Moderators: jeffeosso
Re: A PROPOSAL for US Login/Join
Picture of Bakes
But if we ignor him, then I wont get a laugh when you guys get stuck into him. Thats why I visit this site everyday
So make me laugh....say NO to ignoring him
Posts: 8116 | Location: Bloody Queensland where every thing is 20 years behind the rest of Australia! | Registered: 25 January 2001Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of Lar45
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The administrators of a threads forum can also change the members title ie "one of us".

Perhaps to "Lying Troll".

Exellent idea!
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of Robgunbuilder
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We should all give GeorgeS a big THANKS! As moderator, He's making an excellent effort to rid us of the TROLLS!
While it maybe fun sometimes to find them and hunt them down, it is in a sense demeening personally to have to deal with them.
As a few of you have pointed out, SCOTTS is actually dangerous. The 405 winchester loads he Trolled-up could easily get someone killed! We had a 405 winchester blow-up described not long ago on this site and I would not want that to happen to anyone who did not know that SCOTTS actually doesn't even have a 405 win and really could care less if he kills someone or not.
These clowns are dangerous and should be SHUNNED by everyone on this site! Please follow George's advice and PUT SCOTTS on IGNORE! When he comes back as someone else WE will quickly ID him for you! Eventually when he has no audience he will probably just go back to BEATING JUDY or his KIDS. Good Riddence. ScottS your DISMISSED!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Yes come let us thank GeorgeS. Now we can all bullshit without anyone calling us on it!!! Life is good again.

By the way, which 405 winchester do you own again. You said first it was an original M1895 Winchester and then you seemed to contradicted yourself and said it was a Browning reproduction M1895, and then you seemed to contradict yourself yet once more and stated it was a grade one (which may be a new Winchester reproduction). Now it sounds as though you don't own a M1895 at all. Perhaps I simply misunderstood you.

Tell me will these loads blow up a 405 Win?

Rel 7
CCI 200
Hornady brass
300 gr bullet
muzzle velocity - 2545 fps

62 grains of H4985
CCI 200
Hornady brass
300 gr bullet
What is my muzzle velocity, pressure, and percent of case fill?

Go ahead tell the world again how I am a lying sack. I think it may be a good time for you to start ignoring.

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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you little creep... if you don't give the extact bullet and OAL, you questions are meaningless.

further, without the powder load, you are working backwards, an idiodic method, at best

futher, without barrel length, measure from a ROD touching the boltface, one can have the SAME velocities with radically different pressures.

it always boils down to you presenting a single scenero, being wrong, going off whining like a whipped cur, and then swearing to leave, never come back... you've done this under todd, axel, srs, judy, etc etc

Again, you show you know NOTHING about reloading

So, moron, by your own question, you have proven you know nothing.

Now, if one prefers to actually give the parameters, this can be determined, otherwise, Rob and I both have answered this question.

what does you (nameless) software tell you NOW, judy/axel/todd/scat?

Posts: 40999 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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just perserving his "question"


Yes come let us thank GeorgeS. Now we can all bullshit without anyone calling us on it!!! Life is good again.

By the way, which 405 winchester do you own again. You said first it was an original M1895 Winchester and then you seemed to contradicted yourself and said it was a Browning reproduction M1895, and then you seemed to contradict yourself yet once more and stated it was a grade one (which may be a new Winchester reproduction). Now it sounds as though you don't own a M1895 at all. Perhaps I simply misunderstood you.

Tell me will these loads blow up a 405 Win?

Rel 7
CCI 200
Hornady brass
300 gr bullet
muzzle velocity - 2545 fps

62 grains of H4985
CCI 200
Hornady brass
300 gr bullet
What is my muzzle velocity, pressure, and percent of case fill?

Go ahead tell the world again how I am a lying sack. I think it may be a good time for you to start ignoring.


Posts: 40999 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Big-Ed
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It does little good for us to IGNORE a user if you are just going to quote him.
Posts: 269 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 07 December 2003Reply With Quote
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