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I have a Brno 602 that I am thinking selling. It is a 375 H&H, express leaf sights (1/2/300m), monte carlo stock with rosewood forend and pistol grip cap (white inlay), - nice turkish (?) Walnut stock, set trigger, hinged floor plate. Great shape 98%. Any idea on the resale value? ![]() | ||
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I can give you $27.38 American for it...right now! ![]() | |||
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I guess you don't feel they are worth alot. Thanks for your opinion. ![]() | |||
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Thanks Alf. Do you have that fellows email or website. I would love to see the work he does. Regards, | |||
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an NEW 550 in 375 is 599, every day.... I place 602's, without pop up peep sites, at 450-500. it's a great gun, and a great action, BUT you can get a brand new one for 600... www.gunbroker.com jeffe | |||
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Champlin had a 602 with fancy wood in 375 for $595 about 2 or 3 weeks ago, a local gun shop has one like new on the rack for $675 with scope and mounts, there is one on gunbroker.com for $695, auctionarms.com has a nice ZKK-600 in 270 currently priced at $300, and I recently bought this fairly scarce ZKK-600 in 223 with fancy walnut (bottom) off the Internet for $500: ![]() I like ZKKs as well as anyone, better than the current crop of CZs, and maybe they'll appreciate in value, but right now an NRA excellent 602 is worth about $575-$675US retail. | |||
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Alf - thanks very much for the photos and information! You are a big help. Those are very nice rifles you have. The older Brno rifles or the 602 are considerably different then the 550 models from what I recall. Perhaps Brno has or is going the same way as Sako in production cost reductions - I.E. redesigns which yields a functional rifle, but not the same level of firearm as earlier productions. Jeff - The only Brno 375H&H I could find on that web site was advertised as a 601 which is a bit confusing. It has a scope and rings (included). http://www.gunbroker.com/auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=11923041 It is also a standard model and not a deluxe. Price was $695 but no bids yet. The one I have is a 602. | |||
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Guys, Having worked on both, and without peep sight, the 602 is a MUCH cruder in finish, and does not come in 416 rigby. I, myself, rate it(brno) INFERIOR to the (cz)550, but that's just my opinion. I don't hold them as the same value, as i believe CZ could reduce their cost on fit and polish, and make exactly the same level of action. yes, the actions are technically identical, except bottom metals, but the 550 is actually glass smooth. niether are stocked work a shit, and break under fire, from the factory. jeffe | |||
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JJP, Does this rifle have a pop-up rear aperture sight? I have been looking for one of the 602s with the pop up sight. Please let me know. If so, you may have a buyer. [ 09-17-2003, 02:24: Message edited by: mrlexma ] | |||
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No Peep site sorry. | |||
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quote:Well I took a look at the latest CZ550 and its fit and finish does not touch the particular 602 I have. Mine starts with a 0 in the serial number if my memory is correct. Cheers | |||
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Interesting comments on the 602. the last one I worked on looked, and felt, like it had been sandblasted with river sand sifted through a window screen and then "warm" blued (looked more like "black" packerizing). the 550 have been too high polished for my tastes, but that's managable... just my opinion, i recokn. jeffe | |||
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Can someone explain the differances between a CZ and a BRNO ? When I bought my 2 CZs I was told they were the same as a BRNO. Thanks | |||
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Alf's got it spot on, and this is exactly what CZ told me in a couple emails. Let me address something, RIGHT NOW. I asked if it had the peep sight, as if it did, it would not have been the crummy finish, as that's kinda a line in the sand. If it has the peep sight, it WILL be nicely done, and why I would pay more. Since it doesn't, it's just yet another not so very well executed 98 clone, about equilivant to a markX or charles daly (same same) If you had striped barreled actions, rec. and barrel, the 550 would be the one with the better external finish. The bolt ASSEMBLIES are slightly different, but, then again, so is a 98 and a vz24, the bottom metal are different, with exactly the same trigger assembly. much like a 98 and a 1908 arg. for those that don't know, the trigger is attached to the bottom, kinda like a lever action. the 602 has a BACKWARDS safety, which, in my mind, is the single largest flaw in the action. Yes, you can learn around it... but I've spent 30+ years shooting with the basic concept that you push the safety towards the end of the barrel to make it go BOOM. the 602, you pull the safety BACK to fire. Just plain stupid, and corrected in the 550. the 602 was never available in the 416 RIGBY, even though it's a perfect fit for that size action. In short, from a shooter and barrel plumber, the more modern 602's aren't any better, and some worse, than a brand new 550 in 416 rigby. Hell, if CZ would pull their heads out of their arses, replace the 300 win cz 550 safari with a 338 win chambering, a person could have the perfect 2 rifle battery, with parts for each gun, in case of failure, except for the actual bolt. in any event, I would not pay close to what I can get a new cz550 to get a non-peep sighted 602. jeffe | |||
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Thanks for the info. They are basicly the same ? | |||
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Alf Do Fraser have a hompage? /Johan [ 09-22-2003, 16:07: Message edited by: 375HH ] | |||
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Jeff Spot on about the CZ. I would get one in 338 in a heartbeat if it was available. What is the purpose of the CZ550 medium magnum listed in the catalog (but only in 7mm rem mag)? | |||
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Interesting thread ![]() I have to agree with those that have not had any stock problems with the ZKK series. Far by miles from beeing an expert or an collector like Alf, I have owned three ZKK rifles over the last twenty years. Two 602 in 375 H&H ( one Classic, one Standard ) and one 601 ( Standard) in 308 Win wich is still sitting in my cabinet and is my favorite "light rifle". Two friends of mine hunt with 602�s in 375 H&H and a third friend with a 458 Win. Together between us we must have let fly more that 10.000 shots in those different ZKK 602 and 601�s without any signs of split or cracked stocks. My first 602 was originally ment for export to USA and was marked on the barrel the name of the importer/distributor. I�m not sure, but could it be Bauska Arms ,Mnt, or something like that ??? ( I might be able to find out if this is of any interest ) Anyway, the shipping was canselled for political reasons I was told, and some of these rifles turned up on the Norwegian gun marked. As for the ZKK 602 cambered in 416 Rigby , I can remember seeing an advertisement or a Catalog in about the same time as Alf suggest. But that was only 416 Rigby and not 416 Remington. About the "backward" safety...it�s just like cocking the hammer on a single action and work like a dream ![]() | |||
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These are really my opinions... not meant to sway anyone else's, just clarify my perspective I'll state it again, at the risk of being repeatative... 1: limited production don't count, as I can, today, order a winchester model 70, classis, even in stainless (bleck) in 358 winchester, and have a new one delivered from winchester.... 2500$, but it's limited production. I haven't seen a factory 602 in any 416, and would also jump all over it... 2: BUT, even if i found a 602 in 416 rigby, I WOULD NOT PAY 1 RED CENT MORE FOR AN INDENTICAL 550. 3: Why? Because this is EXACTYLY the same as paying more for a post 64 winchester, than a "classic" (CRF, NEW design) winchester. Except that they are both CRF, so it's not a perfect analogy 4: the frickin 602 safety is backwards, and a safety risk. When I started shooting big bores, I restocked the guns, because MY shooting style meant that I just took the hit. WHen I did that with factory stocks, I got 2 scope cuts... I replaced it, as it is NOT the same as 99.9% of all guns out there. 5: Again, in my opinion, the 550 is at least as desirable for the EXACT same cash... which is why I would not value a run of the mill 602 more. 6: These guns break stocks. Sure, not every one, or mebbe even the majority... but as someone that's HAD the damn things come apart and has had a paw full of splinters and smacked face... the 602 is going to be MORE prone to breaking, because the stock is older, and you can bet your bottom dollar that the "standard" big bore 602 you come across hasn't had 2 boxes of shells through it... I think both guns are great... I just wouldn't pay more for a 602 than a 550, everything being equal. jeffe | |||
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JJP, I sent you a PM. | |||
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Alf/guys - great information! In the end, I think its all preference. For me, as long as I can buy a zkk model, the cz line won't be in my cabinet. Well I guess if I was given one or had a chance to buy one at their real value I might consider it - (kidding). I've never seen a Zkk with a cracked stock or fail in any other respect. I'm certain they aren't perfect and they have had their problems like every other manufacturer. As far as the safety goes, I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks....hee hee..... All I can say is I am glad I can adapt easily to different rifles and again have never had a problem. Lots of valuable experience out there, its nice to be able to learn from these message boards. Thanks Guys. | |||
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Keith Boehme was almost killed a few years ago when he put the safety "on" instead of "off" while using a n unfamiliar rifle. He has no use for the ZKK because of that. I love them. | |||
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Does any one have the plans to convert the safety to reverse its operation? I would be interested in seeing it. Is the bolt handle lock and trigger lock all enable after the conversion? Cheers, | |||
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I have seen a few 602s in Idaho gun shows for $500 and almost bought them, but backed off, probably a mistake as it would make a nice 404 Jefferys with some wood rasped off or restocked and a M-70 safty installed...the 3 pos m-70 safty is the answer to the safty problem and it cleans up the action IMO...I would also opt for a new bolt handle and a blackburn or Canjar trigger I suspect, clean up the surface and rust blue..Like most of my guns I would rebuild it. The box is apparantly quite large and lends itself to the 404 cartridge and holds about 4 down and one up as I recall....I know with a 375 you can load it on Sunday and shoot til saturday. ![]() | |||
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