it seems that with winchesters recent anouncement these guns are quite popular. i know where there is one for sale just under $900 i was thinking of purchasing it and putting it away for a year or two to see what the market does.
I bought my Winchester express Rifle in 1999 for $625.I just saw one on gunsamerica sell for $1700.I found another one for $969 the other week should have bought it.You should see how much some model 94s have gone up.I bought 4 25-35s in trails end hunters for $440 each they are selling for up to $1450.I think all Winchester model 70s and 94s will go up except some of the less popular wssm and wsm calibers.Even a 30-30 94 is hard to find nib for under $400 these days.
Just prior to the Winchester closing announcement, dealer cost for the Safari Express was approx. $800. A major supplier just received a shipment of these rifles and I had the pick of the litter. Approx. 2 weeks after the announcement, every last one of those rifles were gone!