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450 Ackley magnum Login/Join
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I am thinking of having one built.
Lets hear some pros and cons.
Also what action would you use.

[ 01-24-2003, 10:34: Message edited by: 35nut ]
Posts: 358 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 15 March 2001Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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It's the same thing as a lott, and the lott is now a "factory" gun. You can have a ruger, when it comes out, with everything you can desire, except a custom stock, for about $1400 after the first production run. Which, if you had a smith make you a rifle with a quarter rib, banded sights, express rifle that feed, it's pretty close to even.

But, to answer your question, I would use either mod 70 in 375hh or such, and rebarrel/reblue. This would be around $400-500 bucks over the price of the m70...

a cz safari in 300 win would be $500, plus barrel. (and then I would have to restock/resafety)

You could do a 450 rigby on the cz, based of the 416, for $100 more

Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of Paul H
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It has slightly more capacity then the 458 lott, but not enough to make any difference in performance. The downside is dies will be more exspensive, if you use 458 win mag ammo in a pinch, it will be at a loss of performance, and you won't have factory ammo as you would for the 458 lott.

If I was building one right now, I'd get a CZ 550 458 win mag and have it re-chambered. If I was waiting a year, I'd get the Montana Rifle co PH action when it comes out. If I had more $, and was building it right now, I'd use the Dakota action.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I have a .450 Ackley on a Winchester's marginally better than the Lott but only by about 30-40 fps with the 500 grain slug. My choice was largely based upon the fact that I already had the dies and chambering reamer for the Ackley.

Lee Martin
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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I have two, one on a M700 and the other on a pre-64 M70. The pre-64 M70 is the nicer gun. Feeding and ejection are flawless. The Cartridge is excellent and easy to handload for. Beacuse of the parralel neck it's probably a better cartridge for shooting cast bullets. I can easily get a true 2400 fps with a 500 gr bullet from mine. I never, ever, saw that out of a 458 Lott. As others have said the Lott has the advantage of properly headstamped cases if thats important to you. Damn fine round!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I think I will wait for the Montana Rifle actions. I had a chance for a Lott a few years ago. That is what got me started looking into the Ackley mag. I have a 460 Weatherby but want the Ackley also.
Posts: 358 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 15 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Another vote for the 450 Ackley. Every joe will soon have a 458 Lott so there is nothing special about it anymore. On the hand, the 450 Ackley is one of a kind and it can also be treated like a Lott if nessesary. Good luck.
Posts: 1002 | Location: Midwest USA | Registered: 01 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nitroman
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How about the .450 Watts. This is the Lott 0.05" longer (2.850" case). Exactly like the Lott, just longer. Since the .450 Ackley has a small shoulder in it I would be reluctant to fire a .458 round through it.
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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35nut - I've got a 450 ackley on an enfield action, shoots nice with various bullets to include cast performance 460 grain gc - mine has a 23.5" barrel, blued with wood stock, quick detach scope mount - nothing fancy and very functional, weight of 10.5 lbs - really, it could probably be 9.5 lbs and not kick "hard" - max load with good accuracy has been ww748 with the 500 grain hornady, slightly over 2400 fps - KMule
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