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"Perfect" Velocity ? Login/Join
<Hunting Max>
Hi Folks,

what do you think is the "perfect" muzzle velocity for a 350grs RoundNose or solid bullet in .375". I want to start handloading for it in the .375 WBY case. The plan is to use that loads, together with 270grs ProtectedPoints in Africa for plains game (the 270grainers) and probably buffalo (the 350grainers) next year. Or is it better to stick with the 300grainers for all purposes? Any comments or ideas are appreciated.

Best wishes from Bavaria, somewhere near Germany (which is on the way to loose it�s democratic government)

Guns can save lives - maybe your�s.

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Hunting Max,
I will be the 300 grain advocate here. Someone else can play the 350 grain advocate.

KISS principle applies. I would load the 300 grainers to 2700 fps and zero 2 to 3" high at 100 yards with the scope (or your choice of sight in), and dead on at 100 yards with the iron sights.

I found that standard 300 grain bulleted factory ammo for the 375 H&H, when fired in my 375 Wby, produced about 2400 fps, and would strike 3 inches lower at one hundred yards than the 2700 fps 375 Wby handloads with 300 grain bullets.

This makes for a useful backup load of factory ammo with the 375 H&H ammo used in the 375 Wby. All 300 grain bullets, easily remembered points of impact.

Know your trajectories. Always be ready with the one bullet weight. No fumbling between ammo bullet weights or mental calculations of trajectories. KISS.

That is what makes the 300 grainer such a 300 grinner in the 375 whether 375 H&H or 375 Wby.

George Hoffman was of the opinion that 300 grain bullets worked better than 350 grainers, IIRC. If you need more than the the 300 grains, then you need a 416 Hoffman/Remington, etc.

I found the 300 grain Sierra GAME KING most accurate in my 375 Wby for lighter game at longer ranges and it sure surpasses any lighter bullet at long range.

The 300 grain Swift and 300 grain Barnes X bullet are two tough soft points to try for accuracy in your gun.

About any good solid of 300 grains will do, and give adequate penetration. I just don't like the bronze "encapsulated" lead-cored new Hornady "solid."

If GSC would make a 300 grain FN and HV in .375, then I could really KISS up. As it is, I have to make do with so many other excellent 300 grain .375 bullets. This is another reason why the .375 bores are so practical.


Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
<Hunting Max>

thanks for your detailed answer. That makes absolutely sense to me. Why do you not like the new Hornady solids ? Which one could you recommend, Woodleigh, Barnes or others?

Guns can save lives - maybe your�s.

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We should be hearing from the 350 grain advocates anytime now.

Actually, I think I would prefer the 300 grain Barnes monometal (bronze) solids at the higher end of useful velocities in a 375 Wby. The Woodleighs would be better at the H&H velocities.

Actually the Trophy Bonded Sledge Hammer is a bronze encapsulated lead-cored "solid," and has a great reputation. It has a thick, flat nose portion and may be tougher than the round nose Hornady.

The Speer African Grand Slam is a bronze encapsulated, tungsten-cored "solid" that has a great reputation also. I have seen it do more on steel plate than other solids. In a really tough encounter (3/4" steel plate), the tungsten rod may continue on through the nose of the AGS as a sub-caliber penetrator rod.

I have not tried the new Hornady solids, and like others I am waiting for reports from the field before I rely on them. I liked the older Hornady steel FMJ's but at lower velocities in the 2100-2400 fps range, in larger bores.

Saeed has it figured out, and you can do the same with your 375 Wby: 300 grain X-Bullet for "dead tough" soft, and 300 grain Barnes Monolithic for solid.

If you want a softer softpoint bullet, take your pick, but I would use the Woodleigh Weldcore up close or the Sierra Game King for trajectory.

Swift A-Frames and Scirocos, Nosler Partitions and Ballistic tips, Hornady RN and SP softs, Speer, Sierra ... lots of good soft points in 300 grains.

I really think the Barnes Solid is the best 300 grain solid for the 375 Wby, unless you want to pay more for the Speer AGS. Accuracy of your rifle may decide. Or, JUST GET CLOSER!


Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I'll be the second vote for a single 300gr loading. With the velocity capability a 375Wby has, there is no need for a lighter bullet. And, if you need more than 300grs then you need a 416. Pick a good premium soft point such as the 300gr Swift or Northfork, plus a Speer or Trophy Bonded solid and you're set for whatever comes along.
Posts: 1148 | Location: The Hunting Fields | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I'll be using the 350 gr. Woodlieh RN and PP on Buffalo this year and I believe it will make a better Buffalo gun out of the 375 and Geoff McDonald loves them on Aussie cattle and Aussie Buffalo. Geoff told me the PP has more penitration than the RN and thats by design as the RN is for herd shooting Buffalo with a 375 because it dampens the awesome penitration of the 375 H&H..It will sell well with the Africans I'm sure of that and it will make the 375 a better all around rifle.. A lot of PH's are excited about these bullet and the 380 gr. Rhino bullet.

I will also be using the new 300 gr. Northfork bullets on Buffalo..and of course I will back them all up with GS FN solids.

I wish I could pack my 416 and try the Woodleih 450 gr. RN on Buffalo, that should be a great bullet.

Based on my experience with the 320 gr. Woodleigh bullets on Buffalo in the 9.3x62, I think the 350 gr. 375 bullets will be a wonderfull bullet...

Bottom line is: A place for everything and everything has its place...

Ray Atkinson

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<Hunting Max>
Thanks again for all your answers,

because there is only a slightly chance for hunting buff, I will try the Barnes solids as solids and for the softpoints I will try Barnes X, Woodleigh, A-Frames and so on, all in 300grs and will see which one shoots best in my rifle.

Guns can save lives - maybe your�s.

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Picture of MacD37
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I shoot the 375 H&H a lot, and I have always shot 300 gr bullets, both soft, and solid, for everything. The softs I use are Nosler Partitions, and the solid is the Barnes super solids (monolithics)@ 2550 fps. They work perfectly, and I see no value in useing anything else, simply because of the success I've had with the 300 gr on Buffalo, or anything else. I have never been able to see why anyone would go to the 375 WBY, when the effect on the Buffalo doesn't change over the old H&H! The one value I can see for the Wby version is because of the new 350 gr bullets. With the extra powder capacity the WBY should push the 350 gr bullet to the same speed the H&H pushes the 300 gr bullet, 2550 fps. The fact that H&H ammo can be used in the 375 WBY, means nothing other than convenence of fireforming cheaper cases. The sreightening out the case to the WBY version, takes away that "QUICK SILVER" feeding the H&H is famous for, with no usable gain over perfect. The extra FPS means absolutely nothing to a Cape Buffalo, but the impression might change with a 350 gr bullet at 2550 fps!

So I guess what I'm saying is, "IF IT ANI'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT!" if I were going to go to a 375 WBY,something I'm not likely to do, then the only gain, I see, is that the 350 gr bullet could be used at the same speed, 2550 fps, as the 300 in the H&H, and that would be the only bullet I would use. Otherwise I would simply shoot a 375H&H, and be done with it!

..Mac >>>===(x)===>
Collector/trader of fine double rifles, and African wildlife art

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
<Hunting Max>
@Ron and MacD37,

because now it�s to late to go back to the .375H&H, I decided, to go with one bullet weigth: 350grs for RoundNose and Solids, pushed about 2500 fps.

Guns can save lives - maybe your�s.

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Originally posted by Hunting Max:
@Ron and MacD37,

because now it�s to late to go back to the .375H&H, I decided, to go with one bullet weigth: 350grs for RoundNose and Solids, pushed about 2500 fps.

That makes absolutly perfect sence to me! More speed is not needed, but more weight at the same speed is of some value. The Buffalo will notice that, IMO!

Good luck on your hunt with the 375WBY/350 gr combo!

..Mac >>>===(x)===>
Collector/trader of fine double rifles, and African wildlife art

[This message has been edited by MacD37 (edited 05-17-2002).]

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Kevin Robertson, author of "The Perfect Shot" about shot placement on African game, advocates pushing .375 bullets BELOW 2400 fps. He says he gets better penetration at about 2300 fps.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Well, whooptee-doo! Somebody needs to tell Saeed he is breaking all the rules using his 375/404 with 300 grain bullets.

BTW, Saeed's combo is amazingly effective. He knows how to keep it simple. No BS.

The same can be done with a 375 Wby, and it has the added benefit of using 375 H&H ammo in a pinch, NOT AS THE PREFERRED MODE!!!

Saeed's advice to us all was "Keep It Simple Stupid." He has to remind Walter of this frequently.


Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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