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Caliber .700 Login/Join
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In caliber .700 woodleigh is the only bullet i have found on the net. And that is only a 1000 grain bullet. And it is not going to have penetration at all. And some buddy over here talk about a 1200 grain bullet in caliber .700 but were can you find that bullet and is it a cast bullet or is it a soft point...?


A 50 BMG opened up to caliber .700 has to have a 1200 grains bullet at least if you are going to have penetration. A woodleigh 1000 grain soft point at 2600 f/s will not go deep into the target. And what were you talking about a 727 cal.? were do you get bullets to a caliber like that? and if you built a 50 BMG opened up to caliber .600 were do you get soft point bullets that will hold together? the woodleigh 900 grain soft point bullets is done to do the job at 1950 f/s. and if you load it up to 2700 f/s then you dont get good penetration. Is there any else who make .600 bullets...? And now you say to me that it is just the power you want. To shoot a .600 solid through a buffalo is like shoot a 375 with soft points.

The Swift bullets in 458 i think is good in a 460 wby because the higer velocity. I will going to try the Swift 500 grain bullets in my 460 wby soon. I am happy if i get 2600 f/s with them.

And a last question for every buddy. Is wood a harder than a moose. will a bullet penetrate longer in the moose than in the wood...?

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Do you know if Ulrik have done any expansion tests with his 577 Tyrannosaur and woodleigh 750 grain soft points at 2700 f/s...?

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
Overkill !

I don't no if Ulrik have done any expansion tests with 750 gr. travelling at 2700 fps.
It will be interesting when he get those 750 gv custom hv bullets to play with. Then he will be able to increase velocity a bit !!!
Well it's interesting to read about this .700 wildcat that pushes a 1950 vld bullet to 2300 fps,,woooow !
Please tell me more about it, when you get to read the whole article, while i'm focusing on a "smaller" cal. like the 8.59 Titan or a .340 Wby or .378 Wby. I don't actually know what cal. to settle at.As i said i want a cartridge pushing 500 gr. over 2700 fps and maybe the .470 Mbogo will fullfil this request. At least it should with water cap. of 148,5 grains.
By the way, i have to tell you once again that i will get a cal.585 just to play with, and i want the bullet to stay together at those speeds we're talking about to watch the impact, and then a solid is the way to go, and i will not go to hunt with a cannon in .577 Tyr. cause shot placement would sure be suffering from the recoil, and i would be scared of it too !My next project will be a .338 cal-.375cal.or a .470(.475 A&M,.470 Mbogo)

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Is the HV bullets expanding bullets? If it is then it is a bullet that stay togheter. How high velocity do you think is possible with them in the 577 Tyrannosaur...?

A 1950 grains bullet at 2300 will give a hard recoil... the rifle weight most be at least 30-35 pounds...!

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote

I'm not sure, but their of very good quality i've heard, and Ulrik gets almost without problems 3150 fps with a 330 GV custom hv(High velocity)!!That's impressive. And the .378 Wby should manage 3250 fps with a 265 GV custom bullet.Flat shooting indeed.Mugabe should be afraid, very afraid he,he !
I would not be supprised if Ulrik gets 2750 fps or something with those bullets , even tough 2715 fps with Barnes mono's should really be enough for anything.I must say i got very impressed of that .700 "Megatron"
thing throwing 1000 gr. slugs at 2800 fps,750 3200 fps and the 1950 Vld at 2300 fps.Just altoghether too much of everything !! Certainly we'd impressed the local fellas at the shooting range carrying with us something like that !!
For my concern, i have really no further plans than purchasing a .505 Gibbs, .585 Nyati which will suffice both ways he,he !

Just think about the effort to get a .700 Megatron. I wonder what this rifle will cost,,when you ask how much,,you can't afford it (usually).
Really, when it comes to power, i think i will be happy with a gun like .470 Mbogo producing 8200 fpe, nothing more is needed for both myself,and the poor things which comes in it's way !

Per "8000fpe" !

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Per577 !

In what caliber does Ulrik get 3150 f/s. There isn�t any 330 grain bullet in caliber 577/585 or is there???

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Yeah, the 700 IMPROVED that shoot a 1950 grain bullet at 2300 f/s and a 1000 grain bullet at 2800 f/s is very impressed. But is there a 750 grain bullet in caliber .700

But i want to know what this rifle weight and if it was a magazine rifle and what it cost. We can hope that Fiftydriver can tell us everthing when he find the article.

I think that a 378 Wby is very effective on game up to the moose if you load a Custom HP bullet to 3200 f/s. Do you thnik that the higer velocity will do a bigger wound channel?

But i think that the 460 wby will be the MAX caliber if you are going to use it on hunting. The weight on my 460 is 5,2 kg with a Aimpoint 2 x. And trust me it is heavy if you have to walk more than 1-2 km. But the recoil in my 460 isn�t so heavy that i cant shoot a 2 nd and a 3nd shoot fast.

Next time you see Ulrik ask him if he have d�ne any expansion tests with the woodleigh bullets at high velocity.

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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I forget one question,

How many cartridges does Ulriks 577 Tyrannosur take in the magazine and have he tried to shoot a fast second shoot...?

Were in Norway do you live?

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote

The 330 GV custom hv bullet at 3150 fps is in the .416 Wby.I have a rifle in that cal, and i'm waiting for some money so that i can buy a scope and reloading equipment and start loading.I live in Brumunddal near Lillehammer where the olympics was arranged in 1994, remember.
The .378's velocity will make a wide-dia.woundchannel with well constructed bullets. Thinking of the 265 gr.GV custom at 3250 fps hitting an elk at 100 yards.It'd be a sight to see, and i think they would'nt have me on their team ever again. This load will seriously make mediumsized game bleed !

Ulrik has the Hannibal model which take 3 in the magazine and one up the spout. No such thing as a fast follow up shot at 2500 fps and 750 Barnes. Just too much time to recover from the first shot !
Yes there is a 750 gr. for the .700 Daemonizer, but i don't know what bullet type. The interesting is that this bullet is travelling at 3200 fps ,,woow !

Per ".800 Nitro Express"

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Yeah the 750 grain bullet at 3200 f/s is cool, but how long will that bullet be in a caliber of .700?

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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The recoil of the 577 Tyrannosaur is 230 joule with MAX load and if the rifle weight is 15 pounds. The recoil of the 700 improved with 1000 grain bullet at 3100 f/s and a barrel length of 26" will be 276 joule if the rifle weight 30 pounds...! And with the 1925 grain bullet at 2100 f/s the recoil is 333 joule. If the rifle weight is 40 pounds then the recoil will be 250 joule.

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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I was shooting my 460 wby today and when i shoot it over the car roof the recoil really hurt me and the recoil energy is 130 joule with no muzzle brake and i have a muzzle brake on it then the recoil energy is maybe 90 joule. So i think that a 700 Improved will be hard to shoot if you dont have a VERY VERY GOOD muzzle brake and the weight is at least 30 pounds.
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote

Yes those datas fifty driver gave you was quite impressive, but how do you get 130 joules recoil in your .460 Wby without having loaded it to the strathosphere !
I mean, the recoil energy lists the .460 wby at 85-90 joules without muzzlebrake and with factory ammo ?!What loads ?
We should both be members of the fity cal. association ,,Yeah !!

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Maybe 70 joule with muzzle brake. with factory loads Hornady 500 grainers at 2600-2650 f/S.

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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When Ulrik shoot his MAX load in his 577 Tyrannosaur is there any over pressure signs?Do you think it is possible to load it at even higer velocity than 2715 f/s with 750 grain woodleigh bullets?

The most 50 BMG shooters use a 35-40 pounds rifle with muzzle brake and even with that weight the recoil is heavy 95 joule with a 750 grain bullet at 2700 f/s and rifle weight of 95 joule, and my 460 have a recoil of 80-90 joule with muzzle brake. Think about the 700 Improved that have a recoil of around 300 joule if the rifle weight is 40 pounds with MAX loads and with no muzzle brake.

I promise that if you try to shoot my 460 Wby with MAX loads from a bench you would not even think to buy a 470 Mbogo....

A 338/378 wby is a good gun for hunting I think. You can shoot at very long ranges and it hits hard. What do you think?

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote

Well the .577 tyrannosaurus helds ca.80-85 more gr.of water than the .460 with horneber brass, and the load was absolute max in ulriks rifle.But i have in fact believed this case would manage 2700 fps with 750 bullets for a long time, even this is a very stiff load, i thought this case would do it .Tough my lack of experience, i'm getting a good idea through ballistics charts and A-squares catalog, what is safe and what is unsafe pracsis. i think you can go faster with 750 woodleigh sp, but again the bullet will not hold together at all !
i think Ulrik knows what he is doing but it's understandable that yoo find these loads stiff(191 gr. of vvn-550).Pressure must be like 65.000-70.000p.s.i or something, and he wont go hunting in africa with those loads of course.These loads is safe in colder climates as here in scandinavia. Well we've to wait to see when he gets those gv custom hv bullets to play with,and we might see some improvement in the velocity(2750 fps+).Bolt thrust is one thing one should be aware of. Everything at 12.278 fpe will give an incredibly push !I consider to go visit ulrik if i can this summer to try some of his loads he,he.
At this time it seeems like it's impossible to get a .577 tyr with a reliable action and ammo to the prize of 2500� ( rifle only).
we will both be happy with a .585 nyati in the future pushing 750 barnes sol. at 2560 fps and using the n-202.10.700 fpe,,wooow !
For a long range cal.i would choose something like the .340 wby or the .358 sta,or most likely the 8,59 titan(almost the same as the 338-378 wby).Go to "real guns" overkill, they get some very high velocities.
they get as high as 3336fps with a 250 gr.bullet !.Well i would be happy with a high quality .358 STA with a north fork bullet 270 3000-3100 fps !By the way this cartridge have a great varity in bullets, ranging from 125 g. to 310 gr. i think !!Impressive.And the sectional diameter is great. giving both good penetration and shock effect.Some of the most versatile calibers to have ever existed.
Well, you could also load the 338-378 wby to 2998fps with a 300 gr. bullet using a special powder which is hard to find.namely a ball powder called thunderbird comp or something. The listed vel. came from using this powder(T-5020, read it in wildcat cartridges combo I,II).This round is extreme and i think you'd be better of with a .340 wby in my opinion, even this round is considered too much for elk hunting.If i would have something extreme i would go to the .378 mid.range cal. to push those 265 gr.gv customs at 3250 fps, or the 300 hornadies at 3100 fps using H-870.This rifle will kick ass and recoil won't be as bad as it once were because it got the same barrel profile as the .416 wby has, so that muzzle jump will be greatly reduced.(In wby rifles).I've heard that the .378 wby also will be able to push the 380 gr. rhino bullets out to 2800 fps !Impressive.

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I think that the woodleigh bullet will hold toghether at 2700 f/s. Think about my 460 when i shoot Hornady soft point bullets at 2650 f/s and they hold together when i shoot it into tree. And Hornady is no bonded bullet but the woodleigh bullets are. But the 460 have 10500 joule of energy and the 577 Tyrannosaur have a energy of 17000 joule. So i think that the Tyrannosaur will give the bullets more pressure. What do you think?

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
I think the same to, at this power level,11.000-12.000 fpe the bullet must be of very good construction to deal with so much power. I find this speculation pointless. Someone like Ulrik could tell us.
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