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As a matter of opinion, has anyone given serious consideration to the new 250 gr Barnes TTSX to serve as a do all NA bullet?

I imagine 2800fps with a BC in the neighborhood of .425 will take care of all reasonable distance shooting while the famed Barnes penetration will handle the rest of the load.

I'm looking for a bullet to use in my impending 375 build and wondering about this one.


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I use 250 Northfork softies with great success.

The load I use is max and safe in my rifle. 68gr H335.

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I used 250 grain Barnes "X" on the Musk Ox I Shot and was plenty happy with the results.

JMO, but I think either the 250 grain or the 235 grain bullets are all that is needed for any North Americn game with proper bullet placement out of the 375 H&H.

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Can't seem to get the 270 TSX to work in my CZ. If anyone has any load info on the 250 TTSX including OAL, I'd love to read it. Also, your favorite load for the 260 AB if you have one. Thanks, Lee
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HAve you looked at the 260 Gr Accubond? I believe the BC is around .460.

How's the build coming?
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Only in passing. The barrel is being done by PacNor and I expect about one more month. CASII has the stock and the BM. Still kicking around the iron sights but most likely will use NECG since they are of good quality.
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I've used the 250g Swift A-Frames at 2800 fps, shot great out of my CZ 550. I used Federal 215 primers and IMR 4320 right out of the Swift Reloading Manual. I plan to try them in my new ligthweight 375 Weatherby at 3100 fps for elk and deer. For brown bear I'm going with 300g Noslers at 2800 fps.



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I have not gone lighter than 270 grains in .375 H&H Mag., or faster than approximately 2,600 fps with the 270 grainers. I have not found that combination lacking in any respect.

I do limit myself to 300 yards. Beyond that range, it's too risky, and not much fun, for me.


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I generally limit myself to under 300 yards too, except for an exceptional mule deer or elk where the chance of getting closer isn't available. In a handful of cases I have taken elk and mule deer out to 500 yards. But I damn sure better have a good rest (log, backpack, etc.) and time to make the shot. I'm not a fan of the people I see blasting away at elk at 600 yards off hand when most of them are lucky to hit a dinner plate offhand at 100 yards.



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The 250gr TTSX is a gift to North American hunters who like to use .375's

The 250TTSX has a decent BC and should be fine for shots on game to 500 yards, but still be able to perform like a 300gr Partition when it impacts the animal.

Great for us guys in British Columbia, since one minute we may have a long shot and the next we have one up close. It's a really versatile bullet for those that want versatility.

I'm looking forward to shooting a moose or a sheep with one this fall!

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Been using the 250 TTSX extensively and get super accuracy (1 moa) and velocity with my 375 AI - that is, 3150 fps and could go higher, if I wanted. I plan to use it on everything, even Cape buffalo if needed as a backup. AIU
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