I wanna know who is the first one or the original developer of the .577 Tyranosaur, and when it was created. Also, A-Square is a manufacturer of rifles for the .577 Tyrannosaur? If not, who is?
Please sorry my bad english. Thanks and greetings from Argentina.
I think Art Alphin of A-Square made it. Here's a quote from the Ammo & Ballistics book:
"The .577 Tyrannosaur is an A-square development, designed(in about 1993)to produce a "big stopper" cartridge for a bolt-action rifle. The cartridge certainly achieves that goal, falling only about one Taylor KO index point (154 to 155)short of the legendary .600 NE. The case has a huge volume, something on the order of 150-grains of propellant. I think Art Alphin win the naming award for this cartridge."
I wonder how fast it can push a 900-grainer?
Posts: 1282 | Location: here | Registered: 26 January 2002
Art Alphin is credited with creating the .577 Tyrannosaur.
A-Square is not in business any more, so they are no longer producing these rifles or ammunition. Perhaps some gunsmith is building them on a custom order basis, but if so, they are keeping it a close secret.
Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
It would seem to me that of the .585 Nyatti & the .577 T-Rex the .585 is winning the popularity race and may signal the death nell for the .577 T-Rex. I undertsand the .585 Nyatti has a few years head start, but I think it has more to do with being an easier cartridge to chamber for.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
The reloading pages here have some good info on the t-rex.It's worth looking at,you need to go to the home page to get in.11,000ft lbs at the muzzle is a whopping amount of energy.I forget what velocity they said,,but all the info is there
Posts: 2119 | Location: woodbine,md,U.S.A | Registered: 14 January 2002
The T- Rex suffers only in the lack of suitable actions that can be adapted to it. The rim diameter is far too large for nearly all commonly available actions except the BBK-02 , the modified 1917 Enfield and perhaps the Prarie Gunworks action. the cases are available only from horneber on special order. The data on the T-Rex indicates it has more horsepower than a 585 NYATI, but I sincerely doubt any human being could ever tell the difference. The NYATI can be built on commonly available actions and is probably a better balanced cartridge. As I've said before, the NYATI can hit over 2500fps with a 750 gr bullet with a 26 inch barrel and my .50 BMG hits 2720 with the same weight bullet but with a 32 inch barrel. That's enough for me.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
quote:Originally posted by PC: It would seem to me that of the .585 Nyatti & the .577 T-Rex the .585 is winning the popularity race and may signal the death nell for the .577 T-Rex. I undertsand the .585 Nyatti has a few years head start, but I think it has more to do with being an easier cartridge to chamber for.
But the T-rex has a cooler name.
Posts: 1282 | Location: here | Registered: 26 January 2002
Rob if you look at the load data on this sight for the .585 Nyatti you will see that they hit over 2500 fps with a 23.5" Lothar Walther Barrel. So with a 26" job you might get 2575-2600 fps.
How much barrel and how much break does your .585 have Rob??
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
I just love the .577 TYRANNOSAUR If you load it hard it can make 2750 f/s with a hard 750 grain solid bullet. And it will give 12600 foot pounds energy. And it can shoot a 900 grainer at 2300-2350 f/s.
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002
As you've pointed out earlier, the .577 Tyr is hard to get, and few are willing to built it on a highly modified Enfield or getting the BBK-02 Action, so you have to pay a fortune for it either way.And components are also difficult to bring up.Horneber is the only person to get cases from, and he does'nt live forever (Unfortunately).I think there are much confussion due to A-squares "comeback" so we just have to wait and see.
The 577 T.rex was created by Art Alphin of A-Square. I had my t.rex built in 1997, it is built on a BBK-02 action with a 26 inch Pac-Nor barrel. I have pushed a 750 gr. bullet to 2608 fps and a 900 gr bullet to 2209 fps. I am sure I can top either of these velocitys but I see no need for more velocity. I have A-Sq. and Horneber brass, A-Square brass holds about 212 grs. of water and Horneber brass holds 225 grs. of water. The main advantage of the t.rex is it can achieve higher velocitys than the smaller 585 Nyati or achieve the same velocity at less pressure. However the Nyati is a great cartridge and is much easier to build, and generates all of the power and recoil most mortals can handle.
PC- You are absolutely right. with a longer barrel i.e. 28 inches, I'm sure the Nyati could hit well over 2600fps. But I'm not gonna shoot it! My gun doesn't weigh enough! Every man has to know his limits! The NYATI too has it's problems. The cartridge neck is .003 too small in diameter and everyone who has ever built one has major problems. The solution is a new reamer design and after I talked with Ken at JGS they will be offering my design changes in the future. With that done the 585 NYATI becomes an almost practical cartridge. One still has to deal with the limited cartridge capacity of most mag boxes, but this is fixable.-Rob
Hola NCarone, there is a friend of mine in Germany who makes a bigger( Not only longer) Action based on M 98 that can handle the 577 Tyrano. He calls it the Super Magnum System, made for 505, 577 Tyranosaur, etc. He makes the best actions I have ever seen. You can contact him @ Ritterbusch-Seehausen@t-online.de. have a look at his site: www. jagdgewehre-ritterbusch.de. Tell me if you need some help. Donde estas en Argentina? Muchos Saludos
quote:Originally posted by bongo500: Hola NCarone, there is a friend of mine in Germany who makes a bigger( Not only longer) Action based on M 98 that can handle the 577 Tyrano. He calls it the Super Magnum System, made for 505, 577 Tyranosaur, etc. He makes the best actions I have ever seen. You can contact him @ Ritterbusch-Seehausen@t-online.de. have a look at his site: www. jagdgewehre-ritterbusch.de. Tell me if you need some help. Donde estas en Argentina? Muchos Saludos
quote:Originally posted by The Cool Guy: I think Art Alphin of A-Square made it. Here's a quote from the Ammo & Ballistics book:
"The .577 Tyrannosaur is an A-square development, designed(in about 1993)to produce a "big stopper" cartridge for a bolt-action rifle. The cartridge certainly achieves that goal, falling only about one Taylor KO index point (154 to 155)short of the legendary .600 NE. The case has a huge volume, something on the order of 150-grains of propellant. I think Art Alphin win the naming award for this cartridge."
I wonder how fast it can push a 900-grainer?
I do not know who made this caliber but this missing point ( taylor factor) shows that the taylor factor is "bullshit" The 577 T has the better penitration and will do better on frontal brain shots on elephant and is the better "stopper"!
I can promise you my mate and I will be giving our .585's a real work out on pigs etc. I however plan on using 650 gr projectiles at around 2300-2400 fps to hopefully make the rifle shootable.
Rob or 500gr just roughly how much IMR 4350 would one need to get 2300-2400 fps with the 650 grainer. I have perused heaps of data for the 750's but the 650 data is a little thin.
Rob I would love it if you did some tests with 650 gr projectiles or any .585 owner for that matter.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
Pc, My one and only load when I was still at home was about 155gns of AR2209(slightly slower than IMR 4350 for our US viewers) for 2340fps with the 750gn woodleighs. My case has about 200gns capacity so splits the T.Rex and Nyati on average.
The Nyati won the race against the T.Rex well and truly a couple of years ago- I think this site can take credit for that. Still I would have liked a 577 T.Rex. Mitch am I still first in line if you sell yours mate?
Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000
PC, the t.rex will probabily drive a 650 gr. bullet about 150 to 200 FPS. faster than a 585 Nyati. The 650 gr. loads I listed in the reloading section were not max. loads.
Karl, You have got it if I decide to sell my t.rex. (which may be sooner than you think).
Do you really think that your .585 NYATI 3" will have more power than a .577 TYRANNOSAUR What do you think is the MAX velocity in your .585 NYATI 3". With 750 grain bullets.???
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002