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I was looking at this:

Mauser Model 3 in 404 Jeffrey. Says interchangeable bbl. I dont want to do any bbl swapping.

The more I look, the less it looks like how I would expect either a Mauser or 404 to look. No bolt safety, thin recoil pad, no lugs, plain jane wood for $4400. It is a 404 and the name sounds promising. German quality or (?) Looks a little flashy for my taste.

Any opinion: how do these stack up against Ruger, Kimber? Which are both 1-2000 less money, but; no 404. Or too a custom shop CZ? That does have the classic look -at less cost even with an AHR level 1 upgrade.

Can I get a non bbl swap mauser for less? In British safari calibers? Do they even make these now and where? Any more traditional version?
Posts: 1226 | Location: New England  | Registered: 19 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Ingvar J. Kristjansson
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I think you don’t fully understand this rifle.....1) you say no bolt safety ! It has maybe the best bolt safety on the market, the safety is located right on the rear of the bolt. 2) you say no lugs !.....The bolt lock’s directly in the barrel so there is no need for "traditional" lugs. 3) you say thin recoil pad !.....The rifle weighs 9.9 lbs. and has a kickstop installed in the stock, so no need for thicker pad. 4) you say plain jane wood....we are talking about the basic “Harlem” version of the Mauser can get up to 11 grade wood if you like. 5) All models of the Mauser 03 are bbl swap. 6) If you like a more traditional Mauser rifle they still make the 98 model !
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I just dont know- Who is Mauser these days? Old school German quality or where is it made?

9.9 lbs is ok, but would less weight and thicker pad be better? Just looking for opinons. I really have no opinion, just an impression based on one photo at cabelas website.

I said lugs, meant cross bolts in the stock. The 404 can be loaded pretty heavy, but the appeal for me is the older loading that seems more appropriate for big brown bears. (lower than 416 rigby, more like 375 power level with 400 gr bullets) Crossbolts maybe not needed or is the stock reinforced internally?

Ingvar, Just to be clear, is this a good quality product for the gun as shown at 4.4K?

I would prefer 8.5 lbs .404 for a north american hunting. So; there is a model 98. Yea, thats me = traditional. is there a retailer and website? How is the 98? Made in germany?
Posts: 1226 | Location: New England  | Registered: 19 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Ingvar J. Kristjansson
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The Mauser is still made in good old can visit their website and read all the firms history I got you point about the cross don’t need them, because there is no stress on the stock because the bolt lock’s directly in the barrel. And there is no model 01..or 02...this model 03 refers to 2003 when this new model came out on the market....The wood is of good quality but as you say its not fancy at all ! But I have seen models with 5-7 grade wood and Wow ! they look marvellous. I have shot a rifle like this and I guy I know has used his Mauser 03 Africa in the cold Arctic and all the way to the hot Africa and never had a problem. It’s a fantastic rifle. But for 4.4k ! I for sure cant’s afford it, but the quality is there Smiler
Posts: 510 | Location: Iceland | Registered: 15 May 2006Reply With Quote
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I'm a bit unclear as to why the bolt locking to the barrel has anything to do with the need for crossbolts in the stock? The purpose of the cross bolts is to keep the mass of metal that is your action and barrel from recoiling back and splitting the stock like a wedge- where and how the bolt barrel connection is made really shouldn't have a bearing on that Confused
Posts: 171 | Location: ontario canada | Registered: 12 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I'd say it's better to build a .404 to your specifications than pay $4400 for that rifle.

As I recall, Mauser stated years ago when they introduced the Model 99 that they were moving on from the M-98.


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I see:

375/416/458 std loadings. And 500 Jeffery! I dont care for this round, but a lot of AR members do. And since it started out in Germany (as schuler sp?)seems appropriate in a German made Mauser. Other calibers available(?)

OK, I dont see a 404 , but this looks like a nice gun not seen talked about much.

GeorgeS, I think your right for the 404. Then I am curious to learn about these Mausers.
Posts: 1226 | Location: New England  | Registered: 19 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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I've handled the 03 a bit and I think it is a finely made rifle, very well balanced and a clever design. The cocking thingy on the bolt could be gotten used to, but I don't like it.

They allude to the cocker being in response to some hunting safety regulation on the web site. I imagine that's it's sole reason for being.

The one thing I think they got right was interchangeable bolt heads for caliber changes. Most of the other interchangeable bolt guns require you to buy a standard action for one set of calibers and a whole new gun for magnums. The 03 can go up and down the ladder with just barrels, bolt heads and magazines. Maybe Blaser has this too; I can't recall at the moment.

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The Blaser does have changable bolt heads.

On one reciever you can go from 22LR [17 and 22Mag as well] u to the 416 Rem Mag.

You can also get a 28ga shotgun barrel. It is a single shot.

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I think it is a little better looking than a Blaser but heavier and more expensive. Has most of the same features and drawbacks imho.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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As I understand the Model 03 it is a take down rifle. Once you have the basice rifle you can add barrels and bolt/bolt faces for different calibers. I have not shot one nor have I actually handled one. I wish I owned one!
That way all my rifles bolt and double would travel in break down cases!
I don't think folks will jump to buy it. It is non-traditional and God knows we hate new stuff! Eeker

The price of that rifle is just about what you'd pay for a custom made 404 Jeffery. Minus 2-4 years depending on how colistered is your Holiest of Holies ah, Gunsmith.

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Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Fourbore, the Mauser M03 is a very nice rifle, however if I am well informed it is a push feed instead of the traditional Mauser CRF. I don't know if you intend to hunt DG with this rifle? Many hunters insist on CRF when hunting DG. Good luck with your choice.
Posts: 53 | Location: The Netherlands | Registered: 02 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Today I spend an hour with Tip Burns at his shop in Canyon Lake, Texas. He had a Mauser 03. I got to tell you, I'm a convert. From the safety to barrel/caliber changes the 03 is quite a piece of equiptment.

Magazine can be either drop box of fixed, you decide. Each magazine box is designed to hold several calibers. Bolt face changes is a few seconds. Whole bolt comes apart for cleaning with little effort. Rifle is cocked by lever on back of bolt. Once cocked it stays cocked until you put the rifle on safe.

Two bolts and the barrel is on and off.

It is a push feed until the round chambers then an extractor claw grabs the round.

No, this ain't your Daddy's 98 Mauser! I really want one now! And several barrels and bolt faces!

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DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
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Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of RaySendero
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Originally posted by Ron Creusen:
Fourbore, the Mauser M03 is a very nice rifle, however if I am well informed it is a push feed instead of the traditional Mauser CRF. I don't know if you intend to hunt DG with this rifle? Many hunters insist on CRF when hunting DG. Good luck with your choice.

Count me as one that will require a CRF on a DGR!

I visited the Mauser website. I could not find out for sure reading info - Almost like they skirt this issue on the model 03 on purpose.

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Ray, I had the same impression about skirting the issue. I had a long look myself to the Mauser a while ago, but skipped the idea, because I want my DG rifle to be a CRF. I now own a Sauer Take Down S202 push feed, which is a beautiful rifle, slick repeating and shooting very accurately. However I will not use it against DG. The best argument is the thing that happenend to me last wek when I visited Hungary for wild boar hunting. I hit a boar deadly, but still it managed to run some 20 meters. Instinctively I reloaded and my PH asked me to reload again and shoot. As I was convinced that I had cycled the bolt, I opened the bolt half-way to be sure I had cycled a fresh round. Upon closing I had a double feed and had trouble to clear this in a few seconds. No problem, of course, but think if this would have happened when hunting DG. Of course some people would say that this would not be a problem, because you will be saved by the stopping rifle of your PH. However this argument would not be my starting point for the selection of a DG rifle.
Posts: 53 | Location: The Netherlands | Registered: 02 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Have played a little with the M03. A very nifty rifle and one that I prefer to the company's sister rifle - the blaser. However the M03 and Blaser share many common features - most importantly is that the barrel and chamber are both hammer forged - makes for great accuracy. The fact that the bolts lock into the barrel makes for great accuracy in a take down rifle.

No it is not a controlled feed. If you want a controlled feed mauser, they still make M98 magnum actioned rifles. Beautiful bits of kit! but all semi custom and with a starting price near that of a double.

If you want a working grade .404, buy a CZ, sort out the bedding, put at least one cross bolt in, and do alot of polishing of the action. In south Africa they make replacement cocking pices for the CZ so you can have it with a mauser wing safety or Winchester M70 type.

The M03 is really only of interest if you want one rifle with a couple of barrels - personally I like it. Give me one and I'll use it on dangerous game (after putting 1000rnds through it to get 100% familiar with the system)
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