I reload my .416 Rigby using a Lyman Hand press. that way I can sit and watch The Man Show whilst shoving large round things into a little ,well not so, little hole! keeps my lovely wife from yelling at me for messing up the dining room table.
the ultra mag press from redding is supposed to be one of the best...unfortunately i don't know, the biggest thing i currently have is a 9.3x62 which can fit into a standard rock chucker...woe is me...
Since most of my rifles are big bores and doubles I use the RCBS A-2 single station press and I can load 50 cal machine gun rounds in it, if I had one, which I don't but it handles 450-400, 470 and 500 NE. just fine. I tried several and settled on this one.
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000
I use the cheap lee "o" press to load 375 rum it has good clearance for that cartridge. but it may be a little short for some of the longer double cartridges
Posts: 13 | Location: CENTERVILLE, GA | Registered: 15 July 2002
I have had good luck using the lyman ornge crusher it will handle 460 wb .470 and 500 3" without any problems. I still have a spare in the orginal box George
I have several presses, but for the big boys, I use a RCBS Big Max press. At the time I bought this press nobody made a very big press. Now days there are several that will "DO". One reason I'm glad I bought the "BIG MAX" is many of the cases, I use, have to be swaged down from 475 #2 NE brass, and that stuff is tuff, not to mention almost 4" long UNLOADED! I would like to have the big CORBIN press, but the MAX will have to do, and it does very well! I spent years loading 375 H&H cartridges with a little RCBS Jr., and I have the scars on my fingers to prove it!
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000
I am using the RCBS AmmoMaster these days for the big stuff. It's pretty good but I don't care for the little "twist" to the linkage one feels on crimping operations. I use the RS-3 aircraft aluminum model for everything else, including the portable unit I made up for trips to the range and chuck hunting upstate.