Hey again, I'm still struggling to find some brass for my 450 NE. I thought I had found some, but the dealer called today and told me that he was mistaken and didn't have any after all.
I need some 450 NE with the thin rim (40 thousandths). As of right now, I'd settle for ANY brand.
I've tried Huntingtons, Bell, Old Western Scrounger, Ballard, Buffalo, and Sykes-Jenkinson. Everyone is sold out!
I can find thick rim (.060) made by Bell. Would it be worth trying to turn down the rims on this? I have access to a machine shop. It seems it would be difficult to chuck the brass since it's tapered.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by shiflan: Shiflan, Does Bell share the same site as Mast Technologies because I see the brass your looking for on the Mast site.
I have seen a box at the local store the last few time I was in. I belive it was Bertram Brass, but I'm not sure. You want me to check?. I can pick it up for you and mail it. You would have to pay shipping from Alaska though.
efryman, that would be great! If it's not too much trouble, please check with the store and find out what the box costs. I'd be happy to pay for shipping too. You can Email me at shiflan@starwind-hawking.com and we can discuss the details.
Graf's ( http://www.grafs.com ) in Mexico, Missouri, shows Bertram .450 3-1/4" brass in stock and $61.99 per 20. They're very good to do business with and often have stuff others are out of.
Posts: 979 | Location: paradise with an ocean view | Registered: 09 April 2002
Glad you got a hold of some brass. I stopped by the gun store today to check on the brass. It was Bell 450 NE Basic Brass with the thin rim. However it had been formed to 450/400 (the price tag was $69.95). They did have a box of A-Square loaded ammo with the Dead Tough 465gr bullets for $95.00. Now that I have the dies for my 470 NE, I will never again buy loaded ammo, just too damn expensive.
Shiflan, I'm glad you finlly found some brass! The turning of the rims isn't a hard thing to do if you have access to a lathe.
First you will need to make a .458 dia rod about 7" long. You chuck this rod into the drive chuck, then slide the brass over the rod till it bottoms out inside the case. Now run the tail stock with a center up against the back of the brass with the center in the primer hole. Turn the case and check it for true, then take your cut from the front, or bullet side of the rim. Easy
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