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Picture of Bill G. in Oregon
Would an older Redfield low power variable, wide angle stand the recoil of a 375H&H?



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All you can do is try it and see. My friend that went to Zim last August with me had a Redfield 3-9 on his .375 but I think it was one of the new models.
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If it fails, who will fix it?

I do not think Redfields had a lifetime warranty back in those days.


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Picture of Von Gruff
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I put an older 4x Redfield on my 7x57 early on and the retical busted. I wouldn't trust one more than a few feet away from a replacement.

Von Gruff.

Von Gruff.

Gen 12: 1-3

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Redfield went through a number of owners and periods of various quality - from very good to piss poor - If you really like the scope then you will just have to try it but my advise would be to keep a known spare sighted in and with you on any serious trip.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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I have been useing an old (from the sixties)Redfield Bear Cub 1" tube, in my .375 H&H without any trouble. I have made around 300 shots with that combination. And it is still in perfect shape! And the optics are, at least, as good as ANY other 4x scope I have or have had. This includes S&B, Sw, and Zeiss Z.

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Picture of Bill G. in Oregon
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Thanks to all.

I believe I'll try the Redfield 1 3/4 x 5 widefield -and keep my M8 Leupold 4x as backup.

Posts: 1783 | Registered: 21 November 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of jimatcat
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i like the older denver steel redfields... and have several on some m70's, in 375, 416 and 458... i've got a 3-9 on my chapuis 9,3x74 r... and if it fails, theres a place in tulsa ok, ironsighter (?) that will repair it and offer a short ( 1 yr) warrranty... they're a good company to deal with...

go big or go home ........

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Here's a link to Ironsight Inc that repairs Denver made Redfields.
Posts: 1615 | Location: Washington State | Registered: 27 May 2004Reply With Quote
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if it breaks just send it to leupold and they own redfield and they will fix it
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With the older scopes I believe the fixed power scopes were more "recoil resistant" than the varibles.I have an old 2 3/4 power Redfield with a post reticle on my 458 and it has stood up for several years. I shoot mostly 350 gr bullets in my 458 but have shot a couple boxes of 500's and it is standing up so far.
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I used many of them back when they were Redfield and several other names, they all worked on rifles up to .375 and 458 Win. caliber. The later wide TV screen scope was a disaster IMO..The Bear Cubs were the best as I recall. Some are 30 MM btw.

I better add that all of them I use back yonder were fixed models, and I still have a preference for the fixed scopes as they simply have less to go South..It's the KISS principle, and yes I know 99.9% of you disagree on that, and thats fine as todays varible scopes are pretty tough.

Ray Atkinson
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Originally posted by gerryb:
if it breaks just send it to leupold and they own redfield and they will fix it

No they won't, they only work on modern Redfields made 2010 and later.

When Leupold & Stevens, Inc.® purchased Redfield in April 2008, it did not acquire the capability to repair Redfield products manufactured prior to this purchase. The repair tooling and parts were purchased years ago by other repair services. Leupold & Stevens, Inc. will service its manufactured Redfield product (manufactured from 2010 forward) in accordance with its published warranty.

At this time, should a non-Leupold & Stevens, Inc. Redfield product require service, we suggest contacting Iron Sight, Inc. (918) 445-2001. This contact is provided for information purposes only, as Iron Sight Inc. is not affiliated with Leupold & Stevens Inc. They should be contacted directly for all information regarding repair, service and associated charges
Posts: 1615 | Location: Washington State | Registered: 27 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by wrongtarget:
Here's a link to Ironsight Inc that repairs Denver made Redfields.

If I were to look for a business to do repairs on an old Redfield scope I WOULDN'T consider Iron Sight in Tulsa. REASON: I sent my 3-9 power Redfield Low pro Widefield to them back on March 1, 2011. They kept my scope for 10 mounts without even looking at it but rather cashed my $80 check I sent along with my scope. I called them this past July (2011) and the person I spoke to said I would receive my scope by the middle of December, which I didn't. I called them once more last week and asked about the status of repairs on my scope, and this is when I learned they haven't even looked at it yet. So I instructed them to send my scope back along with the $80 I sent them. Got the scope back poorly packed in "Bubble Plastic" + a check for $70 and not the full refund of $80!!! I learned they have several complaints against them for service according to the BBB. So I too filed a claim against them. This is not a good company to deal with if you want repairs on your older Redfield scopes. Mad

Posts: 332 | Location: Backwoods Of Kentucky | Registered: 18 September 2005Reply With Quote
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I have an older Belgian Browning 375 H&H. It came topped with a Redfield fixed 4x with a modified German post (scope was probably from the 1960's). I eventually replaced it with a Leupold, but the old Redfield worked just fine on the 375. It is now on a slug gun that also kicks like a horse and the old scope still works fine. I have also seen some bad Redfields, however.
Posts: 129 | Location: Delaware | Registered: 15 January 2009Reply With Quote
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I've had several Weaver steel scopes cleaned and resealed by Ironsight. They do a decent job, and they are now the only game in town. This means that everyone and their brother is using them. The backlog is horrific. Make sure you can spare your scope for a year or so before sending it to them.
Posts: 2036 | Location: Roebling, NJ 08554 | Registered: 20 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
I used many of them back when they were Redfield and several other names, they all worked on rifles up to .375 and 458 Win. caliber. The later wide TV screen scope was a disaster IMO..The Bear Cubs were the best as I recall. Some are 30 MM btw.

I couldn't agree more about the "Wide Fields". I have seen a number of nice pre-64 Model 70's butchered in the process of altering the bolt handle to clear the oblong eyepiece.

The Bear Cubs were originally sold by Sisk and manufactured by Kollmorgen, who also manufactured periscopes for the US Navy during World War II and sniper scopes for the USMC. I have a number of them, both 1" and 26mm, and they are fine scopes. I haven't had than much experience with later Redfields.
Posts: 1748 | Registered: 27 March 2007Reply With Quote
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