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500 Jeffe Pics -work in progress- Login/Join
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Here's a couple Pics, for your viewing enjoyment. The last one is soley for the trolls, but the humor content is pretty High. Sorry the pics might suck a little, but I didn't feel like uploading 1 meg files each

First One
376 Steyr and 500 Jeffe(in progress).. trigger at timney, no bluing, sights bad, ejector on the shelf, etc etc etc

Second One
caliper reading .375 and a 376 steyr brass, don't know how to show it's a 376 any better
caliper .510" and a 500 "Jeffries" brass

Forth.. 500 jeffe bore and a Quarter

... some of MY guns... 257 jls is a 257x30wsm

500 --Jeffe himself--- Lathe


Pecos has this funnier than Hell Idea.. that if HE was the one being grilled over claims, he would take a picture of......

and *I* didn't have to ask someone else to publish MY pics

wow.. and let's clear the air here... these are MY guns/toys... And I don't "forget" what caliber wildcat I have.. <chortle>


[ 08-16-2003, 06:58: Message edited by: jeffeosso ]
Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Nice work. I think we ended up with the same style of stock for the Enfields; mine is incredibly dense and heavy, with fairly plain grain but nice mineral streaking; that is exactly what I requested. Thank you Henry.

Please post more detailed pics of the Enfield.

Posts: 1248 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Jeffo, they look great I particularly like the wood on the .376 Steyr !!
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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pics fixed, btt

Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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Jeffe- way to Go! I love the troll-finger! Death to AXEL!, Carbide before Dishonor!
Jeffe- get the Dayton Traister cock on open kit with a trigger for your Enfield. It works really well!-Rob

[ 01-22-2003, 08:04: Message edited by: Robgunbuilder ]
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I spoke with Timney today, and hopefully my "a2" trigger is on it's way back tomorrow, so I can shoot saturday! (aint holding my breath)...

the gun weighs just 9.25 with 4 rounds in it....

while I aint paul bunyan, and I 6'4 and about a 2xl... the paw sending a troll a message is a true 6 bisquit hand!!

ashley rear.. it's not "right" but it will work for a bit.

[ 01-22-2003, 08:10: Message edited by: jeffeosso ]
Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I like the .500; what make is the rear aperture sight?

jim dodd
Posts: 4166 | Location: San Diego, CA USA | Registered: 14 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Jeffe - Just a few quick points.

1. How do you do anything with your lathe. I thought they were supposed to be on the floor so you could lie down like AXEL does while you work.

2. Yes, I agree. You could not have made your post any more clear.

3. I admire you for being able to post your own pictures. That alone shows you and not a troll. They have never mastered this trick...or more likely they just have nothing to post? [Big Grin]

4. Finally, you have too much STUFF. Next time you come out my way...bring a trunk load of it and I'll help give you more room in your shop by taking some off your hands. I won't even charge you storage. [Smile] What are friends for, I always say?
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Great guns Jeff - do you build them entirely by yourself or do you get specialist work done to your specs in addition to the work you put in?

And is your 500 Jeffery a rebated rim version or the full rim version?

Good shooting, sir!

[ 01-23-2003, 13:30: Message edited by: mehulkamdar ]
Posts: 2717 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Nice piece of wood ( probably Turkish ) for a big bore on the 500 Jeffe. I like stright grain that runs from the toe to the forend angling a little upwards, without marble cake or as I like to refer to it as clown wood. It will hold and remain stable....
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Picture of todbartell
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Are those laminates on your 257 & Win 416 from Elk Ridge? The 257 really looks like one.
Posts: 857 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 03 November 2001Reply With Quote
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A couple answers...
Ray, the 500 is english, but low grade. I like it alot (asked for "Straight") as henry and I talk quite about about what I was going to build in it. Thanks, as a compliment from you, rRob, JB, PC, Andy, and Todd Getzen are worth quite a few insults from the troll.

The lam's are richard's microfit.. the 257 was done in 2000, when you could get a dark one, and the 416 was in 2001, and it's way too light colored. Elk ridge uses the same lam "stock".

The 500 jeffe is the regular version, rebated rim and all. I do most of my own work (this is false humility) over the past couple years... I don't make barrels or taper them, and if i don't want to own the reamer, I have pacmar do the chamber for me. The rest is just fun.

btw, the 708 is "Actually" my wifes.. it's a vixen stock she loved, and a wonderful mex mauser I found, and a reworked winchester 7 mag barrel, cut down and rechambered for 708

Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote

You have some lovely rifles. Doesn't surprise me Ray could not tell california english walnut form turkish walnut [Smile]

Hopefully someday I will be fortunate enough to own a true big bore like one of yours. I would like to apologize again for being such an ass.

By the way, if you do the troll finger exercise again in the future I suggest you turn you hand around so you flipping off the troll not the rifles [Smile]


[ 01-23-2003, 18:20: Message edited by: POSeur. ]
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what a PAL!!!! Are you even going to spring for 1/2 the gas?

you need to come into houston and let's go shooting soon.. there's a great range in town that lets you shot about anything, and we'll have a blast
Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Just made my first sissy loads...
ninety something grains of rl15
535 gr hawk RN Sp
2050fps? Just a big 458 win

It's only 9.25 with 4 or 5 rounds in it, so It's too light, but my trigger should be in tomorrow. ... If it's too late, it's going to be sunday before I shoot it... dang, like asking that stunning redhead out... you REALLY wanna do it, but there is a great deal of trepidation...

So, we'll see, since the pictures I've
reinstalled ext. box
another coat of tung oil
worked on feeding SOME (when you get mad, QUIT)
relieved back half of the receiver from contact

and "majic markered" the front sight so i can see it.

wish me luck
Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote

Nice rifles!

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Very nice rifles! This is edging me closer to getting my 500 Jeff project off the ground!
Posts: 221 | Location: Back in Alaska where I belong | Registered: 22 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Okay, I lived through IT!!!

I shot the jeffe today.. WOW!!! It was about 1975fps, 8.4? pounds, and the enfield trigger, not my timney... What a blast, and YEP!! I am scared to death of it, but I am WAY in the 50 club of HUNTING rifles.


Thanks for the compliments, and it's shooting nice. It DOES feed, but the follower needs to be reworked. The enfield trigger SUCKS!!!!

Richard and I shot it and his 416, had a pretty good day.

1975... and 300 fps to go.
Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
Great looking rifle Jeffe. What bullet weight did you deciede to work with first?

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I did 535 at just under 2000... we chornoed em...

WOW what an enligthening expereince!!
Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Nice looking work Jeffe.

I have been following your progress pretty closely, because I have an enfield action in the garage waiting for fate to turn it into a big bore.

Like Todd Getzen, I also want to see more pics!

Posts: 267 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: 01 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of ACRecurve
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Good looking stuff there Jeffe! But please don't listen to Pecos...I live over here in the NM desert and your "extras" would do much better being stored in this dry climate! [Big Grin]

BTW, what brand is your lathe? I've been toying with the idea of getting one.

Don't let that big boomer dislocate anything essential! I guess I'll just have to be a weenie and stay with my little 458 Lott--it should be done in the next couple of weeks.

Good Hunting,
Posts: 6711 | Location: Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 14 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Jeffe - Congrats on your survival and the successful shooting. I think when you get this rifle tuned up I'll feel safe enough to go hog hunting with you and "back you up" if it fails to stop one. (Assuming you don't turn the roads into "airboat country" on me again.)

Don't look for me in Houston. I would go into the brush after a wounded buff with you, but Houston that scares me. [Eek!]
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Andy, Pecos,
Fellas, It's always a good thign to have friends. I guess me and the boomers will just have to suffer through anouther houston "winter" and I'll just have to clean and oil this once a month myself.

I've got a grizzly g9729, and it's standing on g4004 bases, that I made a leveling system for. That's an over statement. I used some 1/2" bolts, turns the faces true (with the same lathe) welded a nut on the corners, and put 2 in, as well as lock washers, and use it as a fully adjustable lever.

Houston traffic aint that bad... aim between the lines, drive like you don't care if you live or die, and if a car is swerving across the line, drive AT him... he wont be there when you get there!!!

so, the next thing is 2 to 2.5# of lead and my lengthened trigger!! even though these are sissy laods. Frickin Richard shot it like I shoot my 376

Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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Jeffe- Congrats on getting your 500 working! It's not just anybody who can make a 1917 Enfield work! By the way, Try welding a small piece of steel onto the left side of your follower to keep it alligned straight with the bore. Mill a bevel on the follower to match the angle of the case in the three round cartridge stack. This will point the cartridge straight at the ramp. feeding dramatically improves. I just made this mod to my 470MBOGO on a 1917 and man it straightened out the feeding beautifully.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Just added 2# of lead, 1.5 in butt, .5 in forearm, to the jeffe... handles nice, should be MUCH more pleasant at ~10.5

btw, thanks Rob... I am not sure i've got the feeding worked out, but it's CLOSE!!!!

Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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That sounds great, Jeffe. I wouldn't want one any lighter, when it comes to shootability.

My 470 Mbogo is 10.5 lbs, and my 510 JAB is 10.75 lbs.

Getting over 11 lbs starts to become too heavy to carry all day.

Sounds like you have had the chance to balance the rifle perfectly with the lead, so it should float to your shoulder like a feather.

Nice work, thanks for sharing.
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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Hi Jeffe,
The rifles look great and the project 500 sounds like great fun. It's a wonderful thing when it all comes together. I hope you have a ton of fun with it. I'm heading off soon so I'll forward the 470 reamers and gauges to Pac-Nor for you. Hope to see them both in Houston.
470 Mbogo

[ 02-02-2003, 03:17: Message edited by: 470 Mbogo ]
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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