What is the MAX velocity with a .600 Nitro Express in a modern bolt action rifle with 900 grain bullets...? The .600 NE here on accuratereloading is a Heym Express and it has a 24" barrel. And it can shoot a 900 grainer at 2295 f/s. What velocity can be possible to get with a 28" barrel
I think that a .600 NE will have even more power than a .577 TYRANNOSAUR and with more bullet diameter. So the "Stopping power" will be better i think. And with a 900 grain Woodleigh soft nose bullet it will have a much bigger diameter than a 2-bore.
I have even been thinking of the 700 Nitro Express. The .700 NE here on accuratereloading have a short 23" barrel. I think that with a 28" barrel it could give good velocity even with the 1200 grainers. And with the 1000 grain bullet it will have MUCH more power than a .577 TYRANNOSAUR yeah yeah I know the 577 T-rex is on my brain all the time. But i am trying to get it away from my brain
It is good that Bertram make cases for both of .600 NE and .700 NE
But what action will take these 2 cartridges?
What do you think guys...?
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002
Overkill.- the .600 NE in the Heym boltrifle can drive a 900 grain bullet to 2400-2450 fps, even in a 24" barrel, so with a 25 or 26 " you'll probably see 2500+ fps on the chrono !!!
OK, I think you got something wrong there. You said "And with a 900 grain Woodleigh soft nose bullet it will have a much bigger diameter than a 2-bore." The .600 Nitro if converted to shotgun bore size would be more in the neighborhood of a 20 ga. The 2 bore is much bigger in diameter than the 600, albeit the 2 bore is not moving anywhere near as fast.
Going from memory, I think a 2 bore is 1.1 or 1.2 inch diameter.
If a 600 NE bullet doubled its diameter during expansion, it would be 1.240 inches. But that would be a momentary diameter, not a diameter maintained through the full depth of penetration in the flesh of game.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002
I don't think OK realises the 2 bore in one of its hunting roles used exploding projectiles, filled with fulminates I beleive. Now that's a wound channel.
[ 06-26-2002, 06:19: Message edited by: Karl ]
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