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Big Bore Handguns Login/Join
Jesus, I feel so much better now-my keyboard died-or so I thought-have had 2 die in less than a week awhile back, is wireless, the channel switch somehow got switched, I hate it when that happens. Been unable to type for 4-5 hours I think, sorry you guys, I figured it out and now ya be lucky enough to get more stuff from me [Smile] If ya go to:
[URL= the disentigrating monitor.avi] you can see a monitor being demonitored, there will be more de-tv'ing soon. I collect appliances, people give me dead stuff (not animals), have collected quite a few things, some very expensive appliances.

I was wondering if big bore handguns were OK topic, so searched and there was our fearless leader Paul with a post on this same topic(was awhile back though)! He only has a lowly Ruger 480 though, I got me a manly 454 Casull. Sorry, had to do that, I ain't ever shot a 480, seems like a nice round. My hands are getting ready to go on strike.

If ya kill file name on above address(erase everything past slash), there be many fun things to see.

I just tried to 'Add New Topic' but didn't have subject unforunately, lost whole post when it told me to hit back button, another 'hate it when that happens'

These are great forums, Saeed, thanks again.
Rob, the guy who Dubai too many guns (somebody just shoot me!)

[ 07-28-2002, 08:38: Message edited by: deranged-havoc-aficionado ]
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Hello again,
I sorta forgot main point of this topic after lost it all. This is kinda silly, but how many of you guys with big bore handguns twirl them? If ya ain't tried with real gun, much less something like a 454 Ruger, it ain't an easy thing, but then some of us are a little on the silly side.
There is something funky goin on with the addresses, just go to, look for files as named below, something to do with blanks in file name, sorry bout that, plus, there be much to see there anyway, besides the on topic stuff.

See: twirler, no tape even-calouses-love'em.avi
a little twirling-is that even the right term? Or, to see what I went through to be able to twirl the sucker, see: a Ruger SuperRedHawk-don't try this at home-compressed.JPG

Also highly recommended is the 'very scary 454 fireball' pic, might not be quite correct name.

OK, so how silly am I? I can take it. I don't do it loaded, well, I am always loaded, but the gun ain't [Smile]

rob the guy who is starting to maybe get too silly, but Paul encouraged me, I swear

[ 07-28-2002, 13:17: Message edited by: deranged-havoc-aficionado ]
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