shipments post 911 got satisfaction, myself included. The latest shipment only took about a week through the airmail.

The world has changed horrendously since September 11, 2001, and the fact that you are still on your feet and making those "machined copper parts" is recommendation enough.

I am still waiting for things to cool down a bit more before I venture abroad again.

Redding has an optical comparator that reads the brass you send them. I would assume that would be all digital and go into CNC machining, or they couldn't do it so reasonably as they do. I'll get that clarified when I call. I hadn't even thought of it.

Best Regards,
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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It is commendable that Gerard eventually completed all his commitments to you and others. That is not the point though. Gerard has lied to me and is spreading lies about me, despite me telling him that I am not associated with Rhino but he pesrsists that I have an insight in their financial affairs and that I massage the results of my experiments. IT is all about lies even about his own datum line and in relation to what is on his website. It is about twisting the TRUTH and many people have said so - nobody, including you, can erase the past dealings of Gerard with customers.

Gerard has a fine product, beautifully made, etc, but that is not the issue either. He changed business pratices that the customers resented and his argumentitative nature brings him in conflict with people. Slanderous remarks against me also abound.

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The stale orders been honored, and several people, including myself and others, have placed new orders and those have been honored and the bullets shipped quickly.

As for others issues, frankly they do not appear to be interesting to people reading this forum. Most would rather talk about guns, bullets, reloading and hunting.

Along those lines, I have started a topic in gunsmithing which I hope you can provide a bit of insight on.

Best wishes to all.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Please stop the trash on this thread. Please try to behave on the other thread too, since 500grains has kindly invited you there.
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Subject closed - I bow out. beer
Lesson being, if you live in a glass house, you should not throw stones.

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Originally posted by RIP:

boom stick,
A new proprietary line is born! RIP Arms and DOA Ammo. We will feature .338 Lapua Magnum or shortened-Rigby based cartridges in rifles with actions by CZ, MRC, Dakota, or Granite Mountain. The ammo will be loaded with North Fork, Bridger, and GSC bullets when we can get them.

DOA ammo will be contracted out to lawndart if Lapua or Norma aren't interested. thumb

RIP, I sent you a PM. Not trying to step over ya, but be sure you check it out. sofa

"They who would give up an essential Liberty for Temporary Security, deserves neither Liberty or Security." ---Benjamin Franklin

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Thanks for your input on the .470 Royal. I had already remembered that I have the Ken Howell book, and yes it shows the specs for the .470 Royal.

Your suggestion of making the neck of the .475 Kifaru shorter is indeed a good one. A .475" long neck would be perfect, and allow the .475 Kifaru to fit the magazine rifle with most bullets.

As for your suggestion of a 40 degree shoulder, I think I would prefer to stick to a shoulder of 20 to 25 degrees, to keep with the Lapua theme.

The .338 Lapua has a 20 degree shoulder. The .408 Chey-Tac has a 22 degree shoulder.

The .408 Chey-Tac is very like a scaled up .338 Lapua.

We at HA!/DOA wish to maintain philosophic consistency in our Big Five.

Thanks for the input. thumb

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RIP:

Thanks for the input. thumb

Glad to try and help. beer Go with the 22 degree shoulder. Wink Keep us up to date now!!! wave

"They who would give up an essential Liberty for Temporary Security, deserves neither Liberty or Security." ---Benjamin Franklin

Posts: 693 | Location: Middle Tennessee | Registered: 16 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Shoulder angle is a funny thing. Some guys love an Ackley improved shoulder because the brass doesn't stretch much. Others love the long, sloping shoulder of a .404 jeff because it feeds slick once set up properly.
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Holland and Holland designed their .375H&H case intentionally with body taper and a long sloping shoulder for ease of feeding and extraction. Wise move - it proved itself since 1912. So did the 300 H&H. Horses for courses, as sure extraction is vital for a follow up shot to prevent getting stepped on by an elephant. beer

Posts: 656 | Location: RSA | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 500grains:
Shoulder angle is a funny thing. Some guys love an Ackley improved shoulder because the brass doesn't stretch much. Others love the long, sloping shoulder of a .404 jeff because it feeds slick once set up properly.

Yes indeed it's a funny thing, that shoulder angle thing. 8.5 degrees or "approximately 9 degrees" as some sources call it, for the .404 Jeffery, to 45 degrees for the .416 Rigby.

But the slope-shouldered .404 Jeffery has almost no body taper, and the sharp-shouldered Rigby and Gibbs have lots of body taper.

The .338 Lapua and the .408 Chey-Tac both have the medium angle 20 degree and 22 degree shoulders respectively, but retain the substantial body taper of their parent cases, Rigby and Gibbs respectively.

This makes them even more fool proof than their parents for feeding and functioning and ease of extraction and reloading, etc., and hopefully case stretching will not be significantly different.

The .338 Lapua and .408 Chey-Tac were both designed for potential use in automatic weapons applications by the military, as well as bolt action sniper rifles.

This ensures the best reliability for dangerous game hunting applications too. thumb

In summary: The HA!/DOA Big Five cartridges will be perfectly suited for shoulder fired machinegun use if that ever becomes legal for hunting in Africa.

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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