Moderators: jeffeosso
Cheap Double Rifle Update Login/Join
Picture of jeffeosso
On the EAA MP221, I received an email from them, stating that the rifles should be in consumers hands mid july to august!!

I will be calling my dealer and make sure my order is still "in" for a 45/70

<happy dance>
This summer, I'll have my 500 jeffe (back), my 550 Express, and 45/70 double rifle!!!

Guess I'll be needing to hunt a bunch to use them all.

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Slingster
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Thanks for the update, Jeffe! Hope they work as advertised.
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I've looked around and can't find any pricing information on the EAA double rifle.

I gather you have one on order... can you tell us what you paid for it?

Posts: 324 | Registered: 15 October 2003Reply With Quote
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the list is 629.. i am expecting 550...

Looks like these are FINALLY coming in...

dang, i hope so
Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Jeffe,I think I'll buy one of these "cheap double rifles" Either the 30-06 or 45/70.Probably the 45/70.Hopefully it will shoot straight.If so,I'll take it on my Black Bear hunt in Sept.
Posts: 64 | Location: Annapolis,MD | Registered: 17 April 2004Reply With Quote
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I'll believe it when I see it.

In the mean time I've got a 20" 12 gauge from them with 45-70 barrel tubes.

Haven't shot it yet though
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Picture of browningguy
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Jeffe, are you still going to rechamber it? I'll try to call your cell over the weekend to talk about the 300 Sherwood loading.
Posts: 1242 | Location: Houston, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002Reply With Quote
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YEPPERS... i am going to shoot it as a 45/70, then go up from them.. 120 or 450ne.. depending

call the cell, if I'm home, it's forwarded there!!

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I just emailed EAA and asked if they will be exporting them to Australia. I would like a cheap double to play with until I get a Heym or Merkel double in a year or two.
As Jeffeosso said ,I wonder if it will be practicle to turn one into a 450NE or 450 No2. Would be good for a fun gun.
Posts: 618 | Location: Singleton ,Australia | Registered: 28 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Same cr 500 I want one as well, I may drill it out to 45/120 with starline brass you would have quite a powerful cracker there I would think.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Jeffeoso, there's an article you might enjoy reading on this link: Rimmed Hi-Power Cartridges For Doubles, Lever Actions, etc.

Lotsa' KEWEL 45cal Rimmed alternatives out there!


Posts: 27 | Registered: 11 May 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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thanks.. other than the 45/90 and 457, I have played around with these monsters... at least in a lever gun they are monsters...

I'd love to find someone's battered browning 86....

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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"I'd love to find someone's battered browning 86...."

Sigh. Yeah, me too. I'm liking this cheap double idea tho'. Jeffe, did you ever come up with more info on cnverting Browning BSS shotguns into doubles? I've still got a dusty one in the cupboard. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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you know, i was just thinking about your shotgun...
I think, if you don't mind, I'll finish a couple projects in the works, and buy that from you.

I think I have a clue/idea/data, and I am willing to put my hard earned money on that, on making that work...

I do want a 470 NE, and I doubt i'll be willing to part with 10k or more anytime soon.

too bad i don't ever hear about the "broken stock browning m71" or the "beat barrel new m 86"...

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Picture of RobinB
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I'm not trying to stir, but why a 120? From what I have read, a 70 will do anything the 120 will with modern powders.

On the up side, a 120 does look very cool, but then a cheap Russian double is not so cool.

Posts: 105 | Registered: 12 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Welcome to the forums. and I have a teeshirt with the 10 joke on it.

You are kinda correct... the 45/70 can be loaded, hot, to match anything the 120 can do at lower pressure. All things being equal, i'ld be happy with 400s at 2000 fps, which might be too hot a load for the russian double... but at a 45/120, the case is larger, and can have an equal velocity with lower pressure.. and the same thrust..

just my thoughts on it...

as for the cheap russian.. yep, that it will be, and i've seen this rifle's "parent" shotgun, which i found to be marginally acceptable in metal work, and i've seen more grain in a matchstick. Since I'll probably be looking at restocking anyway, that's not really an issue for me.

on the otherhand, have you ever seen a russian milled sks? while not even comparable to a pre WWI mauser, they are fairly nice to look at

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Russell E. Taylor
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Hey, thank you, Jeff. I'm still waiting for one, as is my buddy. I figured on putting my order in with Jerry's, unless you can suggest another distributor. Just renewed my FFL (went pretty fast this time), so I'm in "mailing mode" anyway. I sure want to get my hands on one soon.

Thanks again for the update, Jeff.

Take care.

Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lar45
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I think we covered this awhile back, but the same gun is chambered in 270win which has a max saami pressure of 62k. so if we look at the ratio of case bodies then the 45-70 or 120 could be loaded to 54k and keep the same bolt thrust.

A quick run through quickload with the 45-120 shows
400gn at 2150fps and 37ksi
400gn at 2310fps and 45ksi
500gn at 1950fps and 37ksi
500gn at 2050fps and 45ksi
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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500 gr at 2050?

oh wow

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Howdy. What's your thoughts on the Pedersoli Kodiak double rifle? Quality vs cost, etc. compared to this model being discussed. Also, on the Pedersoli, your thoughts on converting the 45/70 to, say, 450 NE No. 2?

What I'm pondering is the long term consideration of "quality versus cost" (something you'd want to keep, shoot regularly and pass on to Grandsons) with all of us realizing neither of the 2 guns is close to the European stalwarts or those that Butch Searcy offers.

Maybe Mickey can shed some light along with others. I do have an interest in a 'poor man's double'.

Thanks, Jeffe.

Posts: 1370 | Location: Home but going back. | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Howdy DB,
not having handled the mp221, i can only project from the izh43... the perdersoli is the RIGHT weight, has great finish, and can be regulated .... in fact, the frontstuffers can be regulated too.. i had one done

the pedersoli costs 2000-2800 in 45/70.. the mp221 should go from 550-600,,,, for that price, i don't expect much...

then again, for 600, i would expect a bolt gun to be fairly decent.

the kodiak weighs 3# more, and some people have converted them... as i understand it, all successfuly

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks, Jeffe. More than a few of us will want to see how yours performs and what changes you might make to tweak, if necessary.

On the Pedersoli Kodiak, would you (anyone) know of any smiths who do (have done) the 45/70 to 450 NE#2 conversions and would you hazard a guess as to what that conversion might cost?

Thanks, again.

Posts: 1370 | Location: Home but going back. | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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There's a fella here that did this conversion... i think it was 800-900 and "only" required a new front sight...

the 450 ne #2 is an excellent round...

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Picture of prof242
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What type of performance (vel/bullet wgt) do you hope to get out of the .45-120?
Posts: 3490 | Location: Colorado Springs, CO | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lar45
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What I've read on the Pedersoli 450 #2 conversion is that the barrels didn't have to be touched for regulation.
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just buy a repro 1886 made by Mirouko, I have recently done that. Just waiting for the paper work to go through...they have a tang safety but hey they made well and use modern metals.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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(until product in hand, I am assuming US hunting only)

I'll bevery pleased with 400 gr at 2000... now that 400 will be a barnes solid with a long throat, but very pleased.. If i can also run rem 405 at 2000, i would be pleased

Both of the above loads CAN be had in high pressure 45/70..

now, if the gun would get anywhere close to 2050 with a 500 gr bullet... why, fellas, that's faster than most 458 winmag ammo... that might require going right to 458 rcb (2.8" case) or 458 "jeffe"... 3" case.....

i am torn between 450 alaskan or 450 ne#2.... why is a good question.. i can get brass, dies, and shoot alot more than I think I can for the NE.. 348 brass is fairly cheap.


send me a link, please, on that repro 86

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Jeefe, I think that Miroku 86 is the high wall Winchester is selling. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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that makes better sense....

dude, the prices are all over the place.. from 650 to 2500...

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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If you are considering the 450 Alaskan, why not go with the 450/110. I have one built on a new production 86 Winchester Extra Lite. It shoots a 420 grain cast bullet 2400 fps with a max load of 83 grains of RL15.

Cartridge is base on 50/110 case necked down to .458. Quality brass is available from Starline for 75 cents a case. I bought 500 cases for $350. One pass through the sizing die and you are in business.

That cartridge would do well in a double because you are not limited to 2.88 inches oal on a 2.4 inch case as you are in the lever gun. Could easily be loaded to 3.2 inches with a longer throat in a double rifle.

The conversion is done by Dave Clay in Fort Worth, Texas.

Just a thought.
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Picture of Ricochet
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Even if these things look like they were gnawed into shape by intoxicated one-eyed beavers, $550 for a double rifle is an attractive deal!

Bet one of these in 7.62x39'd be a real collector's item one day.
Posts: 1325 | Location: Bristol, Tennessee, USA | Registered: 24 December 2003Reply With Quote
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there's yet another idea...

oh yeah, the 7.63x39, while not a dgr, would be a hell of a rook rifle.. loaded with cast bullets, heavy and slow?, or, if it swings worth a crap, a great kicking around rifle.. and 10cents a round

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Or, as long as we are talking traditional conversions, how about a 303 Brit? How close are the twist rates?
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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303 would be COOL... however, they dont' state twist or bore... i'ld nearly bet it a .308 barrel, since the other 2 30's are 308 and 30/06.... so, if it's a .308, then it's a natural thuddie thuddie....

I can see having one in 223, 308, and 45/70... who KNOWS.. i just hope it's worth a tinkers damn or better... the 45/70 for a start

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Or 30-40 Krag. It's kind of pointless if you can get a 308 or a 30-06 but then again; by that standard 3/4 of my safe contents are pointless. Huzzah!
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I e-mailed EAA a couple days ago about their double and haven't recieved a reply.I also e-mailed Buffalo Bore about using their magnum 45-70 loads in this new double and they said since their ammo is used in the Handi-Rifle and the Pedersoli they could see no reason why it couldn't be used in this new rifle.Any comments on safety?
Posts: 64 | Location: Annapolis,MD | Registered: 17 April 2004Reply With Quote
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My POV is that this same action is offered in 30-06/308 AND that as a shotgun, it will handle the winchester sxt? load... 385gr at 1900

i really dont "feel" there will be an issue with that load...BUT I will be working up to that, not starting there

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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