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Re: Something of Potential Interest Login/Join
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Yes, all you say may be true my friend, but I have not drawn the hate and loathing you have. How does it feel to know most people are ignoring you? I bet for a Troll master like yourself you are in a near manic state. We all know you will change your screen name in a few days and the fun will start all over. I on the other hand.... disliked by some, liked by others and tolerated by most will just keep on posting away.

Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Near manic state . . . yes I had to speak with the doc today and get new meds!

You really do not get it do you. I am not a troll, never really have done any trolling either. This may come as a surprise to you, my immature name-calling friend, but this is the internet. On the internet people tend to make themselves out to be who they WISH they were. There is a disgusting degree of that here in the big bore forum.

I will give you a little hint. The individual that say all the nasty stuff about me are really telling you about themselves. They are the phony, wannabe, poseurs, yuppie, geeks, not me. I can see through their BS immediately, because, unlike them I have been there done that.

Still don't get it, but then you probably never will. It all boils down to this, the truth hurts. Some people cannot deal with that. These people, when confronted by the terrible truth about themselves, melt down and make up bogus lies about the individual telling the truth about them. They go further and send threatening emails, viruses, etc, they get like minded moderators to help out in an attempt to ban the 'whistle blower' etc, etc, etc.

If you cannot see the truth then I wonder about you as well.

There may be many here ignoring me, but you will notice that my threads still have manner views. Remember the Bible and Christianity were both banned in the USSR, but the Bible was still read and Christianity practiced. You cannot destroy the truth, no matter how much you would like to!

Hey, you better stop talking to me, and start ignoring me or the insecure crack pots around here will start nailing your hide the wall.

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Whoa... my friend. You are proving me right with that last post...that was near manic. I disagre with you ..I think that 90% of the folks here are real. The other 10% are full of it.

Two of the fellows that you seem to have the most trouble with I know are real... I have bought many nice things from them (one is your chief nemissis). I have been able to gain much valuable information from others...You see I have emailed them they were able to provide me with correct and accurate info. You on the otherhand, do to self inficted wounds (shooting yourself in the foot), have only proven you have a computer...the skills to use it and a vivid imagenation. I would like to point out to you.. I was the fellow who spotted one of your Hi-jacked photos.
I guess I was not worthy of drawing an attack.

I don't really care if you want to BS folks, But why not try being yourself, it is not that hard. Remember.. if you keep this up you will always be someones "BITCH". I think I would rather be myself... warts and all.

Have a good day
Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002Reply With Quote
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So if I sell you something I am all of a sudden legit??? Heck what do you want to buy? I have sold things here too, big deal!

You fall for the easiest hoodwinks of all time, my friend.

Manic, not even close, but you have been fun. I don't know what is wrong with me. Trying to explain reality to a cyber geek.

You better stop responding or else, you will suffer my fate

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Ladies and Gents:

Let me introduce you to my new BITCH..SCOTTS
He does everything I want him to.

My life has been a little dull with Buell being gone.

Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Near manic state . . . yes I had to speak with the doc today and get new meds!


Have you got your prescription dialed in yet?

Here I wil post this to refresh your memoryin case your 'meds' have caused you to forget.

By the way for you new guys POSeur is another name ScotS was using at the time.



Originally posted by POSeur:


NOT EVEN A VALIANT ATTEMPT!!!!!!! You and your buddies have no REAL BIG BORES!!!!!!!!!1

In simple english FUCK OFF ARSEHOLE WANNABE!!!!!!!


Originally posted by Mickey1

No Balls, No Babies
Part Quatro (I don't know anymore French)


Too bad Mickey1, you do not know TRUTH!!!!!!!!



Do I take it that you are refusing my offer and crawfishing again?



Post the pics I requested!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOUR credibility (such as it wasn't) fades with each of your "PART responses".
Oh, you respond with them there "part responses" because them thare rifle AIN'T YOUR'S!!!!!!!!!!!




Since your memory is as short as another part of your anatomy I will repost this for you.

You renigged on that deal as I thought you would. Boy would I like to play poker with you.

Well here is the new deal.

I post the pictures of the action, like you suggested. Plus I put in something that makes it clear that these are my rifles.

You then apologize to Nickadu for being 'incorrect'

I don't want you to leave the forum, because like I have said previously, you are great fun and you don't have any honor anyway. You are only trying to get the respect that you lack in the rest of your life.


You, tell us all who really owns the rifles, because you said that you know, and I will leave the forum, forever.

I do have one admission though. You are right that is not really a 700 H &H cartridge in the bore. I had Jim Bell make me a special 45-70 cartridge with the 700 headstamp.

No Balls
No Babies



You need to get back on your meds pal----NOW!!



I need mt meedddds!!!!!!! Wharr about thee "gentlemen" with no rilfes at all!!!!

Kiss off,


Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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When did you come to Michigan from the Middle East? Are you lying again? Anyway, these rifles have been available on the Internet for a while now and you can get on for a lot less than that. Try to do a search on Gunsamerica for one!


From posts here I gather that the new Ruger M77 MkII RSM in 458 Lott is somewhat of a rare bird. Well, Cabela's in Dundee, Michigan has one in stock for $1529.00. I handled it this afternoon and found the balance to be far in a way better than my old M77 MkII RSM 416 Rigby. However, the stock is still a fence post. The rifle resides in the 'Gun Library' so if you are interested you should be able to call the Dundee, Michigan Cabela's Gun Library.

The stock was nicely streaked as well.


Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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The poor boy is having to resort to talking to himself again
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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The poor boy is having to resort to talking to himself again

This constant sort of wrong assumption makes it much worst than trolling itself!!!
Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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*** You are ignoring this user ***

Speak up boy. I can't understand what you are saying.
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I see you have a new Bitch also...... MS.Mauser.

Have fun,
Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Aah but which is the good Smeagal and which is the evil Gollum ?

Tricksey, nasty little .....
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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From posts here I gather that the new Ruger M77 MkII RSM in 458 Lott is somewhat of a rare bird. Well, Cabela's in Dundee, Michigan has one in stock for $1529.00. I handled it this afternoon and found the balance to be far in a way better than my old M77 MkII RSM 416 Rigby. However, the stock is still a fence post. The rifle resides in the 'Gun Library' so if you are interested you should be able to call the Dundee, Michigan Cabela's Gun Library.

The stock was nicely streaked as well.

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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The stock was nicely streaked as well.


Just Like your briefs!

Have a Great Day,

Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002Reply With Quote
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This post says two things about you.

1.) You have the maturity level of a 12 to 14 year old.

2.) You have not mastered the 'Ignore' feature of this software.

There is precious little anyone can do about item #1. However, your inadequacy with item 2 will certainly get you into trouble with big brother GeorgeS and his master Robgunbuilder. Be careful, my childish friend, I would hate to see you logged onto the 'list' of trolls like me.

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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