I hate when that happens.I shot a piece of plywood with cb caps using it as a backstop and got pelted with a cb cap bullet .It hurt.Dont shoot water either its like concrete .And rocks can explode and mess you up too.I shot my 338-378 once too close to the ground and got rock pieces in my eyes no fun.And always wear shooting glasses.I had a 22 case burst and put a pices of brass in my eye.There was a freak accident at our range a few months back.A guy had too hot of a reload anf burst the cylender on his ruger blackhawk.One of the pieces went into the shooters skull beside him.He had to be lifeflighted out.You always have to be extra careful shooting and obey the rules .I guess wear a hard hat shooting 50 bmgs also.
.. Thats what I was thinking would happen ... Shooting steel falling plates is putting alot of faith in the mechanism that allows the plate to fall ..... Murphy,s law being what it is ,it seems like a good way for someone to get hit with a ricochet...
.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006