I am far from a guru but I have a montana rifle in 416 remington and sent the barreled action to montana when they still existed to have their synthetic stock added. I wanted to use that stock on a hunt later for a winchester rifle. It only required a slight inlet for the different bolt release of the winchester but otherwise fit nicely. I guess that is the exact reverse of your plan but you should be able to make it work if it isn't for the short action, then I wouldn't know.
Originally posted by Monski: I am far from a guru but I have a montana rifle in 416 remington and sent the barreled action to montana when they still existed to have their synthetic stock added. I wanted to use that stock on a hunt later for a winchester rifle. It only required a slight inlet for the different bolt release of the winchester but otherwise fit nicely. I guess that is the exact reverse of your plan but you should be able to make it work if it isn't for the short action, then I wouldn't know.
Thank you,its a long action to 458 Lott length I have been advised. Its for a 400 calibre build so barrel channels and all sorts of unknowns abound. And the US is a totally different place to Australia when you want to buy something lol.
Posts: 87 | Location: Victoria Australia | Registered: 07 September 2002
Thank you,I looked over the Mc site and they will do it...price,exchange rates,taxes etc make them pricey for us here.
Gryph, If you want an option to consider you might check out Brown Precision if you haven't already. Not saying they're better than McMillan ( cos I don't know ) but I think they also inlet for the action you have. If you order from McMillan there is something of a wait time currently I believe. Same for Brown but possibly a bit less. Have a look via the link if you're interested. I think there is a dealer in NZ selling McMillan stocks but I'm not sure for which actions. Browns is also spendy at current AUSD, NZD / USD exchange rates. Cheers. http://brownprecision.com/precision-stocks/
Hunting.... it's not everything, it's the only thing.
Posts: 2162 | Location: New Zealand's North Island | Registered: 13 November 2014
Tar mate, They are all exy its why I prefer a B+C,not only are they a very good stock there prices are reasonable. I think my last one for the 9.3 x 64 was $600 AUD to my door. The last three deer I shot with it I saw them fall at the shot,thats a sweet rifle to allow that. I will look up the Browns now.
Posts: 87 | Location: Victoria Australia | Registered: 07 September 2002
hi Gryph, the trouble is getting the stocks out of the US, if it’s over $100 you need an export permit, I got quotes from all the local McMillan importers a couple of years ago, the cheapest was about $1600 AUD dollars from Ignition Custom Engineering in South Oz, makes the B&C a bit more appealing.
Ah i should have put more into it JR in meaning all I could find on their site were stocks with actions/barrels installed,I couldnt see any plain old 'empty' stocks on there.
Posts: 87 | Location: Victoria Australia | Registered: 07 September 2002
as I understand it Echols stocks are made by McMillan to his specs, but they only sell them to him, he then uses them on his rifles, I believe he does sell them, but they aren’t cheap, even more than your average McMillan.
My Montana actioned .416 Remington rode around in a polyGodknowswhat takeoff stock from a Winchester M-70 for a few months until McM could build my stock. It worked just fine, except that the action bolts needed retightened every 20 rounds or so.
Posts: 1950 | Location: Almost Heaven | Registered: 10 January 2003