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I've already got the 375 and love it. If you were going to take a jump in power (just because you want to)...would you go to 416 Remington or 458? The 458 could be either Lott or Ackley.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I would probably go with the 416 Rem. I heard somwhere that Winchester dropped the 458. I have a 416 Taylor and am thinking of a 375. No reason really. I have a wild hair for a pre 64 M70 in 375.
Posts: 536 | Location: Mid Michigan | Registered: 02 January 2001Reply With Quote
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It all depends where your interests are.

In my case I would pick the 45 bore size because I like to play about with loads and the 45 bore has all those 45/70 style bullets available.

In 416 you will be limited to the 350 grain Speer and 400 grain Hornady.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm leaning towards the 458 for several reasons...I'm curious how many votes the 416 will get.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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The 416 would be the way to go, due to penetration, bullet weight, recoil is about the same, and you can get much more flexible weights.

the 458, unless you go with 500s and a bigger than 458 winnie, will not give you the vel for a flexible rifle
Posts: 41047 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
.458 Lott, Watts or Ackley:
500 gr the best compromise for DG, a big variety of bullets available,
400 gr at 2600 f/s, a flat shooting all purpose rifle with no draw back compared to .416.
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Jeffesso said it all!

416 Hands down! You get a long good penetrating bullet that you don't have to load up to killer recoil levels to get the job done! You can go the Rem .416 route or romance the cartridge with the .416 Rigby! A CZ550 in .416 Rigby is a heck of a buy and a well made rifle!

Just my opine!

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.458 Lott, Watts or Ackley:
500 gr the best compromise for DG, a big variety of bullets available,
400 gr at 2600 f/s, a flat shooting all purpose rifle with no draw back compared to .416.

Ackley. 458 has more bullets, cheaper. Brass can be formed from 375,416, H&H, and some other alternatives.

In a pinch, you can still fire 458 Win mag out of the ackley.;f=16;t=001975

The 450 Lott has a couple people that load for it, and the price is about the same as 416 ammo.

You can fire the Lott ammo in the Ackley, and you end up with a formed case for the Ackley.

I see no down side. Ammo is cheaper, and easier to get then the 416, since you have such a wide number of cartridges that can be fired out of it.

I WANT ONE. My plan is to find a CZ550 Safari Magnum, in 458 Win, and just have the chamber rebored, and I'm pretty much ready to go.

Best value you can find.

Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001Reply With Quote
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You already have a versatile rifle in the .375H&H. The .416 is just one step up in power, so you might as well go to a .45 or bigger.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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If you are looking for votes...

If you have a 375, go for the 458 (Lott or similar).

That way you can take two rifles on safari - the 458 for the nasties and the 375 for the "small" stuff.
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Ditto what NitroExpress just said.

Posts: 1401 | Location: Northwest Wyoming | Registered: 13 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I agree with GeorgeS. Although I prefer the .416 Rem to the .375, I don't see any reason for someone with a .375 to also have a .416. I think even a .458 is a little too close to a .375 to warrant buying a weapon in that calibre. I, for instance would never have a .458 Lott and my .416. It just makes no sense to me. I decided long ago that my next rifle will be .50 cal. or bigger and that is what I would probably recommend for someone who already had a .375.

Good Hunting,

Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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I would tend to agree that if you do not plan to eventually own both the .416 & .458 then in the .458 whatever will be more versatile. I have a .416 and there excellent, but considering you have a .375 I would head the .458 road.

I would also look into the .460 weatherby built on a cz 550, you will get three in the mag and it can be loaded down to .416 rem velocity's or loaded right up. I reckon those sierra .458 cal HPFN 300 grainers would have explosive impact on pigs driven at weatherby velocity's.

If it were me I would own both eventually.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Debending on what you plan to use it for. A bear stopper the 458 . All around bear moose Spare then use the 416. It shootes as flat as the 375 so you don't worry about hold over. from shooting deer I would say a good evpanding bullet would get the attention of the critter you shoot. I have a rigby
Posts: 52 | Location: Sargent ne USA | Registered: 24 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I appreciate all the responses. Gun would be used primarily in Alaska as a stopper but occasionally in Africa.

I'm also of the opinion that having a 375 & 416 is duplication (I felt the same about the 338 and 375). I like the bullet availability of the 45's also.

If I was going to do it all over again I would probably get the 338 and 416 and be done. And yet the 375 is such a good most of you I'll eventually try all of them and then settle on what tickles me the most.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
Since you already have a 375 I would suggest a 450 rigby rimless.

Personally I would have taken a 338-404 or 340 wby and team it up with a 416 rigby. I have also realised that no gun safe is complete without a 458 of some sort [Big Grin]

Good Luck
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Well, I don't know here. I have a 338wm, 375 h&h, 416 rem mag,and even the useless (some claim)old 458 wm.The way I determine which to shoot is to first determine how bad I want my but kicked around that day. But for dangerous game, it's the 416.

[ 08-23-2002, 04:50: Message edited by: Pathfinder ]
Posts: 740 | Location: CT/AZ USA | Registered: 14 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Oops, double post

[ 08-23-2002, 04:46: Message edited by: Pathfinder ]
Posts: 740 | Location: CT/AZ USA | Registered: 14 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I think your right as the .458 calibre has a lot of cheaper style 45/70 bullets to muck around with.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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