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Just read a little blurb about this beauty on Mike Vanderboegh's Sipsey Street Street Irregulars Blog. From Anzio Iron Works, it's a 20mm rifle. Comes in single-shot or magazine fed versions. Mag fed version starts at $12K.

And here's one in a lighter camo scheme with a 26" version of the same company's .50 cal for comparison.

(Hard to believe anything could make a.50 cal look small, isn't it?)

And finally here is a comparison of the ammo for this beast compared to other popular rounds.
From left to right: .223, .338 lapua, 50BMG, 20MM Vulcan.

Get 'em while they're hot, gents only $12K a copy. At that price they can't stay in stock long.

Question for you boys (and girls, too, Anne?). Wonder what one of those puppies'd do to a cape buffalo? Or a Rhino? Hippo? African bull elephant? I figure one of us who caught one would be splattered all over a half-acre.


A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left.
(Ecclesiastes 10:2 New American Standard Bible)
Posts: 1400 | Location: Southeast San Antonio, TX | Registered: 05 August 2011Reply With Quote
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how much is the single shot version
Posts: 973 | Location: Rapid City, SD | Registered: 08 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Oh, don't be silly!
Don't settle for anything less than a 30mm.
Here is the short version for the chaingun mounted underneath the nose of the Apache chopper in the background,
headspaces on a belt like a fat .458 WinMag with a fancy crimp:

30mm Long version next to the pipsqueak 20mm:

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Since your obliviously under gunned, you will have to rely on marksmanship. Dave
Posts: 2086 | Location: Seattle Washington, USA | Registered: 19 January 2004Reply With Quote
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To add to the thread, have a look at this lot:

The rifle is a 14.9 SOP:

To give some scale to the bullet:

More info here:
Posts: 2848 | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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And to think I have taken my life in my hands these many years. Why, what I have been shooting can't be fit for gophers. Eeker

Have gun- Will travel
The value of a trophy is computed directly in terms of personal investment in its acquisition. Robert Ruark
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As nopride2 said, don't forget your marksmanship with that smallbore also.
Shoulder fired?
.587/1690gr GSC SP at only 1600 fps, supersonic past 5000 yards?
Why such a slow MV?
The much handier 12GaFH 3.85" can beat the foot-pounds but not the trajectory.
Marksmanship, marksmanship, marksmanship!

More from their blog page:

Disclaimer: This rifle and cartridge are not for sale in any form to the public, this project is for testing only as a sporting rifle for extreme range target shooting.

What happens when you take a 30-06 Springfield cartridge and neck it down to .270″? You get a new cartridge called the 270 Winchester, both great cartridges with different uses. Now imagine taking a 20mm Vulcan case and necking it down to 14.9mm. Put a super aerodynamic bullet in it and you have a new Ultra Long Range cartridge. That is the heart of the 14.9 SOP, to reach out past 2000 yards for interdiction of targets beyond the range of existing rifle systems.

The current record for a long range hit is 2700 yards, give or take. This was done with a 338 Lapua Magnum cartridge, if we asume the bullet was a Berger 300g hybrid leaving the rifle at 2800 fps we get the following results. According to my ballistics software this bullet was in the air for about 5.2 seconds and arrived at it target with about 670 ft-lb of energy. If there was a 10 mph crosswind it would have drifted 400 inches as it flew. What an incredible shot! Now if that shooter had a 14.9 SOP rifle here is what he would have seen. Time of flight 3.2 seconds, energy 15498 ft-lb (more than 50 BMG at the muzzle), and 103 inches of drift. To see the same drift as the 338 at 2700 yards you have to shoot the 14.9 SOP 4900 yards! Would this cartridge make that 2700 yard shot a lot easier? You bet it would!

Enjoy the pictures!

New brass ready to fireform, thanks to the great folks at Warner Tool Company (

The huge 2 inch die that forms the cases!

I wonder how long the cheater bar is on their press? hilbily
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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too bad the 20mm counts as a class 3 destructive. I would love to have one.

Used to be bigdoggy700 with 929 posts . Originally registered as bigdoggy 700 in July 2006.
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The first shot was only 1600fps. The guy who did the captions probably did not understand what is going on. To be supersonic at 5000, it needs a mv of around 3000fps. The goal is 3200fps and, the last I heard, they were developing at around 2800 with very reasonable pressure. Propellant has apparently been an adventure.
Posts: 2848 | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the correction.
Saved me some confusion and calculating: What is your BC estimate for that Harpoon-of-a-Bullet? GSC HB?
(Four-O-Eights incoming from Michigan!)
Hey! Just for varmints and plinking with the grandchildren, this 14.9 SOP will be the cat's meow.
Underkill still has its use.

About that powder: Triple Seven Pellets or charcoal briquets?

"Opps, I bumped a case over during loading and spilled some powder! At least its easy to clean up!"

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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.587/1690-grain GSC SP: at 3,350 fps, BC is calculated at 2.169 holycow
2275 fps: BC = 1.900
1200 fps: BC = 1.364 (3 miles downrange)

Interesting little cartridge. tu2
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Id I could pack one of those big babies all day in the hot African heat for buffalo, I wouldn't need a gun, I'd just break the SOBs neck and pack him back to camp on my back..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Only a MAN would NEED to be killed from a distance
of 5K yards. And may such a man always be an enemy
of the the righteous...

D/R Hunter

Correct bullet placement, combined with the required depth of bullet penetration, results in an anchored animal...

Posts: 997 | Location: Florida - A Little North of Tampa  | Registered: 07 August 2012Reply With Quote
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I have one of the Anzio guns. It is chambered in the 20/50 and 20mm. Going to eventually build a 30mm barrel for it as well. Unfortunately they are not in production any more. Probably less than 20 floating around. I did a lot of the initial testing on the 20/50. I used a 1200 grain bore rider projectile. Pressures were nasty as I got velocity to 3300. Unfortunately I made a stupid mistake and the chamber is now egg shaped. Gun is a ton of fun to shoot.
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Bigdoggy2bore you can shoot mine if I can shoot yours
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the 20mm vulcan is actually a fairly small 20mm too. The heyday of the 20mm was the antitank rifle era between ww1 and ww2, before tank armor got too tough for anything shoulder fired. For real size in this class check out 20mm Lahti, 20mm Hispano, the solothurn 2 and probably the biggest of all the 20mm Madsen.

As a side note I think accuratereloadings bigbores still have the title. Ed Hubels 4 bore nitro running at full stretch would give them a run for their money Wink
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As a former Across The Course high power shooter, I think I would have trouble with the standing-offhand shooting.
Am guessing I would need to lean way-way back to compensate for the weight of that rifle.

Bob Nisbet
DRSS & 348 Lever Winchester Lover
Temporarily Displaced Texan
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If I hit anything at 5000 yards the first thing that would drop would be my jaw!

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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If it only takes 5 degrees of elevation to get 1500 yards with a 12-pound iron ball and 4 pounds of black powder, 45 degrees of elevation ought to get you well past 5000 yards. Wink

Here is the real deal British cannon built before 1812:

Lined up on a little car on the shore of Lake Ontario:

Touch hole, serial number, and maybe a year of production 1810?:

Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Karl:
the 20mm vulcan is actually a fairly small 20mm too. The heyday of the 20mm was the antitank rifle era between ww1 and ww2, before tank armor got too tough for anything shoulder fired. For real size in this class check out 20mm Lahti, 20mm Hispano, the solothurn 2 and probably the biggest of all the 20mm Madsen.

As a side note I think accuratereloadings bigbores still have the title. Ed Hubels 4 bore nitro running at full stretch would give them a run for their money Wink

The older 20mm cartridges are larger but don't reach nearly the pressure of the Vulcan round. The lahti is only about a 2800fps round where the Vulcan is a 3300 FPS round. The Hubel 4 bore is awesome for a light gun but a 60,000 psi Vulcan is really hard to touch with any gun under 80 pounds. Also there is no way you are going to get 5000 yard accuracy out of the factory Vulcan round. Unfortunately you are looking at about 2 MOA. It is a great anti material gun but no sniper rifle. That being said custom bullets could be made and I am sure the range and accuracy could be extended but no way 5k yards.
Posts: 118 | Location: arizona | Registered: 24 March 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RIP:
Oh, don't be silly!
Don't settle for anything less than a 30mm.
Here is the short version for the chaingun mounted underneath the nose of the Apache chopper in the background,
headspaces on a belt like a fat .458 WinMag with a fancy crimp:

30mm Long version next to the pipsqueak 20mm:

Now you are talking my language! Cool

Posts: 876 | Location: Colorado Springs | Registered: 01 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Curious, ignorant one here. Not ignorant about exterir ballistics, but know jack shit about this big stuff. At some point we transition form shoulder-held, to maybe jeep-mounted, to field gun, etc. Tanks rifles, howitzers, etc. all must comply with the basic laws of ballistics.

Question: What levels of accuracy are expected, obtained in this fancy hardware? Thanks in advance to US Military guys who know their shit. (We could get into aiming systems later.)
Posts: 2827 | Location: Seattle, in the other Washington | Registered: 26 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by anonymousbob:
Originally posted by Karl:
the 20mm vulcan is actually a fairly small 20mm too. The heyday of the 20mm was the antitank rifle era between ww1 and ww2, before tank armor got too tough for anything shoulder fired. For real size in this class check out 20mm Lahti, 20mm Hispano, the solothurn 2 and probably the biggest of all the 20mm Madsen.

As a side note I think accuratereloadings bigbores still have the title. Ed Hubels 4 bore nitro running at full stretch would give them a run for their money Wink

The older 20mm cartridges are larger but don't reach nearly the pressure of the Vulcan round. The lahti is only about a 2800fps round where the Vulcan is a 3300 FPS round. The Hubel 4 bore is awesome for a light gun but a 60,000 psi Vulcan is really hard to touch with any gun under 80 pounds. Also there is no way you are going to get 5000 yard accuracy out of the factory Vulcan round. Unfortunately you are looking at about 2 MOA. It is a great anti material gun but no sniper rifle. That being said custom bullets could be made and I am sure the range and accuracy could be extended but no way 5k yards.

The vulcans 3300fps is with a very light for caliber bullet, 1400grains from memory. The bigger 20mms often hit higher energies with longer and much heavier bullets, 2000gns+. Especially the dutch madsen, Japanese 20mm , and second Solothurn version were running high pressures since way back and beat the pants off the Vulcan. Some versions were using lower pressures yes like the original Solothurn, barely beating 12.7mm-15mm class guns.

No argument the Vulcan is the better choice due to brass, reamer availability etc.

Funnily enough Eds 4 bore nitro on a heavy gun I think we estimated gets to 40,000 ftlbs(over Vulcan and many 20mm guns power) .It would need to be another 80-100lb cannon Wink
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Having owned 20mm lahti, 20mm solothurn, 20mm oerlikon, 20mm Carl Gustav, 20mmx82 151, 20x102 and a few 20mm wildcats I can say the 20x102 is the king with 1500 to 1800 grain at 3300 to 3400 respectively The Madsen is an 1800 grain at 2700. We have rechambered the lahti to shoot the Vulcan round but had to download it so it would not blow the gun.

Edd's 4 bore is a blown out 20mmx102 Vulcan case. If he had a gun that could handle 60,000 of course it would be more powerful. I have a 25x102 based off a Vulcan case and a short 30mmx90 case that can both theoretically hit stupid foot pounds of energy if I had a heavy enough gun. But at what point do you go from shoulder fired to artillery.
Posts: 118 | Location: arizona | Registered: 24 March 2010Reply With Quote
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The Tsar gun, 35" caliber:

I think that is a "Enough gun"?

Posts: 1134 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 28 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Capable of 5000 yards? yuck
The powder charge that one could handle would be decidedly "under-bore" for caliber.

World's biggest horizontal mortar? shocker
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Well with sabots...

Posts: 1134 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 28 December 2003Reply With Quote
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