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416 taylor project Login/Join
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I'm giving serious consideration to having one of these built and am curious as to what rifle would be good for a conversion ie: 338 300 win mag or do I have to use a .458 for the conversion? I guess what I really need to know is what size breechface do I need?
Thanks and sorry if this is a stupid question but it is my first foray into a bigbore rifle
Posts: 20 | Location: Warsaw, IN | Registered: 16 August 2003Reply With Quote
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coincidentally, all you mention have the same boltface size and are designed to operate in the same length action. Thus any would suffice.
Posts: 4871 | Location: Lakewood, CO | Registered: 07 February 2002Reply With Quote
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z1r is right. I have been considering one as well, but so close in performance to 458win (which is I have, kinda) that not sure it is worth doing. Same case, will function on a standard length action.

Seems like lots of guys on the group have Taylor's, and you might want to get one of them to tell you where you can get correct headstamped brass, I hear it is available now too.

Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I've got a .416 Taylor but I doubt I will ever buy headstamped brass for it unless it comes down to the same price as the 458 Win Mag brass.
Posts: 700 | Location: Wallis, Texas | Registered: 14 October 2002Reply With Quote
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if you can find a mauser, springfield, or winnie with crf, jump on it... but the savage 110 in any mag, with a midway barrel, will get you into 416 game....

quality cart is about 2 bucks eacg....

458 winmag is if fiddie cents....

I am shooting my cz barreled 458, on a mexican mauser, in a featherweight stock is coming along well..... I'll be shooting it again in the am.

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Jeffeosso, like I said I'm not that familliar with rifles but your savage idea interests me, So if I have it right I can buy a savage 110 in 300 winchester mag which my local dealer has a left handed one in stock, and put a midway barrel on it? as in Midway reloading? Could you share some more details about midway barrels?
Thanks Eric
Posts: 20 | Location: Warsaw, IN | Registered: 16 August 2003Reply With Quote
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you didn't mention you are left handed, so yeah, not a bad idea.. and will falt whallop deer and hogs

Yep.. to go on the cheap... i know my friends will cring but...

that's all you gotta go.. and have your barrel plumber screw it on..

$158 for the barrel

100 to mount and blue it..

lee dies

24 for 50 458 winmag brass

and the rest you should own or can buy....

FEDERAL 215 primers
hornady SPs


[ 08-16-2003, 06:53: Message edited by: jeffeosso ]
Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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thanks for the info I do believe this is the route I'll go.
Posts: 20 | Location: Warsaw, IN | Registered: 16 August 2003Reply With Quote
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I was originally going to go the 'Savage 110/Midway setup' route when I first got the .416 Taylor bug......jeffeoso actually offered to help build it! I ended up buying a complete rifle (VZ24 action, 25" Pac-Nor barrel & Bell & Carlson Medalist stock) from a member here on the forum. This rifle is shooter! If you like big bores you will really like the Taylor.

If you go the Savage route I strongly suggest you spend some time and reinforce the stock if you get wood......this dude has some thump to it!

jeffe......458 FEATHERWEIGHT!!!!! this I gotta see!
Posts: 700 | Location: Wallis, Texas | Registered: 14 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Hey Buddies...

Shot the featherweight 458... it's 8.5, and should make it to 8 with a swap pads and cut the barrel down to 20 or so....

just shooting 385 hard lead GCs, with a healthy does of rl-7 (which says SMALL rifle powder..harhar)

i think it's about 2300... but i haven't bothered checkin it... i'll try some rem 405 SP... just BOMBS over 1800fps...

had a good day at the range, couple really nice off hand groups at 50... one was subinch, but i think i pulled the last shot into the same hole... lord knows I can't shoot.

Posts: 41052 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
I've got RCBS dies and a Midway (Adams and Bennett Barrel) - both new. Send me a P.M. and I'll think of a price for both if you're interested...?

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