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I have been invited by my wife to pick out whatever new rifle I desire for Christmas! ( no, she dosen't have any single sisters) After much deliberation I have settled on a Ruger RSM in 375 H&H. Since this rifle will be used primarily as an all around big game rifle I would like some suggestions on a scope and load combination. I am leaning heavily towards a low powered variable, and does anybody know of a QD scope rings / mount system that is compatible with the Ruger integral system.?
Posts: 17 | Location: Loretto,Tn | Registered: 11 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Rick, if you are talking about the Mk II Deluxe Magnum it is indeed and attractive looking rifle. Warne make some good looking quick detach scope rings for Ruger. I have them on my Winchester Model 70 and they are fine. A good scope for dangerous game is the Leupold 1.5-5X20. For more general all-around use you might consider the Leupold 1.75-6X33, or in a 30mm tube the Nikon 1.5-6X42. In my opinion they are all good scopes and I would probably go with one of the all-round scopes. If you buy a Leupold consider buying it from Premier Reticles ( ) as they can fit the reticle of your choice at purchase. I like the German N° 1.


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I have unfortunately just gone down this road. I mounted an old Weaver V4.5 on my 416, which is one of my all time favorite hunting scopes. It is almost identical in size to all the 20mm Leupolds. I have tried a set of Warne rings and a set of Burris with the adaptor base. Unfortunately, both these seem way too high for the stock. The Ruger is one of the few guns which seems (for me) to be ideally stocked for the iron sights supplied, and they were dead on from the factory. However, the Warnes, which are my favorite rings, are available in only medium and high for this rifle. The Burris are too high due to the adaptor. Even the factory rings with the rifle are medium height, I suppose due to the rage of "big objective"-itis. My plan is to get a set of the low Ruger rings and use them. Someone used to make a set of replacement lever screw heads to make them quick release(looked like the Warne levers). If I can't find any of them, I will make some custom ones.
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375H&H with 4X fixed Leupold Scope
"Just what the Doctor Ordered"
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I have the Leupold 1.75X6 on my Safari Express and a low power Swarovski on the Whitworth. As nice as those scopes are I wish I had a 3X9 Leupold for non-dangerous game. Just my opine.

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Originally posted by rick burlison:
I have been invited by my wife to pick out whatever new rifle I desire for Christmas! ( no, she dosen't have any single sisters) After much deliberation I have settled on a Ruger RSM in 375 H&H. Since this rifle will be used primarily as an all around big game rifle I would like some suggestions on a scope and load combination. I am leaning heavily towards a low powered variable, and does anybody know of a QD scope rings / mount system that is compatible with the Ruger integral system.?

You'll get as many and varied opinions on this as on what caliber and rifle are best for whatever.
I know I am in the minority, but I would put a fixed power 2.5 or 3X on it and never look back. If you don't plan on buffalo and elephant then 4x would do just fine. I just ain't into big ugly variables or little ones either even though I have some I wish I didnot have.
Posts: 1700 | Location: USA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I know i may take flak for this but here goes

just go out and buy a Leupold VX-2 Scope 3-9x 40mm Leupold Dot Reticle Matte

and be done with it if your hunting in a open area and arnt hunting in the brush.

I have a 3x9 lep/ with paralx/ ajus/ and a 3 inch sun shade on my 35x378 and it does just fine for hunting in the open.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Nice choice of rifle...I would opt for a 1.5x5 Leupold as it will hold a zero better than any scope with a bell on the front..and 5X is all anyone needs on a big game rifle...

I would have a good gunsmith tig weld and shape, checker, some pretty levers on the existing Ruger mounts, they are strong and nice looking...

Ray Atkinson
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Thanks for all the replies fellows. Ray, your suggestion to have someone modify the Ruger mounts is a new one on me. Has anyone out there had this done? Could you maybe post a pic? Or suggest a gunsmith , preferably in the southeast? "Life is too short tom dance with ugly women"
Posts: 17 | Location: Loretto,Tn | Registered: 11 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Wink gave good advice & the Warne rings work fine. A good choice in .375h&h. For NA hunting, the 260grNP would be a great choice. For Africa, work up a good load w/ the 300grNP or 270gr Barnes 'X'.

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Is the 260 Accubond too tough for whitetails? How about a cast bullet load? I know, I know, too many questions to not even have the rifle yet, but I am excited about my first new rifle since a 270 rem 700 classic in 1980! Starting a new business as a building contractor and working full time as a welding supervisor has taken a lot of my time. "
Posts: 17 | Location: Loretto,Tn | Registered: 11 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by rick burlison:
Is the 260 Accubond too tough for whitetails? How about a cast bullet load? I know, I know, too many questions to not even have the rifle yet, but I am excited about my first new rifle since a 270 rem 700 classic in 1980! Starting a new business as a building contractor and working full time as a welding supervisor has taken a lot of my time. "

LOL Boy thats a loaded question alright Big Grin

What to shoot at Wite tail deer with from a
375 H&H .........

Well you run into alot of things ..First what
area are you hunting in .? is it an open area were your going to have time to " Make " your shot count.
or is it heavy cover were you might have to take what ever shot you can get.

Are you looking for for the bullet to expand when it impacts or are you looking for the bullet to first penatrate the deer then start it expantion.

a heavey bullet like a 270 grain with a spitzer shape and a jacket wall of 0.040 will pass almost through the deer before mushrooming
the same bullet in a 0.030 will begain its mushrooming ( that is if you hit the sholder)
about 3 inchs in.
a jacket wall thickness of 0.020 will start mushrooming almost at the hide /point of impact.
a hollow pointed 0.020 wall thickness bullet will have rolled back to about .450 diameter 3 inchs in .

So your question
Is the 260 Accubond too tough for whitetails

Maybe ... but then again how far away do you
think you goingto be from the deer 100 yard's

When it come right down to it ... if you " Hit "
what your aiming at then yes use that bullet
becouse dead is still... Well in my book...... anyway ..Dead... if your just not sure try a flat nose bullet... there great for side shots.

But hey its your rifle not mine ...

Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
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The rifle of my choice for Christmas!! Yikes!! Why not a Echols Classic Or an H&H?I will put a 3x9 on my 375. As to bullets just use a Swift or a North Fork. Get a Hornaday or some such for a plinking bullet. If using the former on deer just make sure youhit some bone on the way in and you will drop your deer with minimal destruction of meat. I have been using my 375 for deer since about 1999. As Elmer Keith said. "The 375 makes a decent deer rifle" Wink

Although cartridge selection is important there is nothing that will substitute for proper first shot placement. Good hunting, "D"
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About the Echols Classic; I didn't want to "kill the golden goose" so to speak. You know Fathers Day will come around before too long. I use a 1 1/2 to 5 variable on my .270 and really like the quickness or the sight picture so i probably will not go any higher than a 2 x 7. thanks for all replies, I really enjoy this site.
Posts: 17 | Location: Loretto,Tn | Registered: 11 September 2005Reply With Quote
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