Went to the range yesterday.. shooting both 58 call kodiak doubles, the mexican mauser in 458 winnie (yes, mexican mauser..how? i cheated) with a featherweght sotck and a cz barrel, and the 376.. GREAT times...
I picked up a VERY short necked 308... turned it over... chuckled... and then picked up 19 mores of them.
very short necked 308?
some idjit was shooting 300 savage in a 308... shouler was perfect.. neck was about .200"
I wanted to come out and shoot with some of you guys but late very day last week and didn't get any loading done, didn't matter rings for my 416 didn't come in anyway, hope they will be in some thing this week.
As far as idiots at the range, 300 savage in 308 was pretty wild. Buddy of mine swore a guy was shooting 300 wby's in win mag, I said no way the bolt would close, he swore the guys was getting bolt closed, the guy asked my buddy why the bolt was so hard to close and open. He noticed he had a mdl 70 and looked at the Wby factory ammo and figured something was wrong. He said he just shoting the bullets they sold him when he bought the gun.
Just think.........some of those idiots handload
Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003
I saw a couple of guys last year looking at their empty cases and having a discussion, so went over to see what their problem was. they were shooting I believe a 7.65 Argentine Mauser that obviously had been converted to .30-06, shoulder was mostly gone like the guys who were shooting the .300 Savage in a .308.
Posts: 2788 | Location: gallatin, mo usa | Registered: 10 March 2001
quote:Originally posted by Gringo Cazador: jeffeosso
I wanted to come out and shoot with some of you guys but late very day last week and didn't get any loading done, didn't matter rings for my 416 didn't come in anyway, hope they will be in some thing this week.
As far as idiots at the range, 300 savage in 308 was pretty wild. Buddy of mine swore a guy was shooting 300 wby's in win mag, I said no way the bolt would close, he swore the guys was getting bolt closed, the guy asked my buddy why the bolt was so hard to close and open. He noticed he had a mdl 70 and looked at the Wby factory ammo and figured something was wrong. He said he just shoting the bullets they sold him when he bought the gun.
Just think.........some of those idiots handload
Scary thought..........some of those idiots will (or already) have children - hopefully they can ready the instructions on those small, flat packages containing the round object commonly sold in pharmacies
Posts: 1300 | Location: Alaska.USA | Registered: 15 January 2002
One day at the range last year, a couple of guys showed up with a brand new muzzle loader. The one guy loaded it up and proceeded to squeeze one off. The only thing that happened was that the powder in the pan touched off, but the rifle didn't fire. Next the idjit goes and starts to put another load on top of the one still in the barrel. When I stopped him, he and his buddy just gave me a dirty look before putting the muzzle loader back in their car and leaving.
A friend and I were at a gun store last year, he was looking at some once fired Rem .300 Win Mag brass. He took it to the counter to buy it and opened the box. Apparently someone had fired those .300 Win's in a Weatherby chamber they had almost no neck and a double radius. Obviously, my buddy changed his mind about buying. He showed to the owner of the store. The owner sometime after we left put them back out on the floor and to my knowledge they still sit there. Sean
Posts: 537 | Location: Vermont | Registered: 04 March 2001
I have to admit ,I was guilty of a similar thing years ago. I was using a sporterized .303 and a freind was using a 30-30. I fired two shots which didnt sound the same and I,m not sure where they hit. When I gathered the cases up ,I thought jeeze ,it blew the neck of. Then my freind turned the cases over and found out I had fired two of his 30-30 cases in my 303. We kept the cases VERY separated after that.
Before I got into police work I worked at a public range as an RO and actually watched a guy load 38 spl wadcutters into a 45ACP 1911 Colt (I thought he actually had a Colt Target that shot .38 spl wadcutters, even though they are somewhat rare). The guy had a little difficulty getting the round chambered and after I heard the strange 'pop' instead of the loud "POP" and the gun jammed, I walked over to help him. I pulled out the strangest looking blown out 38 spl case from a 1911 45ACP.
I still have that case!
I have lots of hair-raising stories from that place, but that one is just funny