Just got back from the range, shooting the beast, after sights, tuning the trigger (still bad), and ejector... oh, yeah, and 2# o'lead!!
Feels like a 458 winnie!!! I shot 4 groups (well, 5, but that was off hand), first 2 groups got the sights on, about 2.5" at 25yards... yeah, I said 25.... and then 2 3 shot groups, 4 in the bull, 2 touching it... about 2"
oh, yeah, and using the good ole benchrest techinique!!
happiness is pissing off a bunch of sks weinies spraying brass all over each other.... and making smaller groups!!! I warned them that they REALLY should put in their ear plugs..... LOL
next stop, 100 grains of rl15 with hawk 535s and 95 grains with Fritz's 550 solids
Shooting a big bore at 25 yards is a little scary for me, at least at our local range. Every time I try a new load with either my 450 Rigby or 450 Ackley at 25 yards, I usually get something thrown back at me from the back stop. I am getting used to it now but I try to shoot them big bore at 50 yards if I can. Sometimes, it is more convient to check out a new load quickly at a 25 yard range. Have fun!
Posts: 1002 | Location: Midwest USA | Registered: 01 September 2001
Jeffe, you are really nuts, don't you realize how cold and windy it is. I was going to try to shoot this weekend but started getting my Walnut ready for the new gun cabinet I'm building, tomorrow the wife insists we go to the Home and Garden show at Reliant.
Good shooting!
Posts: 1242 | Location: Houston, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002
It's better when they're shooting a .22, though...just go up and dump a mag full of .50AE...gets their attention! A big-bore would be oh-so-much more fun, though! Can't wait to get mine!
Then I'll just have to find some people shooting .22s at the range
You had the same idea I did. Didnt shoot as much as you as a few feet of snow must melt so I can bench shoot. Going to shoot a few more 458lott rounds today. The oldest boy wants to try it also. Now Im thinking about building my own. Is there a decent book out to get you going. I have built muzzleloaders from scratch just starting with a barrel and blank. Also am restocking a 30-06 springfield now. Dean
I can relate So far I've only fired mine once. The 14-20 gr of unique under the 470 gr cast for 950-1150 fps was just plain fun. The 100 gr of Varget under 535 and 600 gr cast for 2250 and 2200 fps was also fun, in a different way. Since the gun wasn't bedded, the full patch loads didn't group.
I fired all shots off the bench. The stock used to hold a 9# 458 lott, which was brutal off the bench. The heavier 500 Jeffrey had a larger push, but no jab. All I used was a past pad on the shoulder, no bruising, just a little sore for a few days afterwords. I did have to pick up the forearm rest after each shot though, as I guess I moved back upwards of 1 foot in recoil.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
Yeah, it is fun to upset the Rambos. I like putting the .450 Rigby on the bench, fiddling around with my "shooting jacket" and stuff and then opening the ammo box. I've seen guys take a step sideways just looking at them stogies. Then offer them a chance to shoot it offhand. nyuck, nyuck, nyuck!
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001
I have a mother and sister who like to do target shooting occasionally with a 22 and 38 and I hope they will not run into you guys at the range. This is not really funny, as I am sure nobody would want his or her lady family members to be scared by some joker at the range who wants to show off.
Posts: 1002 | Location: Midwest USA | Registered: 01 September 2001
quote:Originally posted by Mingo: I have a mother and sister who like to do target shooting occasionally with a 22 and 38 and I hope they will not run into you guys at the range. This is not really funny, as I am sure nobody would want his or her lady family members to be scared by some joker at the range who wants to show off.
So, if you have a BIG bore, you're supposed to go shoot when no one else is there?
I believe Jeffe gave fair warning of what he was about to do.
Posts: 2206 | Location: USA | Registered: 31 August 2002
Shot about a 3" (14 shots) group at 25, off the bench, with several "same holes", irons sights, at a poorly lighted range... Fritz's bullets are the STUFF, men... I shot 6 of them withint 1.5"!!!!! the other 8 where hawk 535s. I had 15 total, but the first one was at an old target, while I waited for the cease fire...
Benchresting a 500 jeffe
loads, btw, where still mild, 100 gr rl15 with the hawk 535 and 95 gr rl15 with the 550 fritz/jeffe... both AROUND 2075, and they hi in the same group. The fritz load FINALLY made the brass make a sharp shoulder.... But the gun is still BOOM, not CRACK... but way way way less flash than you would think... So I still have room to grow (my recoil) jeffe
quote:Originally posted by CZ 550: In the event that they do come to the range with something bigger than I have there's really only one feasible solution. Get one bigger than theirs.
500 jeffe update... (don't use this data) 105gr rl 15, 535 hawk bullets 2257fps 97 gr rl 15 550 fritz bullets 2208 fps
Fritz's bullets, in Richard's hands, are shooting sub inch, off hand, at 50 yards. MY shooting is 5" at 50, off hand, but more like 2" on the bench, with 2 touching and a flyer...
Talking with Dave at CH4d on my dies.. I am getting the crushed shoulder when I try to crimp... I'll figure it out..
On the mag box, if I do the 3 rounds taped together, I wind up with a diameter greater than the OUTSIDE width of the receiver... So, back to the drawing board.. BTW, the winchester 416 follower (i bought one) looks like it will work well.
I had to move the sight base back 1.4", to get the height... I must of missed something...
it's coming right along, and now I am going to work on the mag and feeding... may god have mercy on my soul.
Jeffe- Wisner made some mag boxes for the Enfield for the 505 gibbs. Those dimensions aught to work pretty closely for the 500 Jeff ( except for length of course). Give him a call. Last time I looked, there seems like there should be lots of room. Worst case, build a single stack mag.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
jefeosso This might solve your crimping problem. I seat bullets and crimp in two operations. first screw the die up so it does not crimp. Adjust the seater to seat the bullets to the desired depth. Then screw the seater stem up so it does not touch the bullet. Adjust the die down to get the desired crimp, and lock the lock ring in place. The next time you load place something under the lock ring as you screw the die into the press, I usually use an allen wrench. This way the die will not crimp while you are seating the bullets. I adjust the seater to the desired seating depth, seat all of my bullets, then screw the seating stem up, remove the allen wrench, screw the die down and crimp my loads. I have never "crumpled" a case and all of the crimps are perfect.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002
450, thanks, and I actually read you doing it that way in another post, and thought, hey, even if the neck was wrong, I can do that. Didn't work so i am talking to Dave, and will be sending him the seater back..
I've been reading Wiser's article on this, and I think I am within 2 hours of having it right.. it feeds 3 down, right now, and with just a LITTLE work, I might make it to 3+1
thanks guys.. more info later.. I am tired of looking at my poor ugly enfield today!!!
jeffeosso You must be right, I have used this technique with several sets of dies and it always works with no problems. When you get the kinks worked our you need to bring that 500 on Rusty's hog hunt.... We just might let some "bolt rifle trash" hunt with us.... You will have to clear it with Rusty and 400 Nitro.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002
CH4D's seater dies are f/u'd. On mine it would not seat a bullet properly, as the "throat" was .505" due to a very poor surface. Apparently they drill and tap the top of the die for the seater stem after they ream the body of the die, and during the process, they can score the "throat". You'd think for $150 set of dies they would use a check gauge to see if the die would function.
Also, the dies apear to be too long to provide a crimp. On my die, the shell holder bottoms out before any sort of crimp is formed. I've thought of grinding off the die body, but they may just result in crumpled cases What I've been doing is using a 50-70 seater that is modified, and it makes for a nice crimp.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
Could you give use the particulars about the stock on your 500 Jeff. Who made it? What grade is it? What style is it? What was the cost? What did you use to bed it with?
Posts: 370 | Location: Anchor Point, Alaska | Registered: 03 July 2002
jeffeosso, I too was wondering if your 500 jeffe was a 500 Jeffery or a wildcat of your own? Did you go with the 500 J rebated rim or something else?
Glad to hear that you are having a "ton O' fun"...or should that be three "tons O' fun" at the muzzle?
Jeff Pfeifer
PS: Wisner's Enfield 505 Gibbs bottom metal is too long according to Jim...He said that someone was going to use it with the 500 Jeffery anyway and add a block to the front of the box.
Guys, it's a 500 jeffery, no changes.. on a p-17 action. The stock is a grade 5, so he says, american gunstocks, eng walnut, to my specs and I did all the rest. It's steel bedded from the front of the chamber, with 2 crossbolts, also bedded. the rear as a 3/32 or so clearance, and I have added 2# of lead to the wood.
the stock, "raw" was 200.. after bedding, lead, crossbolts and pad,and shipping, like 325?
if you are going to add a block, make sure you measure the cases, and block the REAR and Front... if that doesnt make sense, dont worry, it's not that critical.
It's actually the entire rear facing part of the action... behind the bolt release to the rear of the tang. the bottom of that is all steel bedded, but it's setup to allow (scarey) the stock to flex and or the action to slide rearward, and not allow for them to hit/impact and split the stock.
this isn't the only thing, as the front is steel bedded, and corssbolted.
Hey Duck, The 577 is a WHOLE NOTHER monster.. I was going to build a 585, which is somehting like 90% of a 577trex, and went and shot a friends 577 nitro again... decided that was beyound what I wanted... and then again, the 500 jeffe can be loaded to the same recoil levels.
It's stock design, practice, training, and load dev, i htink... and I also think the 500 jeffe is about the max i can master to shoot like a 416.
Seriously though, my 500 Jeffrey was more pleasant to shoot then my 458 lott, and both in the same stock.
You simply hold the rifle firmly, and move back with the shot, about 1' I think. The only downside was picking up the foreend rest and sand bags under the buttstock after every shot.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
Jeffe, my hat is off to you, and my back brace, shoulder pads, etc, etc. Damn that has to hurt. And on top of all that you are getting respectable groups.
Posts: 4917 | Location: Wenatchee, WA, USA | Registered: 17 December 2001