After looking at the posts from Robgunbuilder and Jeffeosso, it is clear to me now that the posters here are AR were not what I thought they were!
I apologize to everyone for my behavior. I guess I could not believe that anyone had all these big guns and were only making it up to sound impressive! I admit that this is what I did. Pretty pathetic, I must say of my behavior. I just couldn't believe these guys had big guns, while I didn't!
Well POSeur, if your trolling days are truly over, then consider building or have a big bore rifle built. A rifle can be looked as a metal tube with a firing pin or as a complex technology with accuracy, pressures, shootability,etc. dependent on a myriad of parameters. Join the group and maybe the guys you have been roasting may help you out. There's a world of talent on this forum, just learn to appreciate it .