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What would be the best DG shotgun to carry while working in grizzly country? Different experiences. Looking at coach guns, but need more info on safeties, interceptor sears, hammer blocks, hammer or hammerless, auto ejectors, sights, etc.
Posts: 85 | Location:  | Registered: 25 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Can't go wrong with a Remington 870 express with a shorter smooth barrel 22 inch or so, put a mag extension on it, you have 6 shots, put slugs and or 00 buck, you will be well protected. Put a sling on it(I like Butler Creek)and hopefully you won't need it.

Posts: 484 | Location: SLC, UT | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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My PH and I actually followed what We thought was a wounded Lion into the heavy bush with a 1`2 Ga Benneli M1 super 90 loaded with slugs. he carried the 416 Rigby and I the Benneli. I didn't feel totally undergunned at the time. A M1 can balst out an awfull lot of lead in a hurry! Luckily we found the Lion stone cold dead 35 yrds away!-rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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The Remington 870 police with an 18" bbl and 8 shot mag extension is the ticket if you must use a shotgun for such purposes. A nicely cut down .375 or .416 would probably be better.


Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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I agree that the 870 Rem, properly set up is a good format for anything one might want a shotgun. In fact it has more to reccomend it than some very expensive shotguns. For follow up all that is needed is the removal of the plug to give five shot capacity. I submit you will never get off more than two shots on a chargeing Lion or leopard, and with a pump will be lucky to get off that second shot.

However, the records show that, of the PHs mauled by Leopard, and Lion durring follow-up,90% where useing shotguns, that failed to stop the cats! If one does use a shotgun for follow-up on wounded cats, there is a case for useing hard cast BRE Sabot, or Brenneke slugs, in short rifled barrels. Leave the buck shot at home, because that is where it is valuable, for home defense! Buck shot also increases the posibility of shooting someone, who is under a cat, while trying to save his life! My opinion is, one is far better off with a S/S double rifle, chambered for nothing smaller than 375 Flanged, or larger that a 450NE 3.25" for follow-up on wounded cats! Much larger and the follow-up shot is too slow, because of violent recoil, and weight of the gun! Follow-up on cats may be the one place where a good double rifle chambered for 45-70 useing warm loads with 400 gr soft point bullets, can be justified! [Cool]

[ 08-30-2003, 17:31: Message edited by: MacD37 ]
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I would prefer a rifle or slugs than buckshot.
However I reckon a shotgun with buck might be safer than a DG rifle for shooting something that is mauling a fellow. The spread at what would be very closer range probably won't be much more than your fist anyway and less chance they'll go go right through the animal too.

For hunting buckshot can be unreliable.
You knock down a large hog one day with buck and only count a single hole in it somehow,and the next day you put 4 shots into a young kangaroo half the hogs weight, and it just stands there looking at you with dust kicking up from its fur where the pellets are hitting.

PS I used a spas-12 and USAS-12(20 shot semi auto drum mag) for shooting in thick rainforest before our gunlaws came in.

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Picture of Marrakai
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I know its not the same as lion/leopard, but a common self-defense firearm for fishermen in north Australia's crocodile country (other than a stainless revolver) is a short barrelled 12-bore pump or self-loader, usually stainless, and loaded SG, Brenneke, SG, Brenneke, etc.

In a close encounter, double-tap!
Posts: 243 | Location: Darwin, Australia | Registered: 12 April 2003Reply With Quote
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14" bbl. Rem 870 or the Norinco clone, fitted with a collapsible AR15 stock and handgrip. Buckshot up the spout, slugs in the mag tube. It's legal here, I don't know about elsewhere. Good bear medicine for when you're fishing (the fish cops look at it and know you're not hunting). Easy to carry (wide web sling), handy (because of the short barrel), and it works very well on Yogi. It can also be fitted with all the whiz bang flashlight/lazer sight type gadgets known to man (including screw in muzzle brakes) FWIW - Dan

[ 08-31-2003, 20:06: Message edited by: dan belisle ]
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Lots of good comments on the 870 guys, thanks. Now lets see if we can come up with the best SxS, wether it be a new or old, coach or cut down model. But most of all it needs to be for some type of double barrel.
Posts: 85 | Location:  | Registered: 25 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lar45
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When I drove the Alcan in 87, I checked on the Canadian Gun laws and the shotgun restriction was at 18 1/2" bbl. Has it changed since then?
At a cowboy shoot the other day a guy had a Brazilian something that was nickle plated and had a synthetic stock. I don't remember the brand just now, but it would seem to be more weather resistant.
Posts: 2924 | Location: Arkansas | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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Originally posted by Lar45:
When I drove the Alcan in 87, I checked on the Canadian Gun laws and the shotgun restriction was at 18 1/2" bbl. Has it changed since then?
At a cowboy shoot the other day a guy had a Brazilian something that was nickle plated and had a synthetic stock. I don't remember the brand just now, but it would seem to be more weather resistant.

It's perfectly legal for someone to have a 14" barrel pump gun..AS long as it comes from the factory that way...If you chop off your barrel, you're a criminal...go figure [Big Grin]
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Robgunbuilder:
A M1 can balst out an awfull lot of lead in a hurry!

if you look for a lead spitter there is an semi auto made in South Africa with a drum magazine that would fit the bill [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

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Yes, to clarify the point, 14" barreled shotguns are legal in Canada if they came from the factory that way. Add an adaptor, the AR15 collapsible buttstock and handgrip and you still are leagal (longer then 26" minimum). Folding stocks (top and side) make the overall length too short WHEN USED WITH 14" BARRELS! They are still legal with an 18" barrel (or longer, of course). Hope that clears it up for folks. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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